Friday, May 9, 2014

Make your choice: The World or The Way!

"If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." John 15:19 KJV

The world has crept into the Churches and taken on the appearance of disdain, compromise and unholiness. There is very little reverence when you come together to pray but a mixture of garbled voices that can be heard across the room while visiting one another. Instead of dressing in respect, there are shadows of Hollywood as if fashioning their latest wares for everyone and everything to be seen. Like Jeremiah once said, "Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them," says the LORD .Je. 6:15 NIV
Today's church has taken on the appearance of the world in so many ways that the flock has become desensitized to what is right and what is wrong. What is worldly and what isn't. 

Isn't it time to ask yourself as a believer a few questions? Why does the present day Church look, act and sound so much like the world?

Why does the church sound so much like the world? If you cannot tell the difference between the way the worldly music sounds and the Christian music sounds; something is wrong.  Why does the church act like the world? If believers are acting like the world, why should unbelievers be drawn to us; if we are not showing them anything different than they already have in their own lives?  Why does the church look like the world? Why are we compromising?  

There are a few Pastor's that are fed up with the immodesty and speaking out about it. Below is a note from one such Pastor:

Dressing for Worship

I am not about to establish a dress code for our worship services; but I abhor the casual, sometimes immodest attire that has become common in many places. In the house of God, attending the worship of God in the assembly of his saints, we ought to dress for worship, as people who take the worship of God seriously and come to the house of God respectfully. I know everything today is geared toward casual attire, because everything today is geared toward disrespect and utter disregard for others. Let us, out of reverence for our God, respect for one another, and the honor of the gospel of the grace of God, dress with some dignity when we come to the house of God. Do not over-dress, calling attention to yourself; and do not under-dress, showing a disregard for the worship of God. In the house of God especially, let us all adorn ourselves in “modest apparel.
Ladies, it is up to you to teach your daughters modesty and be that modest example that they need to grow and learn from. 

It is time to take a stand for holiness and be set a part from the things of the world. 

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