Monday, May 12, 2014

Time to get serious

                      Modesty is the Guardian of Chastity

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1Timothy 4:1

The world has crept into the Church. The world has crept into The Body of Christ and this Seducing Spirit has been accepted without so much as a whimper of protest from anyone because of desensitization. Our senses have become dulled to the Holiness of God. Are we gravitating closer to the world instead of the Holiness of God?

The Spirit of Fear has lied to those in charge saying: “You must be careful. Do not offend anyone. If you offend, they will leave the church!”

Women!  If we have been truly born-again; our life is to reflect the new creature we are in Christ, by the way we live, by our speech and by our modest dress. Instead, we have women in the church today reflecting the world. The hemlines of their dresses are up too far. The revealing cleavage that is displayed would test any good man’s temptation with lust. I ask: How many Christian men have lusted after a woman who comes to church baring all? If he is married, he has initially betrayed his wife by committing adultery in his heart and broken a commandment.

We know that the above scene is easy to find in a pub, but it has no business in a House of Prayer. Did not Jesus say that “My Father’s House is a House of Prayer?”
It is true, men are not made up in the same way as a woman, therefore they think differently; but are the same way in which we all know when we do something wrong. None of us get off the hook. We know when we are doing something right or wrong. 

What is the reason, unless we have ignored our conscience and no longer pay attention to that little voice? If that is the case, then; it is time to ask where I am living my life: In Christ or in the World?  And, whose voice are we listening to?
The world says: “Women can wear anything they wish. If a man lusts, that is his problem, not yours!”

But, what does God say with the issue?

I want women to show their beauty by dressing in appropriate clothes that are modest and respectable. Their beauty will be shown by what they do, not by their hair styles or the gold jewelry, pearls, or expensive clothes they wear. This is what is proper for women who claim to have reverence for God.  “ 1 Ti. 2:9, 10 GWT

If we are indeed a new creature in Christ:

Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!2 Co. 5:27 amp

Therefore, why are some not leaving the old creature? It is like refusing to metamorphosize into that gorgeous colorful butterfly that was once a caterpillar. Instead, many profess Jesus and to be born-again but refuse to give up the old life. This is like having one foot in the world and one foot in the gift of Grace. Do you know what happens? Unbalance, and when that occurs, you fall. Picture the caterpillar in the cocoon that refuses to emerge as a new butterfly!

I am talking about mainly the women in the flock who are not convicted to change. They see nothing wrong with the way they are representing themselves. Perhaps they have not become convicted to change because they have not grown in the Word.

We may live in the 21st century where immodesty and immorality abound but it doesn’t make it right. God’s word is faithful and for yesterday, today and tomorrow.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” He. 13:8 NIV

Jesus Christ doesn’t change. Therefore, neither does His word. His word was good yesterday, today and for tomorrow. If His word tells us that we are a new creature in Christ, the old man is supposed to be passed away; then it should be.  

We have heard the story about the frog that was placed in a pot of lukewarm water and the water heated up slowly and gradually he did not know he was being boiled to death. This is what the seducing spirit does. He insidiously comes into a life and courts by enticement. He works with many other spirits such as the lying spirit, a familiar spirit and a perverted spirit. He makes that person feel good; because after all, they have just been seduced.

Ladies of the church, take an inventory of how you are representing Christ in and out of the House of Prayer. If Jesus stood right in front of you, would you wear that dress? Would you speak and act the way you do? What would you change today? Change would not take away one ounce of your splendor, but on the contrary; add dimensions to your beauty.

God Bless You

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