Saturday, September 27, 2014

Morning Prayer

                                                          Good Morning Lord,

Thank you for touching our hearts. Thank you for your continual instructions and speaking to us all the time. Every time you speak to us we experience your love. Thank you for your mercy and truth. We thank you Holy Spirit for never leaving us.
Thank you for reminding us that The Kingdom of God is not in things. Not in meat or drink. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in The Holy Spirit. When we have the Righteousness of Christ; we have your confidence and your peace becomes our peace. Thank you for making us strong in you with your joy that fills us up every morning. Help us nurture The Kingdom of God that is within us with the fruit of your Spirit. Continue to direct our ways and put down all obstacles that try to hinder our way. We choose to keep our mind on you Father.
Thank you for giving us another day.
We pray in your son amen.

Monday, September 22, 2014

We all have assignments

The Spirit of Grace and Supplications

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants  of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. “ Zechariah 12:9-10 KJV

Every person has assignments given to them throughout their lifetime. Your assignments are in a direction connection of who you serve. Assignments are given from the Creator of light from a God of Love or the spirit of darkness that brings dissention and discord.  

David had an assignment to fight the giant Goliath. He overcame His fears through trusting God in faith and knowing that His Spirit went before Him. David had received God’s grace and became King.
Jonah had an assignment to warn the King and his people in Nineveh to repent or be destroyed in 40 days.  This Prophet of God did not want to go to the evil city of Nineveh and chose to run from his assignment. After being swallowed up by a fish and being vomited upon dry land; Jonah recognized God’s grace upon his life. The King and the people believed his message and turned from their evil ways.

Assignments abound!

John the Baptist had many assignments. He evangelized, paving the way for the coming Messiah and baptized Jesus that day as he entered into the ministry.
The Prophetess Anna and Simeon were assigned to arrive at the Temple for the purification of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.

There is no such thing as a small assignment. What may seem irrelevant to you has long reaching events in another’s life. The difference you make in someone’s life can depend upon your obedience today. The words that you speak into another’s heart can bring salvation, hope and joy into their lives. Our decisions today effect our generations tomorrow.  Picture yourself a vessel filled with the gentle persuasion of God’s Grace. I see God’s Grace being sprinkled all over the place through the obedience of the way we love others.

When someone speaks kindly to me, telling me that the prayer I lifted up made a difference in their lives A huge dam inside of me explodes with joy. I know I’m being obedient and fulfilling my assignment.

We are assigned to love and pray. Teach and hold each other accountable.

You may be asking yourself what is my assignment?

Examine yourselves and think about all those gifts and talents that you have inside of you. Now think about the ones that are the strongest.  These are the tools you are to use for your assignment.  Once you recognize your strongest tools; it will be time to ask God to reveal your assignment.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for our assignments. Help us be willing to go to assignment to assignment and see your hand upon our life. Open our eyes for us to see the tasks up ahead and prepare our hearts to follow through these assignments that you have mapped out for us. We thank you for this. We thank you for continually guiding and directing us, even when we are not thinking about it. We thank you for your continual presence in our lives. We are a blessed people.

Now, we lift up those who are reading this and ask that you would purposely touch back pains, leg pains, chest pains, knee pains, hand and wrist pains, headaches, foot aches and those unknown deep pains that we sometimes wonder about. Grace! Grace! Your glorious grace!! Thank you for continually filling us up with your Grace! We breathe in your Grace and breathe out your praise!

We ask that you would help that one who needs a new car. Help the one who is looking for a new place to live. Help and guide the one who is lonely and reveal to them that they are not alone. Help the one who desires to do a big work in your son’s name, give them direction and insight at the work place and to their assignment. We all agree.

We ask for mercy upon those who are seriously suffering physically. You know who they are Father. Strengthen each one and renew their minds, souls and bodies. We all agree in this and stand upon this Lord.
We lift up all of our beloved families and extended families: We ask that you would keep them surrounded by your angels as they go and come. Keep them safe, help them with their daily decisions and give them your understanding to deal with them your way. Help them to be producers of love everywhere they go. Help them with their assignments. 

We thank you father and pray in your son’s name Jesus ..amen


Friday, September 5, 2014


And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation. Hebrews 9:27,28.

Sweat was dripping off my nose and every time I blinked, the perspiration flew from my eyelashes reacting like windshield wipers. I couldn't wipe my nose or eyes off  because I had my gloves on and they were dirty. 

I was busy pulling weeds, pruning dead limbs and bushes and raking. My mind was swimming with those global big names we were all familiar with on TV and at the Box Office. Just recently Joan Rivers was here yesterday but gone today. From what I understand they induced her into a coma of which she never awakened.  Remember John Ritter of Three’s Company? His demise happened so fast, we are still spinning in circles and wondering how such a thing can happen so quickly. We woke up one morning and discovered that King Elvis had overdosed. Then, Michael Jackson was gone! Beautiful star Elisabeth Taylor gone! John Wayne. All those movie stars gone! Zing and Zap! Gone!

Then we have our military go abroad to fight and many never return.

That is how quick death can come. We in this life do not like to talk about death. The media is full of news about the medications that are supposed to extend our lives along with side effects of much suffering and pain. I firmly believe a society that does this is filled not only with greed but blindness to allow such things on the market. Everyone wants to avoid the inevitable.

Perhaps deep down inside; most of us really do believe that there is definitely life after this life!

I became aware that I am a living soul inside of the physical body that was given to me; a very long time ago. The connecting force of my life is the spirit that God has given to me to breathe in this wondrous place we call earth.  My spirit connects with God’s spirit and we are one when I move in His love.

Aside from all my spiritual haberdashery; one day we are here pulling weeds and the next our loved ones are planning our funeral. We just do not know what tomorrow will bring. I write, teach, prophesy, paint and design my garden and make plans for tomorrow; but am I completely ready in my heart to face that judgment and be held accountable for the things I did not do? For the days I did not say yes? For the times when I deliberately chose to be selfish? For the times when I could have forgiven quicker and loved?  

Love does. Fear does not.  They are not compatible!

While I was pulling my weeds I couldn’t help but wonder about Joan Rivers and where her heart was at the time she passed over? Did she have a forgiving heart? Did she accept Jesus as her Messiah; the one who sacrificed for her? Did she know him at all?

Our time here seems so fleeting. If there is one thing I am most certain of, above everything; it is for us to love. We are to love one another with everything that we have inside of us and then push through with faith and love them more! Love them when you do not understand them! Love them anyway! Love them in any way that you can love. Judging hearts is not up to us, we are to confound people with our love. Every time we love in the way Jesus loves, we move mountains and can walk on water! There isn't anything that we cannot do; as long as we are loving in the way we are supposed to love!

Think about what would happen if we love in the way we are called:

Churches would be bursting over with people! Everyone wants to be around people who do not just care, but LOVE.

There would be no judging, whispering, gossiping nitpicking junk because love stays quiet like a friend when the occasion arises.

Employers would give their employees raises. Employees would love back while improving their jobs.

Parents would be raising better children. This would be passed down into generations.

Instead of nation’s sending spies on one another, they would ask “let us help you with that.”

Leaders would sincerely mean “for the people.”

Love is more powerful than any war! It mends broken hearts when we forgive and tries to emphasize where the other person is coming from and gives slack when they make mistakes.  If a person demands perfection from another, then; they should be able to give it themselves.

Every time we choose to manifest love in some way, we are lifting a heart to be changed. We open a door for healing.

The only way we can make a permanent difference in our lives and those around us, is to love.

I challenge everyone who takes the time to read this to use your imagination and love in extraordinary measures! When you give in love, race to give outrageously with joy! When you sing, sing unto the Lord with joy! When you eat, eat with thankfulness and allow your heart to be over flowing with His love! When you hug, do it with enthusiasm and love; let that person know they are very important to you! If they are important to God, they must be important to us too, right?

Be a LOVE FACTORY! Be driven to love! A LOVE MACHINE with new and wild ideas! Write them down and follow them through. Get a love friend and do it together!

If we can follow through with love, then; we will have no regrets when we leave this earth and face the one on the Throne.