Monday, September 22, 2014

We all have assignments

The Spirit of Grace and Supplications

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants  of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. “ Zechariah 12:9-10 KJV

Every person has assignments given to them throughout their lifetime. Your assignments are in a direction connection of who you serve. Assignments are given from the Creator of light from a God of Love or the spirit of darkness that brings dissention and discord.  

David had an assignment to fight the giant Goliath. He overcame His fears through trusting God in faith and knowing that His Spirit went before Him. David had received God’s grace and became King.
Jonah had an assignment to warn the King and his people in Nineveh to repent or be destroyed in 40 days.  This Prophet of God did not want to go to the evil city of Nineveh and chose to run from his assignment. After being swallowed up by a fish and being vomited upon dry land; Jonah recognized God’s grace upon his life. The King and the people believed his message and turned from their evil ways.

Assignments abound!

John the Baptist had many assignments. He evangelized, paving the way for the coming Messiah and baptized Jesus that day as he entered into the ministry.
The Prophetess Anna and Simeon were assigned to arrive at the Temple for the purification of Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus.

There is no such thing as a small assignment. What may seem irrelevant to you has long reaching events in another’s life. The difference you make in someone’s life can depend upon your obedience today. The words that you speak into another’s heart can bring salvation, hope and joy into their lives. Our decisions today effect our generations tomorrow.  Picture yourself a vessel filled with the gentle persuasion of God’s Grace. I see God’s Grace being sprinkled all over the place through the obedience of the way we love others.

When someone speaks kindly to me, telling me that the prayer I lifted up made a difference in their lives A huge dam inside of me explodes with joy. I know I’m being obedient and fulfilling my assignment.

We are assigned to love and pray. Teach and hold each other accountable.

You may be asking yourself what is my assignment?

Examine yourselves and think about all those gifts and talents that you have inside of you. Now think about the ones that are the strongest.  These are the tools you are to use for your assignment.  Once you recognize your strongest tools; it will be time to ask God to reveal your assignment.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for our assignments. Help us be willing to go to assignment to assignment and see your hand upon our life. Open our eyes for us to see the tasks up ahead and prepare our hearts to follow through these assignments that you have mapped out for us. We thank you for this. We thank you for continually guiding and directing us, even when we are not thinking about it. We thank you for your continual presence in our lives. We are a blessed people.

Now, we lift up those who are reading this and ask that you would purposely touch back pains, leg pains, chest pains, knee pains, hand and wrist pains, headaches, foot aches and those unknown deep pains that we sometimes wonder about. Grace! Grace! Your glorious grace!! Thank you for continually filling us up with your Grace! We breathe in your Grace and breathe out your praise!

We ask that you would help that one who needs a new car. Help the one who is looking for a new place to live. Help and guide the one who is lonely and reveal to them that they are not alone. Help the one who desires to do a big work in your son’s name, give them direction and insight at the work place and to their assignment. We all agree.

We ask for mercy upon those who are seriously suffering physically. You know who they are Father. Strengthen each one and renew their minds, souls and bodies. We all agree in this and stand upon this Lord.
We lift up all of our beloved families and extended families: We ask that you would keep them surrounded by your angels as they go and come. Keep them safe, help them with their daily decisions and give them your understanding to deal with them your way. Help them to be producers of love everywhere they go. Help them with their assignments. 

We thank you father and pray in your son’s name Jesus ..amen


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