Saturday, September 27, 2014

Morning Prayer

                                                          Good Morning Lord,

Thank you for touching our hearts. Thank you for your continual instructions and speaking to us all the time. Every time you speak to us we experience your love. Thank you for your mercy and truth. We thank you Holy Spirit for never leaving us.
Thank you for reminding us that The Kingdom of God is not in things. Not in meat or drink. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in The Holy Spirit. When we have the Righteousness of Christ; we have your confidence and your peace becomes our peace. Thank you for making us strong in you with your joy that fills us up every morning. Help us nurture The Kingdom of God that is within us with the fruit of your Spirit. Continue to direct our ways and put down all obstacles that try to hinder our way. We choose to keep our mind on you Father.
Thank you for giving us another day.
We pray in your son amen.

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