Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Suffering. This word compiles a score of physical, mental and emotional pain. We cannot run from it nor deny it's existence. The very word tries and tests our faith. Some of us cannot bear to see others suffer and yet; there are those who have been awarded purple hearts when placing themselves in front of their brothers upon the battlefield, crying out from within: "TAKE ME INSTEAD!"

As I write, many can barely take that next breath. Then, struggling emotionally and mentally the crucial pain of overcoming an obstacle can run deep with anguish and disappointment; churning and churning from within their souls. The weakness that we walk through can be a very deep valley.

You may ask, "Do Christians really suffer this way?" Yes, and in so many more ways.

Every wounded solider in God's army has been crushed in combat. They are either going into combat or coming out. They know what it is like to be confronted with the enemy on every side. Every single arrow that has pierced our heart only makes it beat stronger! Obstacle courses sharpen our minds into the mind of Christ and if we seem to become trapped with no place to turn; we then look up into the light and it is with The Holy Spirit's Light that guides us the rest of the way!


When you see an uncompromising faithful believer and one who is strong, on fire for Christ and retained their zeal throughout their life; think about the combat they must have walked through to get there.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Father,
We are thankful we have you! We have you to call upon anytime of the night or day and we are assured that you hear us, see us and am forever looking into our hearts. You see our requests before we ask. We do not have to understand it all, but we can trust in you with every part of our being.
We lift up those who are inside of our hearts that are in the middle of suffering at this time. We ask that you would keep your hand upon them, keep their spirits up, refill them with the faith they need to fight in your son's name. We ask that you would re-strengthen their minds, their emotions and their bodies at this time. Renew and refill in all ways Lord. Recharge their energy, recharge their mindsets and recharge their hope. We ask that you refill them up with large large doses of your LOVE in every area of their lives. Let them see the hand of your love at every turn, outside, inside and all around. We thank you for this and pray in your son Jesus.
"Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you - guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." 2Timothy 1:14

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