Thursday, April 16, 2015

What IF?

What would it be like if all Christian prayer were outlawed? I guess I'd be an outcast or considered an outlaw because they would not be able to stop my prayers! God hears the deepest agonizing cries from our hearts and the sincerest whispers from our soul. Could it be, during this time of trials that an invisible thick cloak of heavy faith is gently wrapped around those who are determined to follow God instead of man? Is this a moment in time when His angels pull out their doubled edged swords and stand behind the plate we've just stepped upon? And when such life and death decisions are made, does heaven's cup pour out a glittery fine golden dust to beautify all those who love the Father? I picture a beautiful Bride dressed in white with a veil over her face. Each time she walks closer to be with the love of her life, a small portion of the gold dust drifts, into the air and finally settles upon the shed blood of our Savior.

Let's Pray:

Heavenly Precious Father,

You selected us! You knew us before the foundation of the earth! You saw us when we were formed in the womb! And, you have plans for our lives! Plans to give you praise and love and to learn as much as we can about you. You are Lord! Your love Can be seen in hands of your Creations. We see it when a baby is born! We see it when our military give their lives for us! We see it when a mother bear defends her young. Your love is holy, yet fierce. Your love supplies us with everything we ask that you would continually feed us the teachings of your love so we can turn, can give it to others.

We lift up our nation to you Father! Your word says:
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Thank you Father for the faith that you have given to us. We place this nation into your hands and place our trust in your ways. Wake up those who need to be awakened. Draw those closer who need to be drawn. Shelter those who need protection and we ask that you would give us all wisdom to know how to walk wisely through out the storm.
IN Jesus name

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