Sunday, April 12, 2015

Time to get out of your comfort zone

It seems that everything that tribulations bring we need. Tribulation brings Perseverance, Perseverance brings Proven Character and Proven Character gives Hope and hope will not disappoint us because we have the Love of God in our hearts! We as a nation need all of this. It is time to get courage, be bold and be strong in your belief! Fight that fight of faith and put down all fear and continue to resist the enemy.
If we have prayed for strength, we will go through hard times. If we have prayed for patience, your world will be rocked with things that will force you to wait! If you want to be a person of integrity and have a good will find out this will never take overnight. Hope! Fill your heart with God's word Hope can be filled with His joy.

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,
You are the God who gives the rain on the just and on the unjust. We are so thankful for the rain. Thank you. You are the God who sends us your peace and gives us comfort during times of grief. We thank you. You are the God who never leaves us, ever. Thank you Lord.
We ask that you would help your people become strong where they are weak, wise where there is a need and the motivation and zeal to speak of your glory, truth and love. Shake us where we are lulled with apathy and fill us up with the fire of your Holy Spirit! We are ready! We choose to be strong in your name.
In Jesus we pray

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