Saturday, October 31, 2015

A small chat of truth

What is on my mind? Mmmm. Well I do know that The Holy Spirit always works from the inside out and that we are not to be IN glory but to be His glory. And, that nothing, no not anything can take the love, joy and faith that I have found in Jesus (Yes, even after all these years! I'm still dancing in the Lord.). Be it earthquake, tornado, hurricane or terrorist. I am in Him as He is in me. This means that Jesus' prayer has come to pass so many times.

Jesus prayed: 

"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word:
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And, the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one, even as we are one:
I in them, and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved me.
Father, I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world. "
John 17:20-24
I would suggest to look up the last 2 verses if possible. 
Bless you all!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Peace #3

Have you ever taken a good look at an apple that you never ate? It gets all mushy and brown and ends up being discarded or put in the compost bin. 

Peace is like that. Peace is to be sought and grown from the Holy Spirit.    

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah says in 26:3

The only time we begin to worry is when we get our eyes off the Lord and on the world. We stop worshipping and trusting in the Lord and replace those things with fret. Fret is the opposite of God’s goodness and our faith begins to take a dip betraying our very thoughts. 

We have this promise though! 
As we keep our minds stayed upon our Heavenly Father, we have this perfect peace because we trust in Him with all of our heart. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You have shown us the way and told us so many times to walk in it and yet, we ask you to forgive us for getting so wrapped up in the things of the world that it takes away from your goodness we have stored up inside of us. Forgive us Lord. We choose to meditate upon your goodness. We choose to think upon how much higher your ways are, than our ways. We choose to trust in you within every inch of ourselves. We choose to remember every trial that you have already brought us through and you are a God who does not abandon or leave your loved ones. You are always here. You see the troubled hearts, the blind hearts, the seeking hearts and those who just want to draw closer to you; closer to your love. Today we embrace your love, we renew our hearts and minds in you and think upon your goodness.

In Jesus 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Recapturing His Peace #2

I believe that everything has to do with the way we’ve trained ourselves to think. While we are continually re-training ourselves to think upon good things we are blasted with the atrocities of those who are yet to be held accountable. Like Asaph of old, we are dismayed and our hearts become alarmed to see so many harmed by this injustice. Thus, we become angry with depression soon to follow and we begin to wonder why we feel this way? 

Because of where we are today, we stand unified in faith and choose to continue to seek and recapture our peace together.

Let’s please pray:

Heavenly Father,

You are a Holy God, a Righteous God, All knowing and Everywhere. It is YOU oh Lord who has given us The Fruit of the Holy Spirit and presently we are concentrating upon growing more Peace. Peace that no one will ever understand because it is a Holy Fruit from Your Spirit. Wash us by Your Spirit this morning and cleanse us from any stained and tainted thing inside of our hearts that hinders this growth of Peace. Wash us with the truth of your word and fill us completely up with this Peace. We choose to rest in your love, dwell in your safety and stay immoveable in our faith. If you are for us, who can be against us? One word from you can shatter all the evil upon the land. Together we are recapturing our Peace. We declare, together, we are your Army armed with your truth, power and love. 

Thank you Father. In Jesus we pray. amen. 

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and he delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.” Psalm 34:7-9

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Let's work together recapturing God's peace

Have you ever experienced or walked in the true peace of God? We won't get it by watching the news or listening to those who consume themselves with all of the troubles of today. I bet I could quickly list at least 25 issues in our nation alone that stir our hearts into anger! We get angry when we see godly men and women struck down by demonized individuals at every turn! We get angry when we see innocent lives taken continually AND we are funding it by our tax dollars. I won't go on, but; let's say a small prayer this morning. Ok?

Heavenly Father,

Above all, we have YOU! Above it all; we know that you are greater and wiser than any self righteous scheme that has been devised against your people. Above all, we praise you and say "Abba Abba Father." We are thankful. We ask that you would continue to expose all the darkness in our nation with the light of your truth and put a halt to all this violence, put a halt to all this perversion, this killing, these continued lies that call evil good and good evil. You have shown us how the line has thickened before us and we choose to make a stand for you. We choose to listen to your voice at this hour. We embrace the peace that only you can give us and trust in you completely.

In your Son's Name Jesus

Psa 4:8
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Time to pray and agree together

I firmly believe that as we nurture a heart of thankfulness, that the Holy Spirit will begin to rise up inside of us and dispel any fear that we’ve allowed to take root. Praise is the weapon of our warfare!

Will you join with me in prayer this morning?

Heavenly Father,

Please see our broken hearts Father. We cry out to you in one mind, one accord and in one agreement.
It is you who have taught us to be thankful to fight the good fight of faith. We will use what you have taught us “if God can be for us, who can be against us?” Over and again your Word talks about how; You go before your people and make a way for us and how you fight our battles.  You Oh Lord have taught us how to fight in the Spirit. We choose this day to stand up for your name and your righteousness, to be bold, strong and not be swayed by any spirit of fear, spirit of man, any lying spirits, seducing spirits, haughtiness or pride. We lean upon you and your truth and your great love.

We also choose this day to put down anything that comes between you and our walk. Anything that hinders our walk in you, Father; we will throw out.

Thank you Father.

Oh Heavenly Father

We lift up America’s young men & women who serve in the military. We request total safety for them in every base, at every post and duty they are serving. We plead the blood of Jesus would be over all their assignments. Every son, daughter, grandsons, granddaughters, brothers, sisters, spouses and many friends that are in harms way we ask that your giant cloud of protection be over them! That everywhere they go, your angels would surround them by night and day. We thank you for this Father.

We lift up our nation - America and we are thankful that you will be sending a Spirit of Repentance across this land! We thank you for the giant awakening that will soon burn across our land. We ask that hearts would be preparing now to help many cross over into their new life with Yeshua. Thank you for your strength and your guidance.

We thank you for the continual dreams and visions that you are giving to the enemy and turning their hearts to you Father. Have your way Oh Father.

Father, we ask your godly and angelic protection for all of our schools here in this land. Give those in charge, wisdom and knowledge to follow through on how to bring about this protection.
We lift up those families who have lost loved ones in terrorist shootings. We ask that you would send the Comforter to comfort their hearts and draw them closer to you. Send them godly messengers to listen to their cries and give a word of love. Help re-strengthen them at this time in their lives.  

Heavenly Father, we ask that you would send your angelic guardian’s over Israel and that nothing! Absolutely nothing evil would penetrate their land, homes, places of business, schools or hospitals. We agree together for safety! We speak SAFETY for Israel in every way upon all sides of that nation! We ask that the works of those who intend to do harm upon Israel would be foiled upon their own schemes.

I lift up the hearts of those who have taken the time to agree with me in this prayer and ask that you would strengthen their hearts and lift up their countenance, lift up their lives individually and speak to them in the ways they will be able to hear your voice and draw them closer to you. Give them the faith to overcome the obstacles that try to rob them of their joy.

We thank you for this Father.

We all ask and agree with all this in Jesus name.   Amen.
Thank you for praying with me.