Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Time to pray and agree together

I firmly believe that as we nurture a heart of thankfulness, that the Holy Spirit will begin to rise up inside of us and dispel any fear that we’ve allowed to take root. Praise is the weapon of our warfare!

Will you join with me in prayer this morning?

Heavenly Father,

Please see our broken hearts Father. We cry out to you in one mind, one accord and in one agreement.
It is you who have taught us to be thankful to fight the good fight of faith. We will use what you have taught us “if God can be for us, who can be against us?” Over and again your Word talks about how; You go before your people and make a way for us and how you fight our battles.  You Oh Lord have taught us how to fight in the Spirit. We choose this day to stand up for your name and your righteousness, to be bold, strong and not be swayed by any spirit of fear, spirit of man, any lying spirits, seducing spirits, haughtiness or pride. We lean upon you and your truth and your great love.

We also choose this day to put down anything that comes between you and our walk. Anything that hinders our walk in you, Father; we will throw out.

Thank you Father.

Oh Heavenly Father

We lift up America’s young men & women who serve in the military. We request total safety for them in every base, at every post and duty they are serving. We plead the blood of Jesus would be over all their assignments. Every son, daughter, grandsons, granddaughters, brothers, sisters, spouses and many friends that are in harms way we ask that your giant cloud of protection be over them! That everywhere they go, your angels would surround them by night and day. We thank you for this Father.

We lift up our nation - America and we are thankful that you will be sending a Spirit of Repentance across this land! We thank you for the giant awakening that will soon burn across our land. We ask that hearts would be preparing now to help many cross over into their new life with Yeshua. Thank you for your strength and your guidance.

We thank you for the continual dreams and visions that you are giving to the enemy and turning their hearts to you Father. Have your way Oh Father.

Father, we ask your godly and angelic protection for all of our schools here in this land. Give those in charge, wisdom and knowledge to follow through on how to bring about this protection.
We lift up those families who have lost loved ones in terrorist shootings. We ask that you would send the Comforter to comfort their hearts and draw them closer to you. Send them godly messengers to listen to their cries and give a word of love. Help re-strengthen them at this time in their lives.  

Heavenly Father, we ask that you would send your angelic guardian’s over Israel and that nothing! Absolutely nothing evil would penetrate their land, homes, places of business, schools or hospitals. We agree together for safety! We speak SAFETY for Israel in every way upon all sides of that nation! We ask that the works of those who intend to do harm upon Israel would be foiled upon their own schemes.

I lift up the hearts of those who have taken the time to agree with me in this prayer and ask that you would strengthen their hearts and lift up their countenance, lift up their lives individually and speak to them in the ways they will be able to hear your voice and draw them closer to you. Give them the faith to overcome the obstacles that try to rob them of their joy.

We thank you for this Father.

We all ask and agree with all this in Jesus name.   Amen.
Thank you for praying with me.

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