Monday, October 19, 2015

Peace #3

Have you ever taken a good look at an apple that you never ate? It gets all mushy and brown and ends up being discarded or put in the compost bin. 

Peace is like that. Peace is to be sought and grown from the Holy Spirit.    

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah says in 26:3

The only time we begin to worry is when we get our eyes off the Lord and on the world. We stop worshipping and trusting in the Lord and replace those things with fret. Fret is the opposite of God’s goodness and our faith begins to take a dip betraying our very thoughts. 

We have this promise though! 
As we keep our minds stayed upon our Heavenly Father, we have this perfect peace because we trust in Him with all of our heart. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You have shown us the way and told us so many times to walk in it and yet, we ask you to forgive us for getting so wrapped up in the things of the world that it takes away from your goodness we have stored up inside of us. Forgive us Lord. We choose to meditate upon your goodness. We choose to think upon how much higher your ways are, than our ways. We choose to trust in you within every inch of ourselves. We choose to remember every trial that you have already brought us through and you are a God who does not abandon or leave your loved ones. You are always here. You see the troubled hearts, the blind hearts, the seeking hearts and those who just want to draw closer to you; closer to your love. Today we embrace your love, we renew our hearts and minds in you and think upon your goodness.

In Jesus 

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