Thursday, October 15, 2015

Let's work together recapturing God's peace

Have you ever experienced or walked in the true peace of God? We won't get it by watching the news or listening to those who consume themselves with all of the troubles of today. I bet I could quickly list at least 25 issues in our nation alone that stir our hearts into anger! We get angry when we see godly men and women struck down by demonized individuals at every turn! We get angry when we see innocent lives taken continually AND we are funding it by our tax dollars. I won't go on, but; let's say a small prayer this morning. Ok?

Heavenly Father,

Above all, we have YOU! Above it all; we know that you are greater and wiser than any self righteous scheme that has been devised against your people. Above all, we praise you and say "Abba Abba Father." We are thankful. We ask that you would continue to expose all the darkness in our nation with the light of your truth and put a halt to all this violence, put a halt to all this perversion, this killing, these continued lies that call evil good and good evil. You have shown us how the line has thickened before us and we choose to make a stand for you. We choose to listen to your voice at this hour. We embrace the peace that only you can give us and trust in you completely.

In your Son's Name Jesus

Psa 4:8
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

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