Sunday, June 12, 2016

My Little Blue Angels

Bluebirds! That is what is on my mind! I have been learning so much about them! For one, the male is very doting towards his mate and keeps watch all of the time to keep her protected. While she is tending to the siblings, he flies briefly down and talks to her through the door as if to say: "Honey, are you alright? Is there anything I can get for you? Your favorite worm?" They are on their 2nd set of nesting now and their first off springs are absolutely wild with delight, as they fly and explore their new world. I laugh when I see an ambitious young male land so hard and suddenly in the grass that he tips on his beak. I have seen them sit on the porch railing looking puzzled at me. They keep my garden free from bugs and are fiercely territorial. Then, it was like the Lord speaking to me, " If you take care of them, they will take care of you." God, you are so good to us!
Can we pray together this morning?
Heavenly Father,
We want to bless you today. We want to bless you in our thoughts and in everything we do. It is our desire to glorify you and magnify you by the love that you have given to us. Thank you for your never-ending Grace. We give you honor, glory and all of our love this morning. We ask that you will continue to be with us and help us to be sensitive in what you say to us during this day.
We Ask in your Son's name Jesus
"And, whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father fhrough him." Colossians 4:17

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