Monday, June 27, 2016

We allowed this to come to the USA

I just got done watching our House of Representatives bowing and praying to allah. I cannot even begin to find the words to express how upset I am, but I will try.

We allowed this folks!  It is time for many of us to get off of the fence and stop playing it safe because of fear and “political correctness.”  It is time for many of us, to take a bold stand for our Christian beliefs! It is time to shout the alarm and talk to people who still are not aware just how far our nation has fallen. It is time to stop compromising your Christian walk, open up your eyes and take a good look where our nation has gone. Do not think all of this will go away, just because of ignoring what has happened in the White House. The enemy has a stronghold on our country due to the spirits of apathy and lethargy swallowing us up inside of our comforts and selfishness. I say comforts because it is easier to turn on the tv, than to pray. Isn’t it? Let’s be honest. It is easier for us to call a friend and complain, than to pray. It is even easier for us to get out of bed and get ready for work than to take the time to pray.  It is easier for us to sweep our mistakes and sins under the rug, convincing ourselves that we are doing alright in front of those we see everyday. But, what does our own self- righteousness look like to the Lord? 

Lukewarmness? I remember Jesus saying he would spit it out of His mouth!

Where are you in the Lord?  Cold or hot? 

It is time to start being honest with ourselves! It is time to get serious with the God of the Bible. YES, the Bible!  If you had to choose between choosing allah to live for a little while longer on this earth and go along with sharia law or to choose Jesus who died for you, whom would you choose?  

Did not Jesus say, “if they persecute me, they will persecute you too?”  
We here in the west have not even began to see such persecution the church has in the middle east. But, I want to tell you, it is here! Are you ready for it? Are you ready to lay your own life down for Him? Are you ready to exercise your faith ?  Fight the fight of faith in a really big way? 

Be forewarned! In the past,  God has used other nations to judge other nations because of their disobedience.  God the Father has said to our nation:

 “Very well,  my young, selfish and spoiled daughter, you have turned your back upon me and my ways. You have made a choice not to teach your children to pray and aborted them from calling to me in schools! You have desecrated my Son whom was sent to give you forgiveness of sins and eternal life; and through this unbelief; you have perverted yourselves with other gods and call it your rights. You have even desecrated His name by your hypocrisy. You have aborted the godly ways I have given to you from your forefathers, instead; you choose idols that justify your idolatries while looking around to find recruits and then wonder why the plagues have ravished your nations. Do you not realize that with every idol that is given creed will follow with the diseases and plagues of that other nation? You willing sacrifice and abort over a million of my children a year for your satisfaction and convenience. With this very thing, you have encouraged others to follow this evil killing. The blood of my children are on your hands! You have made your choice and judgement is upon you! 

You fear man over me. You fear to tell your neighbor about my saving Grace. You care more about what those around you think, than what I think. 

Wake up! Be honest in your hearts! Choose this day whom you will serve. Draw near to me and I will draw close to you. 

Call on me, while there is still time and breath in your body and I will hear you.”

Those who would like to pray with me, let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Please forgive our corrupt spoiled and selfish hearts. Forgive us our unbelief. Forgive us for putting everything else in our lives before you and  your ways. Forgive us our lack of zeal. Forgive us for going along with the crowd. Forgive us for fearing people instead of giving you honor and the reverence that you deserve. Forgive us for doing our own thing, instead of your will. Forgive us for wasting our lives on things that will be gone tomorrow. Forgive us for being political correct and accepting all of the lies. Most important Lord, forgive us for our judgmental ways, our haughtiness and pride!! We choose today to humble ourselves. 

Help us Father, give us the strength to be strong and able to help those around us.

We choose this day to put you first in everything we have. We choose to come before you and we plead with you for our nation to be merciful to those of us who are not ready for what is coming. Equip us with what we need to follow through with your will. Help us to examine our hearts. Help us to be honest with ourselves. Help us to break the strongholds that have kept us from you. We need your help Lord. 

In Jesus we ask. 

The way I see it, 2 Chronicles 7:14 is our only hope in this nation. “If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 

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