Saturday, June 25, 2016

Your kairos moments

I woke up too early this morning with the word “kairos” on my mind. I started to think back at those special moments when I knew without a doubt that God opened a door of opportunity for me to walk through.

Opportunities to give what you have learned, to befriend and help someone in need, to bless another, to forgive, when God sends the right people to buy your home, when you get unexpected money in the mail, when you have that chance to listen to a friend, to speak the truth, that perfect time to walk away from something and not feel guilty, to rescue someone and to be bold for God. Just to name a few things. Our kairos moments can be different because that is how God designed us to be. 
n the New Testament, "kairos" means "the appointed time in the purpose of God", the time when God acts (e.g. Mark 1:15: the kairos is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand). "Kairos" (used 86 times in the New Testament) [11] refers to an opportune time, a "moment" or a "season" such as "harvest time”,[1

There will always be that perfect person that God will use to guide you into that appointed time that will be a part of your destiny. A word, a song, a friend who says the right thing at that perfect time can be a confirmation that you are heading in the right direction. It is by faith that we sign on that dotted line! It is by faith that we take that job or leave it! We believe in the guiding power of the Holy Spirit. As we live by faith and get closer to the Lord, His light gets brighter and we can see more clearly as we are aware of being in His will in our lives.
We desire what the Holy Spirit wants in our lives. When this happens we are ripe to receive many kairos moments in our journey.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for those kairos moments that only you give. Thank you for sending your angels to minister to us your truth, your love and forever directing us into those special places where we can receive, as well as give your goodness. Thank you for continually conforming us. We thank you this day for giving us stacks of opportunities to listen to what your Spirit is saying and able to discern whether it be a true kairos moment. Most important we recognize that our lives are not about us, but You Father and those around us. Give us your ideas and kairos moments to create ways in which we can bless You Father and those you send our way.
IN Jesus we ask,

The time has come, he said. The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 nib

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