Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Baby Roosters

Years ago my husband and I were busy working on our land deep in the Appalachian mountains and I heard the strangest sound. I stopped hoeing for a moment and there it was again! Then again and again and each time it sounded different. I finally asked my husband if he heard it. He listened and then laughed and said:  "Those are our baby roosters trying to learn how to crow." What strange sounds they made each trying to "get it right."  Most people have baby hens, but we ended up with 19 baby roosters. There was an ad in the local farmers paper advertising baby Silver Laced Wyandotte chickens in the next county. Thinking this could be a good surprise for my husband who had built a "state of the art" chicken coup, I found a large box and drove off filled with excitement. Naturally, I did not know the next county very well and drove around the mountain curves, looking for the farm. I kept going past stores that "were no more" and old tobacco barns still being used. Living deep in the Appalachians you will go back a little bit in time as you will still see men plowing with mules and drinking pure spring water. Ripping around those snake back curves I was determined to find my baby chicks. More hills, more curves, much pasture, old cars, plenty gardens with every kind of flower imaginable and yellow squash that continued to propagate in the ditches. I finally turned into the farm. A long legged teenaged boy came out to see if he could help and we walked to the barn as he started putting the babies into the box. When I asked him how you can tell the roosters from the hens, his reply was simply, "you won't know until they get older." "Oh, is that right?" I ended up with 19 super healthy, powerful, beautiful, pet roosters. They would come out of their coop every morning and march around our cabin announcing it was time for us to get up. Songs filled with baritones, altos, sopranoes, tenors; you name it, we had it all! Then, off they'd go to have their morning breakfast filled with protein of fresh grasshoppers, beetles and other bugs. They never bothered my garden, but went in to clean up the bugs. When I walked up the mountain I always had plenty of company, with my 2 dogs, 4 cats, 4 goats and the 19 roosters always came along. We drank fresh spring water and planted all our seeds in clay soil and had year around crops to eat, this included looking under the snow and picking red oak leaf lettuce for salads. Looking up, I could see the roosters walking around, happy as larks; even in the snow.  

Saturday, January 21, 2017

#5 Morning Thought

Freedom to choose good thoughts is ours.  Yet, to be held captive by doubt and unbelief is to remain a victim. Uncork an old wine bottle and you will hear a whisk of air be released. We do not know where the air goes, but we do know it is free. The whisk flew from a small amount of air into a vast awareness of space that circulates with the atoms and could end up anywhere, but, the fact is; this air doesn’t stop moving, it keeps going. 

I ask you today, have you come out of your old wine bottle yet? 
A desire to go to the other side of the lake requires getting into a boat and rowing or swimming over or walk around it. Having already prayed and requested God to help you, do not wait for Him to knock on your door and bring the boat when it is He who directs our very paths. Are we not to walk in faith? Use the faith that has been given to you, by your actions.  Anyone of us can choose to remain victimized by habitually agreeing with of a lying spirit. God has given us life and each a measure of faith.  Faith brings new life and fresh air into our lungs, because we keep going. Victimization stifles the very air we breathe; like being trapped in that old wine bottle and will leave us paralyzed with fear. Each time we say “I can’t” we are limiting God. How big is your God?

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  2Co. 3:17

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Morning Thought #4

    I think there are some of us (like myself) who think too much. Not necessarily worrying but trying to understand the reasonings behind the behaviors. It seems there can be no assumptions, because we are all unique and have our own special set of priorities.  There is one thing I am certain, we all have memories. Our memories make us laugh, smile, thoughts of regrets and if we are honest; we sometimes cry over our past decisions. Our memories push us to pray for those whom we have hurt. Our memories allow us to take a step backward and enable us to see the big picture and then, take that giant leap forward to forgive our offenders and yes, ourselves. Memories appear to be a type of "Book of Life Lessons" that we can open up any time to ask ourselves a question about our lives. At times when we open up this book, we see only half answers of understanding. Perhaps we are not to understand everything in our past. Remember is be thankful you have those memories, but make the decision not to live there.  
    "The first thing is wisdom -- get wisdom, And with all thy getting get understanding." Pr. 4:7 Youngs. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Morning Thought #3

My morning thought is that in 3 more days we will have a new president. My thought is to pray for him and his VP, so you could say this is more of a morning prayer and I hope you will agree with me: 

Heavenly Father, You are always there, ever faithful, ever understanding and all knowing. Your eyes go back and forth upon our nation to see who is faithful to stand in the gap for the land that you have given to us. Together we lift up President Elect Trump, VP Pence and cabinet members and all of their families. We ask for your continued favor for these Warriors, we ask for continued health, we ask for continued strength, we ask for continued supernatural discernment, wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions always involving your will and your way. We ask for a continued invisible guard of angels be all around Mr Trump and Mr. Pence and the new leaders and that no scheme, no plots from the enemy, no words, no accusations, no lies would be able to harm these people. We thank you for giving us new leaders who are godly people who can hear your voice. We thank you for hearing our prayers and raising Mr Trump up for a time as this, we thank you for giving our nation a second chance. Bless our new and upcoming leadership Lord! Guide their steps in everyway to glorify you Lord, Thank you Father, in your son Jesus amen.
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Monday, January 16, 2017

Morning Thought #2

My Morning Thought: Everyday we hear of non-stop killings, hate crimes and posted right here on fb are some of the most demonic and appalling scenes of bullying I have ever witnessed, so offensive in fact; I could not even finish watching it. Guard your children against this hate that is so rampant today. Just as a body gives signs of pain when it is sick, America needs to open it's eyes to the truth of a very sick divided nation who has turned it's back on God. 
Deuteronomy 31:8 “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

The Whole World is Praising the King of Kings!

Nations Proclaiming The King Of Kings - YouTube


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Our God will take only so much, until His Gavel falls in Judgement!

I am appalled to find that California's Politicians have stooped to a new degenerating low and passed a law legalizing child prostitution.  I say this to the Politicians in California: It doesn't matter if you do or do not believe in God, the day is coming when you will believe in God, as you fall upon your knees and confess that Jesus is Lord and beg for mercy. Do you honestly think God is going to ignore your depravity as you selfishly ruin young lives? "  You can kiss your state good-bye!