Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Morning Thought #4

    I think there are some of us (like myself) who think too much. Not necessarily worrying but trying to understand the reasonings behind the behaviors. It seems there can be no assumptions, because we are all unique and have our own special set of priorities.  There is one thing I am certain, we all have memories. Our memories make us laugh, smile, thoughts of regrets and if we are honest; we sometimes cry over our past decisions. Our memories push us to pray for those whom we have hurt. Our memories allow us to take a step backward and enable us to see the big picture and then, take that giant leap forward to forgive our offenders and yes, ourselves. Memories appear to be a type of "Book of Life Lessons" that we can open up any time to ask ourselves a question about our lives. At times when we open up this book, we see only half answers of understanding. Perhaps we are not to understand everything in our past. Remember is be thankful you have those memories, but make the decision not to live there.  
    "The first thing is wisdom -- get wisdom, And with all thy getting get understanding." Pr. 4:7 Youngs. 

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