Saturday, January 21, 2017

#5 Morning Thought

Freedom to choose good thoughts is ours.  Yet, to be held captive by doubt and unbelief is to remain a victim. Uncork an old wine bottle and you will hear a whisk of air be released. We do not know where the air goes, but we do know it is free. The whisk flew from a small amount of air into a vast awareness of space that circulates with the atoms and could end up anywhere, but, the fact is; this air doesn’t stop moving, it keeps going. 

I ask you today, have you come out of your old wine bottle yet? 
A desire to go to the other side of the lake requires getting into a boat and rowing or swimming over or walk around it. Having already prayed and requested God to help you, do not wait for Him to knock on your door and bring the boat when it is He who directs our very paths. Are we not to walk in faith? Use the faith that has been given to you, by your actions.  Anyone of us can choose to remain victimized by habitually agreeing with of a lying spirit. God has given us life and each a measure of faith.  Faith brings new life and fresh air into our lungs, because we keep going. Victimization stifles the very air we breathe; like being trapped in that old wine bottle and will leave us paralyzed with fear. Each time we say “I can’t” we are limiting God. How big is your God?

“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  2Co. 3:17

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