Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Morning Thought #3

My morning thought is that in 3 more days we will have a new president. My thought is to pray for him and his VP, so you could say this is more of a morning prayer and I hope you will agree with me: 

Heavenly Father, You are always there, ever faithful, ever understanding and all knowing. Your eyes go back and forth upon our nation to see who is faithful to stand in the gap for the land that you have given to us. Together we lift up President Elect Trump, VP Pence and cabinet members and all of their families. We ask for your continued favor for these Warriors, we ask for continued health, we ask for continued strength, we ask for continued supernatural discernment, wisdom and understanding to make the right decisions always involving your will and your way. We ask for a continued invisible guard of angels be all around Mr Trump and Mr. Pence and the new leaders and that no scheme, no plots from the enemy, no words, no accusations, no lies would be able to harm these people. We thank you for giving us new leaders who are godly people who can hear your voice. We thank you for hearing our prayers and raising Mr Trump up for a time as this, we thank you for giving our nation a second chance. Bless our new and upcoming leadership Lord! Guide their steps in everyway to glorify you Lord, Thank you Father, in your son Jesus amen.
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