Sunday, August 11, 2019

Morning Prayer

Precious Father,

Help our hearts not to be upset because of evildoers, or be envious of the wicked. You say, there is no future for them and that their lamp will be put out. We will remember your words. 

We will fear only you Father. We will not associate with those who are given to change of allegiance and are revolutionary. You have said their tragedy will rise suddenly upon the rebellious. 

Help us Father not to show any partiality in our judgement for this is not good. We see those who say to the wicked, “ you are righteous,” and people curse him and nations denounce him. Help us to get through this time in our lives in our nation. We will stand in the gap and intercede. We totally depend upon your Holy Spirit’s strength. Help us to be godly examples to everyone we meet and speak your truth with love.

We ask that you would bless those honorable judges in our land and rebuke the wicked ones. For your word says that it will go well with the honorable judges and they will find delight.

O Father we ask that from the north to the south to the west and to the east we ask this nation would be completely filled and saturated with your honorable judges. Those who will judge with your wisdom, honor and in right standing upon your word. We beseech you Father, to fill this land with your honorable godly judges. We also ask that you would place godly Senators, Governors and Mayors in every state. We ask that all of Congress would be awakened and fall upon their knees in full repentance of all lies, greed, gain, stealing, being a part of any violence, idolatries, takeovers and admit they have sinned greatly towards you O Father and call you Lord. We ask that you would fill the White House with all those who love you and obey your word.  All those who cannot be threatened, bought or bribed. Those who love you more than themselves,  money, fame or power. We thank you ahead of time for this Father. Allow our faith to be pleasing in your sight.
We ask you O Father that you would allow our police officers to protect themselves and others in our nation. Give them full authority in you, in the name of Jesus to be protectors and defenders of your righteousness in this land.  We ask that the most heinous crime fed states would repent, filled with your glory and led with your Holy Spirit and be an example how states can turn around and be obedient to your word. We ask that your godly people from within would rise up and boldly declare you are Lord.  We ask that all Idols be smashed and done away with in this nation and be replaced with loving you first and others second. We ask that love, honor, respect and obedience would return in this land. We ask for godly families to return to our land and that parents would teach their children your word and raise them up in your admonitions of truth. We ask that all morals would return. We ask women would cover themselves up and give good godly reason for men to respect them. We ask that men would truly love their spouses and give reason for their wives to respect them. We ask that humility, belief, faith, trust, hope and love and conviction in you would return. 

O come Lord Jesus and rule and reign upon this earth. Forgive us for being a part of destroying your earth. Forgive us for letting you down, for doubts and unbelief. Forgive us for saying one thing and doing another. Forgive us who have been hypocritical. Forgive us for not loving as we should, for being self-consumed, selfish, uncaring, disinterested, more fear of man than you O Father, lukewarm, apathetic, complacent, gluttonous, lustful, idolatrous, rude, unthankful, prideful and not humble, disobedient, even idolatrous, lack of love; our nation has done it all. And, your church has done it all. Forgive us Father. Stir up your flock and bring them a spirit of repentance to get right with you. You are the God who can change a tree from bearing bad fruit to good fruit.  Have mercy on us.

Stop these murderous abortions Lord. Stop all the violence and killings. Stop those who are behind these killings and we ask for justice. O Father, if someone steals they usually go to prison. We ask this for those who are out of control in our land. Hold the liars accountable Father. Expose them and deal with them Father. In your son we ask, amen.

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