Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pray with me

O Father we give you all praise this morning, we give you thanks from our hearts for all you have done in our lives. You are the one who stirs up our hearts to remember all the times you loved us, cared for us and gave us exactly what we needed for our eyes to be turned in your direction. You mold us and shape us into that beautiful vessel that your future has designed for us to be, since before we even knew you and you always finish what you start in your children. We are so grateful and thankful. You are a loving Holy Father, one who knows us so much better than we do ourselves. You give us good sleep because we know you are always with us, always here, always faithful and you hear us when we pray to you. Your love and mercies are beyond our capability to understand all your ways. But, we know you are a good and loving God and we put all of our trust in you. You are our Father Elohim, for truly your mercies are many in our lives. Your mercies go on and on.

Keep us tightly wrapped around your arms in these times of plenty Father. Keep our hearts steadfast in your will. Keep us brimming over with faith, knowing above all we have a covenant with you because you sent your son to be a sacrifice for our sins, on the cross and yet He lives! Thank you for your grace. We know that the love we feel for our own children is powerful and can only come from you, but we cannot say we could sacrifice any of them for the sins of the world.  Help us to see clearer in your light that we can have more understanding of your love. We do realize, your love is not mere words as men give so easily from their mouths. For you are a God that gives in abundance and we see your hand in such insurmountable ways! We give you honor and all glory Father! You give everything we need and more. You give what we have not asked. We are rich in knowing you Father. We are rich in loving you. You teach us how to turn ever single sorrow, every tear of heaviness into a time of rejoicing. Thank you Holy Spirit. 

Your Son says that if we examine and judge our own hearts, we will not be judged. Thank you Father.

We will forgive others easily, because you have forgiven us. We will refuse to be offended easily because we know we have easily offended others. You heal the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. You bring a healing to our body and a refreshing to our bones. When we put you first, you bless all of our bread and the very water we drink. You pardon all of our iniquities and heal all of our diseases. Your love pardons all our transgressions. You blot everything out from our past. We believe this Lord. There is nothing you cannot do in our lives.

Precious Father, We lift up President Trump to you this morning. We ask that your Holy Spirit would begin to re-energize him every single morning. Have him totally lean and depend upon you not to conform to this present age in his thinking processes. We ask that you would keep bringing him along conforming his mind and heart renewing his ideas into your will. In that, every decision he makes will be in your will, and not his own. We ask that he would be a humble man, one who gives you all the glory and honor and that he would realize it is you who has given him the power, wealth and equipping him with the ways and means to follow through upon your will in his life and to rule and reign this nation. We thank you for that Lord. Keep him healthy in every way, every day. Help him guard his tongue, to speak wisely and in your grace and to be one who is careful with his words. Thank you for choosing this man Father. Thank you for training him for this position. Thank you for giving him a keen sense of discernment, teaching him the wise ways of leaders. Thank you for selecting a man who is not smitten by flattery, cannot be bought or bribed, nor can he be threatened. Thank you for sending a bold fearless man to govern our nation. Thank for sending this man to take back the land the enemy has stolen from your people. Keep him and his family safe. Give him an open ear to hear what his wife says and the ability to weigh the differences in the thoughts of his heart. We ask too Father that you would train up all of his sons in your way, to be apart of this ruling process in our land. Bring back your holy name in our land. Bring back the freedom to love you openly. We put down all fear in our hearts and in our behaviors and to willingly walk in your word, on fire to give hope to all those who are struggling in darkness. Help us to carry this torch, to be what you have called us to be. Save this land Father. For those who have known you, yet rebel; we ask that you would humble them and bring them back. For those who are rebellious in their thinking, we ask that your Holy Spirit would put a stillness in their hearts to hear your voice. For those who are ignorant, we ask that you would give them hope and that your light would give them understanding. Bring them all in Father. For those who are unteachable, we ask that you would replace them with your people in high places to give credence to your commandments once again. We not only ask for continued exposure, but for justice. We ask that if one has stolen or lied, he would be given accountability and be paid according to his crime. We ask that this would not be exempt in high places. Put down all those who prevent this from happening Father. Replace, replace, replace all of this corruptness in these high places on down to the teachers in all schools who are teaching our children depraved subjects. Replace them all Father. Send godly workers to achieve all of this Father. We boldly ask that your hand would intervene and stop all of the sex-trafficking and all abortions. Take it out of the hands and let them see it is by your hand Father who has put a stop to all of this depravity. We ask that you would heal our nation in the name of Jesus. Bring back your people to hear your voice. Bring them back to obedience Father.

We ask you to replace all the corrupt media. Replace every accusation of those who are righteous in your son Jesus, with a shower of truth upon their hearts to what is right. Awaken them to your truth Father. Bring them down. You said, pride comes before a fall. Bring them all down Father. Thank you Father. 

We thank you for this Father. For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will praise God.” Romans 14:11.

In Your son’s name Jesus we ask this; amen. 

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