Friday, August 16, 2019

Time to DO love, not just talk about it.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:7,8

I can remember singing those verses every time we got together with the other believers. We gathered together in one mind, in unity, love and with much much joy!

Did you know that when we love, we give off chemicals that make us glow? When we love one another, The Holy Spirit brings a glow in your life. Love brings a boost to your immune system!  Even medical science has discovered this.

Isn’t it time to love one another?

Hate and bitterness do the exact opposite.

Hate and bitterness have a destructive effect upon our physical bodies and will make us sick!  This is why some get so ill. 

When we hate, the chemicals produced inside of us begin to eat you up, zap your strength, take away, shrivel your skin and make you feel and look ugly.  When we hate and have bitterness, we not only sin and  live in darkness but are destroying ourselves. 

We become the victim. Not the one you hate.

All of this is in the Bible and now Psychology Today recognizes it.

We need to DO love and not only talk about it.

Heavenly Father,
We need more compassion and forgiveness towards one another like your son Jesus had. We choose to abide in Him and his words and walk the way He did. Help us to look past others faults, that some times reflect our own mishaps. Forgive us Lord. Bring us into that perfect place where we love each other in your Holy Spirit’s power and are living every minute in Your Light, that truly there would be nothing in us, that would make us stumble. This is the greatest desire of our hearts Father. We pray this in Jesus name, amen. [1Jn. 2:10]

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