Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Morning Prayer

The prayers that I write are not necessarily meant to be seen by everyone, but for those who are led to read and are willing to agree together with me; to give all the glory to God.

Precious Father,

We thank you for giving us this time to be with you. We thank you for hearing our prayers. We thank you for keeping your hand continually upon our lives. We thank you for speaking to our hearts, guiding our steps, correcting us, giving us insight, ever teaching us, protecting us and for revealing your presence in so many ways in our lives. We thank you for those who are obedient in the Body of Christ, those especially behind the scenes who unselfishly give themselves to those in need, thank you for how your light and goodness shines in their lives. We ask you O Father that you would keep your hand upon these angels of love, keep guiding and directing them and keep them safe going and coming and keep them healthy spiritually, physically and mentally. Thank you for allowing us to see your mercy angels in our lives.

We ask that your Holy Spirit would chip away every harboring habitual thought pattern within our hearts that is not of you. Whether they be fleeting or one of repetitions, we ask that you would do away with anything that does not give you glory or bless your name. 

Clean us up where we are blind. Whitewash our ignorant, prideful behaviors and we willingly lay them all before your feet. We ask that our tongues would become seasoned with a new habit of gentleness that would shine upon all that need to hear of your love. Not by might, not by power, but by your Spirit you said. Lead us where you want us to be Father. 

Your word speaks how perfect love casts out all fear. We have your perfect love in your Son Jesus and through Him we have been, bought and brought out from the enticements of the world and brought up and set free from all bondages of fear, lying, heaviness, perverted, seducing, haughty and any self-righteous religious spirits; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. By your Spirit we have been broken and emptied and given freedom in you Lord. We thank you for extending your arm of love to us. We receive this blessing and we take it willingly Father.

We confess to having our eyes being opened to your truth Lord. We were once blinded and part of the world system, but today; we know we have been set apart and can rejoice together because your Holy Spirit has blown upon us, awakening us and given us understanding and we make a choice to love and to draw closer to you O Father. Our hearts yearn to know you better O Father. You said when we draw closer to you, you draw closer to us. We believe this Father.

Your word tells us that all those who call upon your Son Jesus, will be saved. We believe this Father. We have been taught that your eyes know every single thought that we think and how you even answer many of our prayers before we ask, you are faithful and true. We ask that you would put guard rails upon this narrow path we tread, so that we would not lean toward another way, but always your way. Hold our hands and increase our discernment that we will not be deceived in anyway by the accusations that come from the world. We ask that you would halt any means of wonderment or hesitations of thought that is not of you. Right now, we throw all worldly, compromising food for thought into the dry places and we continue to replace all doubt with meditations of your word and not the worlds, in the name of Jesus. We deliberately choose life over death. And, we choose obedience over sin and we will continue to trust in You O Lord in all of our ways. We speak this in faith and together we agree upon this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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