Saturday, November 9, 2019

You search for an answer and it is right in front of you.

                                                                    Love is a choice.

God’s love continues to be a compass that guides us into life changing events that teach us how to receive love, not just give love. In fact, receiving love is part of giving love. 

Ask yourself, are you learning how to give and receive love? God is the supreme artist who sculptures us out of a rock and sometimes He uses a chisel. He uses everything in our lives to magnify His love for us.  We humble ourselves and God’s love goes to work inside of us. All of our past worthless mistakes [sins] are thrown into a type of a grinder that recycles every single thing inside of us. We become better than new. All of our past rebellious thoughts and actions  become recycled and renewed by the Holy Spirit’s breath; that gives good pleasure, glory and honor to our Father. Praise God, His Holy Spirit never stops working inside of us. His grace can be like a fire or as a whisper that strengthens our hearts to walk, in His will.  

Love is at work, hope never leaves our hearts and faith is increased and we are reminded that in Gods presence there is fullness of joy. 

How in the world can we have joy when we are in the middle of suffering? Because we have humbled ourselves, called upon our Father [prayer] and know [faith] without a doubt He loves us and will never leave us. We are in His presence. 

I think of all the horrific fires that are burning up our land and homes. When the last bit of flames are finally put out, in about 1-2 weeks we will see small thin green shoots coming up out of the ashes. How does that happen? And, are those birds I hear?  The closer we draw to our Father God, the brighter the light. The fog begins to lift and we understand a little bit more. There isn’t one problem, one struggle, thought or trial that we go through that our Father is not aware of and when you call Him for help, He is faithful. Oh yes! Believers become like eagles. Our eyes become sharpened to see a little bit more of the big picture. We are set free through forgiving others because we ourselves have been forgiven in Christ.  Jesus gave, so we could give. He loved, so we could love. 

Do you still have problems believing that Jesus is the Son of God? Look at God’s creation and how all the planets line up in perfection. The sun warms us by day, the moon guides us by night. God is the one who created math, not science. He knew we would need it.  His Spirit designated us to have seasons. Seasons in our weather, but also seasons in our lives.  It is He who sees a mighty Oak tree when an acorn falls from the tree. But, the acorn had to fall and die first. Our Father created everything to work together. Our earth is the only planet in our solar system that has oxygen. Coincidence you say? Look around you, everything you set your eyes upon came from a thought and a purpose. The very worms nestled deep within the earth enrich our soil. The seeds we plant move from darkness reaching up towards the sun. But, the seeds had to die first. 
Jesus was born of a virgin 
He ministered miracles for three years  
He was the Messiah and fulfilling prophecy
He continually communicated with His Father God
And, He knew He was sent to be a sacrifice for our sins

In other words, Jesus knew in order to rise victoriously and make a public spectacle to those who had engineered His death upon the cross; He first had to die. 

Nothing the accusers could say or do would keep him from rising from the grave. 

He died and was resurrected so we could live
And again, He loved so we could love
He forgave so we could forgive

Today, there are thousands around the globe coming daily to the realization that Jesus is Lord and King of Kings. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8

Lets pray:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that your son Jesus died for my sins. [confess your sins] I confess: ______. I repent. I don’t want them in my life anymore. Take them away Father and wash them in the blood of your son. Set me free. Make me a new person in Christ. Guide me and direct me into a place where I can grow up in You. Fill me up with your Holy Spirit Father. Help me recognize Your voice. Send good godly friends  to help me grow and to pray with. Teach me Father. Thank you Lord and it is in your son’s name Jesus I ask. Amen. 

If you have prayed this prayer, the Bible says you have been “Born from Above” [born-again or the new birth]. Seek out a good godly Bible believing church to grow and become strong. Get involved in Bible studies and have a quiet time everyday in prayer and to read your Bible. 

Welcome to the family!

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