Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Great Storms, bring Angels

Just recently, my husband Bob, close to 92 years young was having severe chest pains. Early in the morning he had taken a nitro and waited for the pains to subside. He finally told me that I should take him to the ER. If you knew him, you would know; this had to be serious for him to request such a thing.  I was filling out Bobs admission in the ER and not one person knew what was going on. Our Pastor was there! How did he know about our problem? Who could have told him? He “just happened” to be there for another person. Seeing our shepherd lifted my heart and I knew without a doubt, he was sent from God for us! This was pre-arranged and a divine appointment!  We talked and he prayed for us. Gods love and strength was unmistakable in our lives. Then, I found out Bobs cardiologist “just happened” to be on call in the ER. 

As they were monitoring his vitals I began to call and text our families and friends to pray. Now, everyone knew what was going on. I looked up and two “love angels” showed up to be by our side during this storm. To try to describe all the love that was showered upon us, would be impossible to put into words. We were overwhelmed by Gods love. There were continued phone calls to help, texts, emails and always prayer.  

God’s love holds you up when your body feel like crashing. His love brings us into a lush valley that is all encompassed by His angels and saints. Big things happen in our lives so we can see God’s power and experience the greatness of His love. His love creates hope and faith to our hearts.

My Father God kept saying to me, “I love you, I love you, I love you!”  O the tears!

While I was waiting during the surgery and recovery, there were two very strong godly warriors that stayed by my side the whole time. Their last name is “Sturm” german for “Storm.” Always be assured, though the sky may get dark, God sends His hero’s to see you through.

When I was tempted to weaken, they kept the waters calm. I looked into their eyes and saw Jesus!  He held my hand and kept me close the whole time.  When the word says “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Please believe it.  God used these saints to continually minister His love to my heart. They knew exactly what I was going through and understood exactly how I felt. 

When Jesus said, “Do not fear” He meant it. We have nothing to fear.

Bob had a 95% blockage in the lower part of his heart and the Dr. put in two stints and smilingly told me, “He is doing very well and will live to be an old man!”  He made me laugh.  Bob always says, he belongs to the 120 club. Genesis 6:3

“And now there remain: faith [abiding trust in God and His promises], hope [confident expectations of eternal salvation], love [unselfish love for others growing out of God’s love for me], these three [the choicest graces]; but the greatest of these is love.” 1Co. 13:13

There we have our last Love Feast of #13.

Small prayer:

Precious Father,

It sometimes feels like saying Thank you is just not enough to say. But thank you again for being so faithful, for rescuing us in so many ways. Thank you for continually revealing your daily love in our lives. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your divine appointments. You truly never leave us or forsake us. You never fail in our lives. You are always here. We give you honor, we give you all glory and all of our love. Watch over those who are so faithful in giving their love to us, keep them safe, filled up with your love and full of good health. I ask that all those who pray along and read these words would be embraced by your love in such abundance, that they too would become overwhelmed by your goodness, caring and indescribable love. In your son I ask, amen. 

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