Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Love Feast #7 [We learn by doing, expressing our faith through love.]

                                                              Love Feast #7

“It [love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1Corinthians 13:7 niv
“Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].“amp.

“ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galations 5:6 niv

There is a striking example of love between the Body of Christ and the US military. Young men and women from every imaginable walk of life, all signed on the dotted line. They come from the mountains of Appalachia, from the streets of the big apple and some from single parented families or no parents. They come from the farmlands. Some are self consumed, some are talkers, others are quiet and pensive, some never read, others always read, some have never worked, others have always worked. Some are believers, others not. Not one young man thinks alike, and they rode the bus together. There are heads snoozing, some texting without saying a word, others listening to music. Some gaze out the window thinking about those they left with hearts full of questions and fears. And, there are always those with a chip on their shoulder. The minute the bus drives through the gate of the camp, their lives belong to the Drill Sergeant. He will immediately get into their faces. He tells them to listen and look into his eyes. He tells them to spit out their gum, no more cellphones, no vaping or smoking [of any kind] and immediately begins to drive home just how serious the business of war is in their lives. The odor of burning flesh can be smelled for miles. 

Getting up way before dawn, these men begin to force their bodies to go through miles of rigorous hiking in the rain, in the mud, in droughts, sometimes during flea season, mosquitoes and snakes. They learn how to build makeshift tents out of nothing. They get sores on their feet from the sweat as they march. They listen for things that may not be there and have eyes that go all around their heads. They communicate with their hands. They come as close to the reality of war during boot camp as possible.  Whether they “feel like finishing, or not” means absolutely nothing! Any self-pity or whining, bounces off deaf ears. They have been give orders to finish the course.  They will learn how to scale high embankments, carry extremely heavy loads on their backs, when to speak and when not and above all, these men will learn how to work together and have each others back! Yes, they learn to be their Brothers Keeper. They will learn how to trust each other, even with their lives! When the Sergeant gives an order, [which could mean a life or death order] they learn to all jump together! Those who were once lazy will develop muscles and calluses. Those who needed to lose weight will lose the excess in a matter of a month. Everyone learns by doing. Confidence comes to those who learned patience and determination. They are rewarded by their surprised ability to push through each trial. No matter if they fall in an obstacle course, this brings humility. Everyone trips and falls, but these men have hammered out a backbone to get back up again. They learned, love never gives up! A tenacity is birthed.  Once again, they will demand their tired and weakened bodies to be aligned up!  They became one mind and in one accord. 

The military is a true picture of The Body of Christ. We are all soldiers for Christ. We do and learn. But, we cannot learn without doing, because we express our faith through love. Love does. Just as those in the military war, so do we. 

Their obedience to protect, trust and hope in good things become dominant in their thoughts. They now have a bravery to sacrifice their lives for each other in Christ and they are compelled to hold each other up, in faith and love. 

If you’ve ever wondered why you are here on earth, it is to learn how to apply Gods love  in your life.  

Ironically, when we do these things; everything begins to fall into place in our lives. In other words, our faith can express love many times before the feelings come. When we take that one obedient step by faith to love in Christ, a new door opens up in your life. New habits come and eventually the feelings will come. Instead of blaming others, or comparing yourself with others; that one small step of faith takes you through the door of hope that was placed in your heart. 


Precious Father,

My desire is to know you. My desire is to draw closer to your heart. I believe your Son Jesus Christ was a pure sacrifice, loves me and gave Himself for me, on the cross and became my Savior. Please forgive my sins [name them] _____.  Turn my heart, my soul and my whole life around to be a strong soldier in your family. I ask that your Holy Spirit would saturate my soul and awaken my spirit to understand your word. Teach me your ways.  Send me godly people to help me walk the miles up ahead. Teach me how to love, how to hear your voice and how to be strong and walk in obedience. In Jesus I ask, amen.  

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