Friday, October 11, 2019

Morning Prayer

Precious Father,

Our desires are to be ones who think of you first thing every morning. We want to move in your will.  We ask that our lives would be an example of your love and give you glory. We ask that our faith would be pleasing to you in every way. We give you all praise and all honor and thankfulness and for continually hearing our prayers. 

We thank you for the never-ending truth you keep giving to us. We ask that your truth would begin to expand in the far reaches of this earth. Send your truth in the dark arenas of the hearts who are desperate for you Father. Continue to use those who are full of your Holy Spirit, to spread your word. We ask that you would keep angels around them wherever your Spirit leads. 

Precious Father, We ask that you would give rise to a special, holy, Task Force in our land, in our counties and in our cities. Speak to these hearts to take back the land that you have given to us. Wake them all up and give these people a holy unction to speak your truth. We ask that this Task Force would not leave one stone unturned. Unleash these people Lord. We ask that every school would know, every business would know, every home would know and those that walk or not walk, those who drive, those who are wealthy to the poor; would all know that your Son is Lord. We ask that you would begin to prepare all these hearts to receive your word on good soil. We ask that everyone who accepts that Jesus Christ is Lord will grow quickly and zealously Evangelize your truth, join the Task Force and will shout their joy of the one who has set them free!  We stand upon this Father. 

We call for a complete loosening of all chains for all those that are in bondage. All sons, daughters, all families, friends, all those with heavy hearts, addictions, those who are indifferent, atheists, agnostics and those who are self-consumed. We ask that your Task Force bring hope to all those who do not know you, we ask that you would awaken their hearts to receive your son. Set them all free in you Father. We call for every ear to hear in their hearts and to repent from their sins. Give them an understanding they never had before. Awaken their spirits Father. We call for each county, individual state and country to kneel before the King of Kings. Please name your county, state and country: ______.  Awaken our people Father, take all the scales from their eyes. Open up their ears to hear your message of love. We ask that your Holy Spirit would completely fall upon our county and touch every single heart. Set these people free. 

We call for a unity in the Body of Christ. Give us all one mind and bring us into one accord in your love. Give us your eyes and the love we need to overlook one another’s disagreements and to “see” where others are coming from through your eyes. We deliberately break all strongholds of pride and power inside of any of us and any religiosity we depend upon, in Jesus name. And, we will stand upon the love and faith we need, to obey. Right now, we take off all limitations of your will Father in your son’s name. Your word declares that your ways are not our ways, your thoughts are not our thoughts, and so; we lay all of our ways down and fully trust in your ways Father. We ask that your Holy Spirit would reveal to us how we can begin to tear down all old brick walls, that hinder our work and the call you have given to each of us. Seal our lips not to judge one another but to be a help to our brothers and sisters through your understanding. Give us the wisdom to follow this through Father.   Where there is disunity in your people, we ask for unity. Where there is unforgiveness, we ask for forgiving hearts. Humble your people, where they refuse to be humbled. Bring them back to you Father, heal them and forgive your people for any self-righteousness and take away all of their fears and we ask that you would replace all their fears with your love and faith. We pray this in your son’s name Jesus. Amen. 

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