Friday, October 4, 2019

Love Feast #6

                                                                                     Love Feast #6

“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” 1Co. 13:6 niv

Love is sealed by the hand of God Himself and displays His splendor in all of His creation. True “Love Hearts” understand the plan and purpose of being set free in Christ and being sealed by the Holy Spirit.  

Be ready. God’s love works a deep deep assignment within each believer. His Holy Spirit travels into every crack and crevice inside of their soul and begins to fill up these places with His truth. Picture an invasion of foreign troops on your land. These troops must be rounded up before they can do anymore damage and then dispelled. Think again,  how a Dentist must first drill out the cavity and get all the infected areas, before he can refill the tooth to be used productively. Although, your land is rid of the invaders and your tooth is filled, your work has only begun. 

You begin by rejoicing with God’s truth.  

Freedom in Christ springs a love relationship and this produces an overwhelming joy to know more about the one who set you free. Every time we absorb a little more of His truth, we are stationed closer to His heart. We walk up the hills and down the valleys and listen a little bit clearer. Then, one day we get out of bed and notice how his loving salve is continually applied upon all of the past wounds we once acquired. 

Love does not delight in iniquity or evil.

Like a friend of mine once said to me, “We got to all stick together.” There may be times when you feel alone, but we are all in this together. We aren’t walking alone on this narrow path, but we will notice not everyone looks the same, thinks or sees the same way or responds in the same way, but we all belong in the same family. I cherish truth but I try to be very careful in how I write it. Forms of gossip may even be truth, but it doesn’t make it a good thing to do. Everything we do, comes from our heart. A seed is planted, is watered, growth takes place, the flower blooms and produces more seeds. Think, how all of this goes on in our hearts. The Holy Spirit looks deep within us, and sees what we’ve been “piling up inside of us.”  

The question is: “Are you reproducing seeds that delight in evil? Or, love seeds that rejoice with the truth?”

Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 
Mt. 7:1-2

I personally believe Christians walk out their own judgements right here on earth. The very thing you judge in another, you will find yourself walking in their footsteps. I say this because I have personally experienced this, early in my walk and have seen others Christians walk through the harsh words of their judgements time and again. If anyone has an ounce of spiritual understanding, they will see the valuable lessons; of the woes and blessings of sowing and reaping. This happens on all levels of our lives. We are not to even think of a judgement towards another. This is not an easy lesson, but a hard lesson that can be very well learned and never again to be repeated. Not one of us can afford to ignore Jesus’ words. We can discern because we know, we pray and if we must, carefully warn another sister or brother. When we judge another, we set ourselves upon a judgement chair and look down on them and have become a judge and jury and condemn them, by the verdict of our words. We are not called to be judges. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to judge our own hearts. Unfortunately, most of us have to walk through this lesson. 

[Jesus said “you judge after the flesh, but I judge no man.” Jn 5:15 He further talked about if he did judge, it was because of his full dependance on what His Father gave to him. He said that he did not come to judge man, but to save man.]

The thoughts we habitually feed ourselves will begin to pile up inside of our hearts and before you know it, the overflow comes out of our mouths. What sort of “food” have you been feeding your heart?

“For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks’ (Matthew 12:34).”  

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” 
Proverbs 4:23 amp.

Our assignment? Yield! Give into the will of God. Many shortchange themselves in God’s grace simply by refusing to use everything that has been given to them in Christ.  It is time to yield.  True growth is watered by obedience and brings an unspeakable joy. Have you ever experience such joy?  A bold confidence comes from the faith of developing a sensitive, humble, clear conscience and then, you will be able to hear His whispers in your life. 


Precious Father,

We thank you for never giving up on us. We thank you for always feeding us and teaching us ways to move closer to you and your will. Our desire is to manifest the love of your Son in all of our thoughts. We choose to rejoice in your truth and discard anything that would hinder our walk in your Spirit. Help us to be discerning and sensitive towards others and be ones who would not just speak our faith but be doing it as well. We will yield to your correction, listen to our conscience and guard our hearts daily. We depend upon your Spirit to develop good habits of thoughts.  Thank you for your love, Father. We pray in Jesus amen. 

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