Saturday, October 26, 2019

Prayer for Healing. Praying the word..

                                                              Prayer for Healing  

Precious Father,

We know your word is true for you are our Father God who never changes. Your word says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. We believe what He said yesterday, He says today and will tomorrow. Your word says that every good gift is from above and from you, there is no variation or shadow that is due to change.  We understand how the grass withers, how the flowers fade, but your word will stand forever. We have learned how it is impossible for you to lie Father and you are our refuge in all ways. Your word encourages us and we hold fast to the hope that you have put before us. Your word tells us that it is firmly fixed in the heavens. We are told to not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, letting our requests be made know to you O Father. We know your love is steadfast and never ceases and that your mercies never come to an end. So great is your love for us, that you have given your only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. We trust in your word. You are the same and your years have no end. Your word even calls those who love you, the children of God. We are your workmanship and have been created for good works which you have prepared for us beforehand that we should walk in them. Your word says, we have not because we ask not and for our requests to be made known to you. Your word declares that faith comes by hearing and hearing your word. We pronounce speak your word and declare what Jesus said, we can remove all mountains in our life because we have faith like that of a mustard seed. Nothing will be impossible for us! Your word says it, we stand upon it and we believe this. We walk by faith, not by sight. Right now, we speak to our mountain in the name of Jesus and ask in faith without any doubt to be removed. We will not waver, we will not be moved in anyway. We will declare your glory, your greatness and your Holy Spirit in our lives.

We put down all fear and anything that looks like fear and replace it with your faith and love. We ask that you would be merciful and heal our physical bodies and begin to break all our old habitual thinking patterns. You are for us, not against us.  Heal us Father. Go to the source of our problems and do a deep work inside of our heart, our life and our thought life. We put down any former faithless thoughts, but we draw upon your strength to help us. Instead, we stand upon your word.  Your words says that your son took our sins upon that tree and that we will die to all of our sins and live to righteousness and by His wounds we have been healed. We accept these words Father.  Your word says that Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities and that his chastisement brought us peace and it is by his stripes that we are healed. We declare to be healed in the name of your son Jesus Christ. 

We bless you from our hearts Father and we speak of your benefits, you forgive us all of our iniquity, heals all of our diseases, redeems us from the pit and crowns us with steadfast love and mercy. 

Your word says that the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick and how you will raise him up and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. [confess your sins and get right with God.]  You sustain us even upon our sickbed and in our illness you restore him to full health. O Father, take our broken hearts and heal them and bind up our wounds. 

You told us to confess our sins to one another, that we may be healed.  We believe this Father. Forgive us Lord.

You said that a joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Father we freely forgive, because you have forgiven us. We forgive all those who have wounded us and set them completely free. 

Your word says that if anyone is sick for them to call for the elders of the church and let them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.

Father, we continue to examine our hearts and remove anything in our lives that we have put before our walk with you. We choose to love you Father with all of our heart, all of our soul and all of our mind and we choose to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

Right now we make a deliberate decision not to trust in our own selves, but we put all of our trust in you Father. We will not lean upon our own understanding, we will acknowledge you in all of our ways because we know that when we do this you will make the paths straight for us. We refuse to be wise in our own eyes, but we will walk in the fear of the Lord and turn from evil. We will also seek understanding about walking in the fear of the Lord. For your word says, “It will be healing to our flesh and refreshment to our bones.”

We stand upon your word Father.  Your word further says that without faith it is impossible to please you and whoever draws near to you, must believe that you exist and that you reward those who seek you. Oh Father, you send out your word and healed them and delivered them from destruction.

Father, we know you are faithful to hear our hearts cry. We know you are faithful to answer and reward our faith and love. We also understand that the work has already been done by your son Jesus. 

We believe this, we stand upon this and we ask all of this in Jesus name. Amen. 

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