Thursday, December 12, 2019

I welcome you to pray with me.

Morning Prayer

Precious Father,

We give you thanks this morning with everything inside of us, from our heart, our soul, our mind and all of our strength. We honor You with our breath and our deeds. We give honor to you by the grace you have given us in faith. We believe Father. We believe our attitudes should be like that of your son Jesus Christ. Help us Father, that your Holy Spirit will continue to transform our minds into His likeness. He served, we should serve. He humbled himself and we should humble ourselves. Humble us, if we do not humble ourselves. Your son became obedient even unto death and You O Father exalted him to the highest place and gave him a name that is above every name. You said that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of you O Father; you are our God!

We have all our being in you O Father. We trust in you completely as we hear your words, your teachings and training us in love, corrections and you tell us, “do not fear.” 

Thank you for leading us into places of clarity, for sharpening up our discernment, giving us a new sensitivity to your will and confirmations in our heart. We believe Father. We give you all praise Father.

We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to build your people into that strong body, spiritually, mental soundness, physically able and to buff our tongues from any selfish, worthless and fruitless words. We ask when we speak words, they would be seasoned by your grace and salted by your wisdom. We ask that you would remind us to judge our hearts, not other people. Remind us to judge our thoughts, our actions and not be entrapped in anyway by fearing man.  We willingly lodge and speak your truth and words of life this morning. 

Your Son told us to “have faith in God” Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, Go throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins..” Mark 11:22-25

We believe Father.

We lift up our sons and daughters to You and ask that you would draw them closer to you, awaken their hearts and spirits to your truth and give them the godly understanding they need to believe and receive Your love. Allow them to see your Son’s scars he received upon the cross. Give them the understanding they need to realize He took their place so they can have forgiveness for their sins and be set free. Work in their lives O Father, send them Your messengers to guide and direct  them throughout their daily tasks. We believe Father and we thank you ahead of time.

We forgive those who have wounded our hearts, for the abuse we received when we were young, for those who have offended us at work or at home. We forgive those who have hurt our chldren, We forgive those who have lied to us and cheated, We forgive those who have betrayed us. We forgive our parents for the way we were raised. We forgive our neighbors. We forgive our teachers. We forgive the bullies, We forgive all those who despise us, who speak lies against us! We choose to forgive all these people Father. We forgive! Forgive us for holding any un-forgiveness in our hearts. Take it all away Father.

Heal our pasts. Heal our hearts. Take our sins away. Name them: ___.

We lift up those who are heavy in their hearts, towards those who need a healing. Your word says, “Make your request be made known.  And it also says “without faith it is impossible to please you.”  We ask that your Holy Spirit would breathe upon the root cause of those who are sick and begin to deal with these infirmities one by one. We also ask that you would also breathe upon their hearts and minds and give them a new life in you. Bring them to the place where they can be born from above.  We ask that many of us will see these transforming souls by your grace. In Jesus we ask. Amen

We lift up all those in our churches who strive to be in your will. We ask that your Holy Spirit would take complete control over these workers, in a bold love, in a bold loving tongue and that many would be used to continue to bring in the harvest. Bring them up into a place full of your strength, joy and mighty faith! Keep them healthy, safe and full of your Holy Spirit. We believe Father. We ask this in your Son’s exalted name of Jesus Christ. We thank you and give you all the praise and glory.  Amen.  

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