Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Time to get out the arsenal!

Precious Heavenly Father,

Thank you Father for the privilege of your grace. Thank you for your favor. Thank you for adopting us, for honoring our faith. Thank you for hearing our prayers, for mercy and for your son Jesus Christ. For continually teaching us, guiding and directing our lives. Thank you for experiencing your love on the mountain tops and in the valleys. Thank you for your gentleness, your deep understandings, corrections and trainings. Thank you for protecting us and our loved ones. Thank you for where you have spiritually, mentally and physically placed us and also not placed us. Thank you for the food we eat and the water we drink. Thank you for the clothes we wear or do not have and the car we drive or the car we do not have.  Thank you for the love you have given to us through the Body of Christ. We give you all praise for our sisters and brothers in Christ. You have blessed us beyond blessings.  You have taught us, that when we see their love, we have seen your Son Jesus. Thank you Father. 

We ask O Father that your Holy Spirit would continue to bring us through the times of temptation and remind us of the authority we have received; to fight with the sword you have given to us in your Son’s name Jesus. We will stand upon your promises and continue to walk in your son’s love. We will stand upon your mercies and goodness and know they follow us wherever we go. Though we may fall seven times, we will keep getting up! You never give up on us and you always finish what you have started in us! We rebuke all fear that would try to enter into our lives! We may be persecuted, struck down, but not destroyed! We will be rescued from six calamities and no harm will touch us from seven! Though we be afflicted, your word continues to say we will be delivered from them all! We believe this Father! Though we may fall, we will not be overwhelmed; for you are holding our hand! We can rejoice, because you are always holding our hands! You have angels over us! Heavenly Father, your word says you protect us and that you are the God who battles for us. We put all our trust in you O Father. You fight for us and we will have peace. O Father, you said that all those who put their trust in you can rejoice and shout for joy, because you defend us. You are our Defender! We can be joyful because we love your name. Though you have many names, I call you my one and only Father! You bless us with righteousness and surround us with favor like a shield. We can sleep in peace because it is you O Father who gives us safety. You have made us rich in your grace and kindness through your son Jesus. Thank you for your gift of Grace, Father. Your eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth and you show yourself strong in the behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward you O Father. We have your Son’s Holy Spirit inside of us Father, and have been justified by our faith, the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb and we know we are protected from the wrath that is to come upon this land! It is you O Father who drew us to you even before the foundation of the earth. You loved us and drew us to yourself before we even knew you. You chose us and your Holy Spirit marked and sealed us to be adopted into your family. Thank you Father for opening up our eyes. Thank you for your son who is at your right hand continually making intercessory prayers for us. We stand upon these words Lord. We stand upon your promises. We know that nothing will separate us from your Son’s love. No tribulation, not distress or persecution, or famine or nakedness or peril or sword. Although your word keeps saying: we are killed all the day long and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. These people prove your Son is Lord! They prove your word is true. They prove that in all of these things we go through we are indeed more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Yes we are Father! We have been persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from your love Father, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Move deeply inside of your people O Father and create inside of us to be good fruit producers that would overwhelm those of the world. We ask that your Spirit of Repentance go from one end of our land and across our whole nation filling hearts with pain, shame, remorse, sorrow and this repentance. We ask that you would turn those from the darkness they have recruited and served into your light. Do what you will Father.  

Right now, the Church takes a stand to repent from any apathy, complacency, lukewarmness in their walk and deliberately chooses to be bold when it is needed but filled with humility and your gentle spirit, filled with discernment and listening closely to your Holy Spirit, always learning when to speak and when not to speak. Season us Father to be the vessels we are called to be and bring many of us into godly intents and visions that are far above what we ourselves are capable. We depend upon your Holy Spirit and ask and declare this in your son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen.   

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