Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Prophets Reward

Blessing Prophets Comes With Rewards

God rewards those who receive and bless prophets. Those who are hospitable to prophets get God's attention. The treatment of prophets is a sign of a person's heart toward God. Prophets are sent representatives. Rejecting prophets is tantamount to rejecting God. Favor, blessing, promotion and financial breakthrough are some of the blessings that come into your life when you receive a prophet of God.
In this article, I am going to expand on some of the rewards you can receive when you welcome the ministry of prophets.
Prophets Are Encouragers
Prophets are great encouragers. Prophets love to encourage others. This is one of the assignments of prophets. They will encourage people others have forgotten. If you need encouragement, get around prophets. In Acts 4:36, Barnabas is called "the son of prophecy." Some translations will call him "the son of encouragement." The words in these verses for "prophecy," "encouragement" and "exhort" are so closely related that they actually can be translated either way.
Prophets bring encouragement through prophecy, singing, preaching, teaching and counseling. Prophets encourage you to seek God, not wizards. Seek God. Don't seek after wizards who peep and mutter. Don't seek after those with familiar spirits. This is the cry of the prophet.
Prophets are needed when there is weakness and discouragement. The Jews were weak and discouraged when they were rebuilding the temple, but God raised up Haggai and Zechariah to encourage them and strengthen them. The Jews were able to finish the work with the help of the prophets.
Finally, prophets speak to and encourage the weary. They have compassion and love for the weary. They bring encouragement to the weary. They bring refreshment to the tired. If you are tired and weary, you need to get around prophets.
They can identify weariness and discouragement quickly. They are sensitive to it. The weary are the sad, the tired, the faint and the discouraged.
Prophets Challenge the Saints
Prophets stretch us. Prophets will challenge the church in the area of faith. Prophets will encourage the saints to "believe God for greater things." Prophets hate doubt and unbelief. They speak things that require you to believe. They stretch your faith with the word of the Lord.
Prophets can speak things that are sometimes hard to believe. The prophet moves us into areas that are impossible with man but possible with God. God uses prophets to push us past our comfort levels.
Prophets will sometimes speak words that seem so impossible that they will say, "Did I just say that?"
Prophets help us go through God's chastening (correction). God's discipline is important to prophets. Prophets lift up the hands that hang down and strengthen the feeble knees. We all need encouragement when we are going through correction. Prophets are good at helping us endure God's correction in our lives.
In addition, prophets challenge us to make a decision. Elijah asked Israel, "How long will you stay between two opinions?" Elijah challenged them to make a decision. A double-minded man is doomed to be unstable in all his ways (James 1:8).
Prophets also challenge our comfort zone. Amos gave a word to those who were at ease in Zion (Amos 6:1). They were comfortable in their sin and rebellion. They felt safe and secure in their disobedience. They were living an easy life without any concern for others who were downtrodden and oppressed.
Prophets Warn of Danger
Prophets can see the end from the beginning. Prophets know where people, churches, cities and nations are headed based on their decisions. They will know the end. They will know where you are heading.
They will know where you are going. Prophets encourage and warn people to make the right decisions so their end can be blessed. They try to turn you around if you are heading to a bad ending.
Before God acts, He shows His plan to His prophets. Prophets will see it and pray about it before it happens. This is heaven working with earth. After all, Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets."
The future is not our enemy. Prophets help keep us poised for the future. They will not let you get stuck in the past. They bring hope for the future. Prophets understand destiny and purpose. They will help us not to fear the future or to remain stuck in the past.
Prophets are concerned about your future. Prophets want to know where you are heading. They want to know what decisions you are making now that affect your future. They want to know if you are fulfilling your destiny (Jer. 29:11)A Prophetic Oasis
The prophetic atmosphere is an oasis (Elim). An oasis is a fertile spot in a desert where water is found. It is a watering hole, watering place, waterhole or spring. The prophetic refreshes, provides rest and waters dry places. An oasis is a place of palm trees. Elim is a picture of this. Elim was a place of 70 palm trees in the wilderness. The prophet is like a palm tree. If you need refreshing, get around a prophet.
Refresh means "to revive or reinvigorate, as with rest, food or drink; to renew by stimulation."
Prophets help prepare us for times of refreshing. Churches and believers need seasons of refreshing. These times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord.
Prophets Bless People
Prophets bless. Some people think that all prophets do is curse people, but prophets love to bless people. They love to speak words of blessing over people whom God desires to bless. Jacob blessed his sons before he died (Gen. 49). Moses blessed the tribes of Israel with prophetic words (Deut. 33).
Prophetic blessings are powerful. Your life will be changed and blessed when you are blessed by a prophet. And don't despise what prophets have to say (1 Thess. 5:20). Those who hate prophets have a long line of unflattering predecessors (Matt. 23:29-32).
A prophetic word can save your life, release you into your destiny, give you understanding, release grace into your life, bring correction, cause breakthrough and give you direction. Prophets and prophetic utterances are sometimes despised and lightly esteemed. Prophets should be esteemed and received. They bring great blessing.

John Eckhardt is overseer of Crusaders Ministries in Chicago. Gifted with a strong apostolic call, he has ministered throughout the world. He produces a weekly television program, Perfecting the Saints, and has written more than 20 books. Eckhardt lives in the Chicago area with his family.

If you liked the article, you'll love the book.
In his latest book, Prophet Arise (Charisma House), apostle John Eckhardt teaches you how to discern and use your prophetic gift. Discover what the prophet's call is and how to find healing when you are misunderstood. You can find this book at amazon.com, christianbook.com or wherever Christian books are sold.

Yes! There are Angels watching over us!

My cellphone disappeared and it was turned off! The remote is missing. Misplaced keys again!  Where did that receipt go? Ever lock yourself out of your car? Got a speeding ticket? Flat tire? Slide circles on ice? Had a leaky pipe? Got stung by an angry hornet?  Throw your back out because you shouldn’t have lifted the rock in the first place!  Check! 

Stress triggers. They can begin like a green lazy river that peacefully rolls along without a splash, then the canoe hits a rock and capsizes.  Our brave old guard dog can’t see or hear much anymore and he ends up barking over everything!  Sometimes our parrot starts to bark! A type A crow that lives with his friends in the glade copies our Parrot. Life rocks! How can two people have so much fun in their “quiet lives.” 

No matter how long ago, there are some things, you never forget. After grocery shopping, I began to take the bags out of the trunk when I noticed my purse was missing. Missiles could have exploded next door and I would not have paid any attention as I prayed my way back to the store. God’s mercy was faithful again, when I looked at the cart I had used, with my purse still in the seat. 

You do not know boonies until you’ve lived deep in the Blue Ridge mountains. I was washing dishes and looking out over the pasture the goats were eating. Such a pleasant and peaceful sight, I mused. I drew my hands out of the water and noticed my diamond missing from its socket. Fearfully, I looked in the water and ran to the garden where I had been working, but no diamond. My diamond was special, we had picked the rings out together while we were visiting Toronto. The diamond was part of our life. One in Christ!  I was devastated. Without sleep, I tearfully prayed and then, one day, I released it from my heart. “Ok Lord, I’ll accept it if it is gone forever; your will, not mine.” 

Four months passed, no ring. Until early one morning I was in the bathroom and the sun shone brightly through the window hitting upon something that sparkled on the floor by the sink. It was my diamond! But, how could that be? I had swept and mopped the bathroom many times! How did the ring get in the bathroom?  I believe it was an angel.

Another time, I was driving my beloved 1965 ford truck beater and perfect for the rough place I lived. The stick shift broke off in the middle of the highway! “Lord help me!” I stuck the stick back down into where it broke off, believing I would get home. Sure enough, it got me home. Coincidence? Not in my life! 

Another time, I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere and immediately a truck came and pulled over [smiles] and poured gas into my empty tank. No cellphones back then to call for help. Only prayers.

Again, we were lost in the middle of the night driving through a strange town. I pulled over into a gas station and a young lady told us to follow her and she would put us back on our way. She drove many miles to show us the road to take in the pitch dark. The kindness of God can overwhelm you and fill you with joy.

Not convinced yet?  Let’s open another door in my memory bank.

I was taking a load of kids to The Christian School when the old car broke down just as I went over the bridge and it coasted to the side. I jumped out and opened the lid and looked up and saw a man running towards me with a dog tag bouncing upon his chest. Smiling, he asked me if I believed in the power of prayer? Oh yes! I replied. We both laid hands upon the engine and it started. I believe he was an angel sent by God, who later became good friends with us. 

Foolishness you think? How much faith do you really have?

Without fail, his angels show me where my keys, cellphone and remote are! He saved my purse from thieves! He gave my diamond back! He healed a goat and a dog from sickness. He brought a dog back home after being gone for one year and 3 months because my son prayed. He brought my parrot back who flew away for 11 days and returned one day before hurricane Dennis came to our shores. He literally gave me a car when I needed one and a washing machine! I have never lacked for a thing. We have always had good shelter, clothes to wear and food on our table. There are so many rescues I have lost count.

We cannot measure our tiny bits of reasonings or logic with God’s ways. He doesn’t work our way. He works in ways far above our thoughts and He uses our faith to answer our prayers and He uses His people and His angels!  

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14

Some of us have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
[They are spirit beings but can also take on the appearance of man.] 

“For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” 
Proverbs 16:9

God instructs us in the way we should go, He counsels us and keeps His eye upon us. Psalm 32:8

We walk by faith, not by sight. We pray in faith and know without a doubt, He will answer. We know we are guided by His hand; sometimes by angels. 

Nothing is too big or too small in God’s eyes. He cares for you. But you must humble yourself and believe that God can and will help you.

If you believe in the power of God, you can receive it. If you believe that Jesus is Lord, He will be Lord in your life. If you believe that He gave His life, so you could have yours, then it is time to make a decision. You will have what you believe in your heart. How big is your God? If you limit God in your life, that is what you will have. Limitations. 

Yes, there will be trials, but we are taken through them one by one, by His Holy Spirit and all the while His angels are watching over us. 

Precious Father,

We are so thankful in how you work in our lives. We know, you use what we need to strengthen our faith. You teach us how to overcome our worldly hangups. Thank you Father for holding our hand and opening our eyes. Father, we choose to fear you over man. Right now, we choose to trust in your ways, your words and your wisdom. We believe that Jesus Chris is the Son of God. Father, we ask that you would continue to guide us and direct us in that narrow path. Take our hearts, our minds, our soul and our body and we ask in Jesus name, amen.   

Monday, April 20, 2020

The Truth about Repentance


My, my what an old fashioned word repentance is today. Remember when the prisons were called Penitentiaries? Back then, the prisoners had to do penance. Because to do wrong = a penalty. Today, we call them Correctional Institutes because the prisoners need to be rehabilitated. The secular system is godless.  Few will use the word repentance behind the pulpit in fear of offending others. Hollywood has successfully painted a perverted picture of a ranting wild eyed, foaming at the mouth Evangelist, holding up the Bible and screaming “Repent.” Unfortunately, repentance isn’t in vogue for today and is considered foolishness. The truth is, no one will experience God’s forgiveness unless they do repent. A Spirit of Repentance comes through a humble heart that admits they did wrong, and are willing to turn away from it. You may be thinking, but how? “I have been doing this for so long, I don’t think I can stop.  How can I break this cycle? 

Notice I said, “Willing, you have to be willing to stop.”

In my own life, I realized I was unable to fix what I had successfully messed up. I was a divorced mother raising 3 sons by myself. Although, I thought I was half-way doing a good job, I wasn’t !  I was unaware of the seriousness of the example of my worldly behavior that was forming in my children’s small minds. I loved them in the only way a worldly mother can love. I’d had a bad example growing up, now I was ignorantly repeating what I had been taught.

Sooner or later though,  we grow up and admit that we cannot blame our poor childhood or our present circumstances for the noose we put around our own heads. For should we judge others to excuse of own mistakes, we will walk through that judgement in our own life. This means, not one of us can point our fingers at another. What I mean by that is, should we blame anyone for our sins, or consider ourselves above what others have done, even in our thoughts, we have the possibility of walking in their shoes to understand and learn through similar trials. Yes, this does happen. 

I was abandoned by my father and now my sons were abandoned by theirs. I craved the family I never had. I felt worthless, ashamed and unable to fix all the wrong in my life. How could I do this? I needed some answers and I was urged to read the Bible in the Book of John. The words literally leaped out to me! I noticed a great divide in what I thought to be love and how God loved. This was when I felt my guilt deepen into remorse. As I read, I began to feel sickened and was repulsed over the things I had done.  I learned that God loved me while I was yet in my sins. How could He feel this way? What kind of love was this? 

I learned later I was going through the steps of repentance without realizing what it was at the time. Repentance was judging my heart. Guilt can be good only when you listen to what it is saying in your life and you begin to use it to turn yourself around. The power of God uses guilt to speak to your conscience that says: “Enough. Come to me.”  My heart was broken, my life was broken; there was nothing left inside of me. My life was a train-wreck and I was helpless. 

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” Psalm 51:17 kjv

“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” Psalm 34:18

After God talked to Job, he repented when he said:

“Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:6

Jesus said:

“For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.” Matthew 21:32

“Peter replied, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38

The word repent in Hebrew means: The Hebrew term teshuvah (lit. "return") is used to refer to "repentance". This implies that transgression and sin are the natural and inevitable consequence of man's straying from God and His laws, and that it is man's destiny and duty to be with God.

Repentance means turning away from your sins and returning to or turn back to God. I returned to the God of my childhood.

We know in our hearts when we hear the gospel that change must come. There is a large thick wall between God’s way and worldly ways. 
Rd Ro.2:12-16 

We cannot deny, when we do wrong, we know of it. The gospel itself came from The Jews and yet we have learned that:

“A man is not a jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise is not from men, but from God.” Ro. 2:28, 29 niv

When we humbly come to the Lord in repentance we receive what we so desperately need, a new heart in Christ. 

Repentance [N] [T] [B]
There are three Greek words used in the New Testament to denote repentance.
The verb metamelomai is used of a change of mind, such as to produce regret or even remorse on account of sin, but not necessarily a change of heart. This word is used with reference to the repentance of Judas ( Matthew 27:3 ).

Metanoeo, meaning to change one's mind and purpose, as the result of after knowledge. This verb, with (3) the cognate noun metanoia , is used of true repentance, a change of mind and purpose and life, to which remission of sin is promised.

In other words, “I know about it, therefore I know what to do and I’m going to turn around and follow this through.”

Evangelical repentance consists of (1) a true sense of one's own guilt and sinfulness; (2) an apprehension of God's mercy in Christ; (3) an actual hatred of sin ( Psalms 119:128 ; Job 42:5 Job 42:6 ; 2 co 7:10 ) and turning from it to God; and (4) a persistent endeavour after a holy life in a walking with God in the way of his commandments.
The true penitent is conscious of guilt ( Psalms 51:4 Psalms 51:9 ), of pollution ( Psalms 51:5 Psalms 51:7 Psalms 51:10 ), and of helplessness ( 51:11 ; Psalms 109:21 Psalms 109:22 ). Thus he apprehends himself to be just what God has always seen him to be and declares him to be. But repentance comprehends not only such a sense of sin, but also an apprehension of mercy, without which there can be no true repentance ( Psalms 51:1 ; 130:4 ).

I needed this mercy! I needed forgiveness in Christ! 

Repentance changes peoples lives. True repentance walks it through, daily. We must remember, that holiness can live in imperfect vessels.

“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.” Pr. 24:16

Every time you mess up, you become that much more dependent upon the Holy Spirit to be your strength and carry you through. Most important, never ever give up!

The truth about Repentance? 

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 3:2

We are a society who needs answers and they need to know how they can be released from going in circles. Yes, there is so much more.

In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God UNLESS HE IS BORN AGAIN.” John 3:3 niv. 

You were once born from your mother. Now, you must be born of the Spirit.

The Bible talks about God’s unfailing love towards us. In our deepest heartfelt woes, He is there. In our most miserable moments where we lose all hope; if we reach out and trust Him at His word, He will take you the rest of the way. Do not try to reason or figure out how or why, because it is by His Spirit you become born again. You come by faith to receive His gift of grace. We may not understand such powerful love and all this may seem foreign to you, but God uses broken hearts so He can give you a new one. He uses broken lives, so He can lead your steps into a place of healing. He wants you to fully see what independence from Him has wrought in your life, so He can fill you up with His hope, love and salvation in His son Jesus Christ. God sent His Son to the cross to set you completely free from all your old ways and even yourself. This is not magic, but it is supernatural. The Bible says that Jesus Christ knew no sin and was made sin for us, so we might have the righteousness of God through Christ.  Though you may not see it now, everything you are going through is for your benefit, from His goodness and kindness. His light will shine and you will begin to see the truth. Accepting His truth will bring restoration in your life. Every time you see someone born-again, you are seeing a miracle. Time to humble yourself. You now have a choice to make:

Pray with me:

Precious Father,

I don’t understand it all, but I need your help. I believe that your Son Jesus Christ went to the cross and his blood was shed so I could have forgiveness of my sins. I know I have sinned and I have tried so many times to stop. Help me Lord. I ask that you would take my life, my heart, my mind, my soul, my will, my weakness, my all, and make me a new person in your Son Jesus. I am so sorry I have strayed. I ask that you would forgive my sins. [confess them:___________.]  I ask that you would do a deep work inside of me, help me stay focused. Teach me how to walk in your ways and open up my ears so I can hear what your Holy Spirit says to me. Make me strong in you Father. I do repent and ask that you would hold me up when I am tempted. Send your godly people to be by my side so I can draw strength by their love. Send your angels to protect me when I am in harms way. Be with me Oh Father and never leave me. In Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. 

If you have sincerely and humbly prayed this prayer, the Bible says you have been born-again. Now, you have the task of growing up in Christ. You must learn how to study for yourself and find a good Bible believing church to help you stay the course. Other believers will pray for you and give you good advice when you are tempted. Welcome to the family of Christ! 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

How To Face The Last Days Without Fear! - Derek Prince HD

Keith Green - Easter Song (live)

Easter Version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah

Dallas Holm - Rise Again with Lyrics

He's Alive by Don Francisco

What does our first amendment really mean?

This is a good article. The words are small, but easy to read. The first amendment was meant to protect the church from any control from the government. If the government chose to pray, give Bible verses or any expression of faith..they were free to do so.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

We can pray together and believe it will come to pass!

                                   We Pray

A dear friend of mine who mentored me for a few years taught me that right before you go before the throne of God to seek His face and pray, comb your hair. You want to be presentable when you begin to praise Him, sing to Him, talk to Him and give Him glory. 

Precious Father,

We cherish your name of Father, you are Holy. We cherish our time, our freedom to be with you and your deep love, gentleness and your kind ways of teaching us and bringing us right where you want us to be. Thank you giving us sleep in the night and peace as we go about our day. We see your hand through it all. We place our hand in yours with complete trust in you, through our small things and the larger things. Thank you Oh Holy Spirit for never leaving us. You care about every single person who reaches out to you. You melt our hearts and give us a new heart to be able to hear your voice. You open up blind eyes to see your truth. Your eyes go all over the world searching for those who will listen, those who love you and those who will live in faith. Thank you for never leaving us, your word says you are long in patience and that your mercy is new every single morning. You are faithful and always hear our prayers.  We thank you for healing our wounds. We thank you for how you are working in all of our lives. We thank you for the purging and an awakening in our lands. We thank you for sending your spirit of repentance upon the earth. We give you honor this morning. 

Your servant Job once said, “Shall we indeed accept [only] good from God and not [also] accept adversity and disaster?” 3:10b 

We know that when we pray you listen, things happen. You send times of testings. Thank you for continually drawing us closer to you. Oh Father, the only righteousness we have is in your Son Jesus. 

We ask that you would continue to strengthen our hearts for the testings up ahead. We ask that you would count us worthy in Christ to escape what is coming upon the earth. We ask that our faith would be increased, our joy would overflow and that your great love would be manifested inside of us toward all those around us. Remind us not to judge personalities, appearances, nor to talk against anyone especially those who worship or praise differently than we do, in the family of Christ. Guard our thinking and our tongues. We ask that you would jerk us back to the cross should we ever get high minded and think we are better or know better than others. Forgive us Father. 

We lift up the underground church in Asia, middle east and in those places whose leaders are against you and your word. We ask that you would strengthen their tenacity, faith, bodies, hearts, minds and will. We ask you would bring strong increase into your flock by your Holy Spirit. We ask for safety upon these people. Guard them and their families. We ask that your Holy Spirit would blow upon these nations and begin to deliver them from all idols, perversion, fear of man and awaken every heart that was against you. Replace their evil with your love and goodness. We ask that your truth would be firmly encased inside every government because Jesus Christ is Lord. 

We ask that all those who agree with this prayer would be fully healed from past hurtful wounds of the heart and restrengthen by your Spirit. We ask that by your precious love, you would enable them to forgive others who have abused them for so long. Transform the hardness of their hearts into a tender love full of compassion and empathy for those who have been wounded. We ask for a complete deliverance from the bondage of anger, bitterness and depression. Give them a love for your word to store up thoughts of your promises. We thank you Father.

We pray for all those absent fathers out there who have abandoned their wives and children and have tried to justify their actions along their way. We ask that your Holy Spirit would humble them, and awaken their consciences and their hearts to see and understand your truth. We ask that they would see there is only one way to God the Father and that is through your Son Jesus Christ. We ask this guilt would bring forth a humble repentance, remorse and yes shame. We ask that you would enable them to release any unforgiveness and bitterness they have nurtured in their lives. We ask that you would take these men, forgive them and heal their hearts and by their faith in you, raise them up to be mighty warriors in these last days and that they would bring in many souls into the kingdom. We thank you Father. 

We lift up all the women who have had abortions. We ask that by your Holy Spirit you would touch each wounded heart and bring a complete healing to their souls. We ask where a haunting of regret once laid, would be replaced by the salve of your love, kindness, gentleness and peace. We ask that you place a blanket of forgiveness over their shoulders. We ask that you would raise up these women to help others with wounded hearts to minster your love and forgiveness in their lives. We all agree together that by your Holy Spirit we decree all Planned Parenthood centers would be permanently shut down. Thank you Father. 

We pray for all of the children who have never been raised with a father. We pray you would cover their wounds with your deep abiding love. Fill their void with the knowledge of knowing who you are and who they are in Christ, Father. Keep them in your hands and watching over them. Meet their every need in You. Strengthen their bodies, renew their minds and hearts. Keep them strong Lord. Your word talks about how you care for us personally and that you are our personal Father. Bring us all into a deeper understanding of your love for us. Your word says you will never leave us or forsake us. We believe that Father. We thank you Father.

We pray for our spouses. We ask for the stamina to continue to ride through the rough times of seeing them in pain. We ask for a healing in their bodies, their minds and their hearts. We ask for wisdom to react in love and gentleness, teach us how to respond your way instead of our way. We choose to serve and bless them in Jesus we ask. We ask for a continual line of communication between the marrieds and a deeper understanding as they talk. We ask that you will give them wisdom to guard the finances and prepare for what lies ahead. 

Your word asks “when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8b 

We desire to be those named that will be full of faith. We desire to be overwhelmed with your revelations in our waking, our walking, our talking and upon our beds. We thank you Father and it is in your son we pray, amen.   

2 hours non stop christian praise and worship songs with lyrics


Monday, April 6, 2020

Psalm 91's popularity

We find ourselves in the middle of a global storm called corona-19. There has been past viruses we tell ourselves, worse ones that killed millions. We sense the fear. We are told to stay home, only to go to the Dr or to the grocery stores. They tell us to expect another onslaught in the fall. When you listen to the news, where is the hope?

Right about now if I were a teenager I would be sobbing continually because I’d want to be with my friends because their lives are wrapped around each other. The hardest to control have been given strong dynamic personalities as they live their lives to the fullest. They seem to wait, to try bungie jumping at the break of day. Although most mothers feel their children can walk on water, we are like eagles still watchful over them, even when grown because we are; “a mother.”

Mothers will always think about their children first, “what about the kids?” “I am concerned about the kids.” When they have pets, same thing. It isn’t worrying or anxiety, but God must have placed a bold determination inside of our hearts that reads “defender" that gives us radar to pray for our children and call them up to see if all is well. 

Could this be one reason why Psalm 91 has risen to such popularity during our present storm? Read with me:

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely.]” For He will save you from the trap of the fowler, And for the deadly pestilence. He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness is a shield and a wall. You will not be afraid of the terror of night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day. Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness. Nor of the destruction [sudden death] that lays waste at noon. A thousand may fall at your right side and ten thousand at your right hand, But danger will not come to you. You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes. And witness the [divine] repayment of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High]. Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge. Even the Most High, your dwelling place. [Ps 91:1, 14]
No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will command His angels in regard to you, to protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. They will lift you up in their hands. So that you do not [even strike your foot against a stone. [Lu.4:10, 11  He. 1:15]    You will tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. [Lu.10:19]
Because He set his love on Me, therefore I will save him: I will set him [securely] on high because He knows my name [He confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him. no never! He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him, with a long life I will satisfy him and I will let him see my salvation.”  Psalm 91 amplified. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, We give you our hearts, our minds, our reasons, our own wisdom and everything you have made us up to be; we offer it up to you Lord. You are our defender, our protector, our shelter and we depend upon you to bring us through these storms. We love you Father and ask that you would examine our hearts and continue to dig out whatever we are holding onto that would hinder our priorities, faith, our walk, study or prayers. Thank you for making us sensitive to your voice. Thank you for giving us discernment for these times. Thank you for making us stronger, for purging us where we need it and for giving us your eye view on the important things in this present time. We lift up the Body of Christ and ask that you would refill our Pastor with an immoveable and sound faith, give him and his wife a new joy in their hearts, ones that are able to see your strong hand in the middle of this storm and able to believe that your Son is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We ask that you would keep them safe and secure in every work they begin and we ask you would encourage them early in their day. We ask that you would keep your hand upon all of the assembly, encourage their hearts and increase their faith. Help them get through this time with a full dependance upon your word, your will and way. Help them take off any limits in your Word through your Spirit. Draw us all closer Father and we ask in Jesus name, amen.  

Thursday, April 2, 2020

This will help you

While we are living in trying times, I would like to share something that has helped me get through some rough times in my life. Remember, we are all in this together.

Night sounds by Bill Pearce gave me the peace I needed many a night when I was raising my sons. When my day was done, late at night I tuned into his soothing voice; he gently encouraged his listeners not to give up. He nurtured us with hope and gave us peace every night on my radio. Although he has long passed over, his ministry continues for those of us who have benefited so much from his faithfulness. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Prayer from the Heart.....Believe as you pray

Please pray with me:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you all honor, all praise and all of our love this day, for you have given us another day. Your Spirit has taught us how to love you with all of our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength. We thank you for hearing our prayers, for your continual mercy and great love. Oh Father it is not in us to understand all your ways, for your word says:

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. 
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Is. 55:8-9

We are your people, who are called Children of God. We are so blessed. We were bought with a price. Your Son Jesus. Right now, your church repents: Forgive our apathy. Forgive our Laodicean ways. Forgive us for limiting Your Holy Spirit in our lives. Forgive us for whispering and talking against other members and other ministries. Forgive us for all gossip. Forgive us our lack of love and faith. Forgive us for thinking like the old man instead of the new man. Forgive us for hanging onto the ways of the world and not being focused on things above. Forgive us for not having a private time to listen to your word and hear what your Spirit is saying and pray for others. Forgive us for nurturing the flesh instead of the spirit. Forgive us for our impatient ways and not thinking how you are working upon our behalf. Forgive us for our lack of boldness. Forgive us for not being gentle, loving, kind yet firm. Forgive our unruly tongues, for you told us that he who guards his tongue protects his life. Forgive us for not speaking up in your name. Forgive us for not scattering seed when a door opens. Forgive us for moving in worldly fleshly fear instead of love and faith. Forgive us our every hinderance that grows into a division in our nation. Forgive us for not standing upon the truth. Forgive us for allowing abortions, for allowing prayer to come out of our schools, for your word not being taught. For not teaching our children the truth. For not training our children to fear you. For believing the worlds wisdom over yours. For holding un-forgiveness in our hearts and we let it all go once and for all! Forgive us for any idleness, laziness, assuming things, for gluttony, for even making excuses, for not having enough humbleness, for lacking the faith we need, not being good examples, for depending upon the worlds way rather than your way. For depending on what man says, over your spirit and your word. You give us grace when we humble ourselves and we let go of any self-importance. 

If I shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence and plague among my people, and if my people who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek [crave, require as a necessity] My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. 2Ch. 7:14

Does God do things like that? Yes, He still does. He knows what it takes to bring a nation back to Him. 

Right now, we choose to humble ourselves, under your mighty hand. We choose to repent like that of Job who repented in dust and ashes. We choose to repent of our obvious sins, but also those that we are not aware of, our blind sins and we do this in faith. 

We ask for a humbling where we need it in your church, a purging, a sifting and we ask that you would send a spirit of repentance inside of your flock across our county, across our towns, cities and our nation. Give us what we need Father and the ability and your strength to go through it. Your word is faithful, for you said that judgement must first come to the house of God. You correct us because you love us. Your son is coming back for a unified church. Help us Father to be unified. We ask that your Holy Spirit would go after those who have turned their backs upon you and bring them back to your truth. Bring modesty and respect back to the church, bring good training towards our children to respect and love you, their parents and others. Bring modesty back and that they would know right from wrong, in dress, in speaking and behaviors.

We put all of our trust in You oh Father. We come together in your son’s name.

“Again I say to you, that if two [a]believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.” Mt. 18:19-20 amp.

This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that [a]if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us.” 1John 5:14 amp

We ask that you would dismantle and render helpless all those who come against your truth, all the accusers in high places in their positions, shut their mouths of all authority. We ask that you would bring down all the liars in journalism, close all doors that was once opened and open their eyes that they would see the depth of their sins, like you once awakened us. We ask they would all be replaced by godly people. We ask that your truth would reign upon our land. We ask that this would be a solid sheep nation. We ask you would replace all ungodly teachers in this nation with your godly servants. We ask that you would bring all those who harm your children and your babies connected with abortions and sex trafficking be completely cast down and be immobilized and unable to move, do away with all planned parenthood centers and replace them with places of prayer and love for you.   Father, our nation was founded upon your principles, upon your word and your ways. Forgive us Father for giving into unbelief, twisted and perverted thinking, power, fear, bribes, blackmail, greed, perversion, idolatries, worldly wisdom, witchcraft, compromising ways, excuses, lies and we plead with you to bring this nation back to you. Bring honor back to you, bring a fearless, bold love back to you and to your church and we ask that You and your word would be first and foremost in all hearts. Oh Father we depend upon your Holy Spirit to rescue our nation and set us all upon your rock once again. In Jesus we ask amen.