Wednesday, April 8, 2020

We can pray together and believe it will come to pass!

                                   We Pray

A dear friend of mine who mentored me for a few years taught me that right before you go before the throne of God to seek His face and pray, comb your hair. You want to be presentable when you begin to praise Him, sing to Him, talk to Him and give Him glory. 

Precious Father,

We cherish your name of Father, you are Holy. We cherish our time, our freedom to be with you and your deep love, gentleness and your kind ways of teaching us and bringing us right where you want us to be. Thank you giving us sleep in the night and peace as we go about our day. We see your hand through it all. We place our hand in yours with complete trust in you, through our small things and the larger things. Thank you Oh Holy Spirit for never leaving us. You care about every single person who reaches out to you. You melt our hearts and give us a new heart to be able to hear your voice. You open up blind eyes to see your truth. Your eyes go all over the world searching for those who will listen, those who love you and those who will live in faith. Thank you for never leaving us, your word says you are long in patience and that your mercy is new every single morning. You are faithful and always hear our prayers.  We thank you for healing our wounds. We thank you for how you are working in all of our lives. We thank you for the purging and an awakening in our lands. We thank you for sending your spirit of repentance upon the earth. We give you honor this morning. 

Your servant Job once said, “Shall we indeed accept [only] good from God and not [also] accept adversity and disaster?” 3:10b 

We know that when we pray you listen, things happen. You send times of testings. Thank you for continually drawing us closer to you. Oh Father, the only righteousness we have is in your Son Jesus. 

We ask that you would continue to strengthen our hearts for the testings up ahead. We ask that you would count us worthy in Christ to escape what is coming upon the earth. We ask that our faith would be increased, our joy would overflow and that your great love would be manifested inside of us toward all those around us. Remind us not to judge personalities, appearances, nor to talk against anyone especially those who worship or praise differently than we do, in the family of Christ. Guard our thinking and our tongues. We ask that you would jerk us back to the cross should we ever get high minded and think we are better or know better than others. Forgive us Father. 

We lift up the underground church in Asia, middle east and in those places whose leaders are against you and your word. We ask that you would strengthen their tenacity, faith, bodies, hearts, minds and will. We ask you would bring strong increase into your flock by your Holy Spirit. We ask for safety upon these people. Guard them and their families. We ask that your Holy Spirit would blow upon these nations and begin to deliver them from all idols, perversion, fear of man and awaken every heart that was against you. Replace their evil with your love and goodness. We ask that your truth would be firmly encased inside every government because Jesus Christ is Lord. 

We ask that all those who agree with this prayer would be fully healed from past hurtful wounds of the heart and restrengthen by your Spirit. We ask that by your precious love, you would enable them to forgive others who have abused them for so long. Transform the hardness of their hearts into a tender love full of compassion and empathy for those who have been wounded. We ask for a complete deliverance from the bondage of anger, bitterness and depression. Give them a love for your word to store up thoughts of your promises. We thank you Father.

We pray for all those absent fathers out there who have abandoned their wives and children and have tried to justify their actions along their way. We ask that your Holy Spirit would humble them, and awaken their consciences and their hearts to see and understand your truth. We ask that they would see there is only one way to God the Father and that is through your Son Jesus Christ. We ask this guilt would bring forth a humble repentance, remorse and yes shame. We ask that you would enable them to release any unforgiveness and bitterness they have nurtured in their lives. We ask that you would take these men, forgive them and heal their hearts and by their faith in you, raise them up to be mighty warriors in these last days and that they would bring in many souls into the kingdom. We thank you Father. 

We lift up all the women who have had abortions. We ask that by your Holy Spirit you would touch each wounded heart and bring a complete healing to their souls. We ask where a haunting of regret once laid, would be replaced by the salve of your love, kindness, gentleness and peace. We ask that you place a blanket of forgiveness over their shoulders. We ask that you would raise up these women to help others with wounded hearts to minster your love and forgiveness in their lives. We all agree together that by your Holy Spirit we decree all Planned Parenthood centers would be permanently shut down. Thank you Father. 

We pray for all of the children who have never been raised with a father. We pray you would cover their wounds with your deep abiding love. Fill their void with the knowledge of knowing who you are and who they are in Christ, Father. Keep them in your hands and watching over them. Meet their every need in You. Strengthen their bodies, renew their minds and hearts. Keep them strong Lord. Your word talks about how you care for us personally and that you are our personal Father. Bring us all into a deeper understanding of your love for us. Your word says you will never leave us or forsake us. We believe that Father. We thank you Father.

We pray for our spouses. We ask for the stamina to continue to ride through the rough times of seeing them in pain. We ask for a healing in their bodies, their minds and their hearts. We ask for wisdom to react in love and gentleness, teach us how to respond your way instead of our way. We choose to serve and bless them in Jesus we ask. We ask for a continual line of communication between the marrieds and a deeper understanding as they talk. We ask that you will give them wisdom to guard the finances and prepare for what lies ahead. 

Your word asks “when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8b 

We desire to be those named that will be full of faith. We desire to be overwhelmed with your revelations in our waking, our walking, our talking and upon our beds. We thank you Father and it is in your son we pray, amen.   

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