Monday, April 6, 2020

Psalm 91's popularity

We find ourselves in the middle of a global storm called corona-19. There has been past viruses we tell ourselves, worse ones that killed millions. We sense the fear. We are told to stay home, only to go to the Dr or to the grocery stores. They tell us to expect another onslaught in the fall. When you listen to the news, where is the hope?

Right about now if I were a teenager I would be sobbing continually because I’d want to be with my friends because their lives are wrapped around each other. The hardest to control have been given strong dynamic personalities as they live their lives to the fullest. They seem to wait, to try bungie jumping at the break of day. Although most mothers feel their children can walk on water, we are like eagles still watchful over them, even when grown because we are; “a mother.”

Mothers will always think about their children first, “what about the kids?” “I am concerned about the kids.” When they have pets, same thing. It isn’t worrying or anxiety, but God must have placed a bold determination inside of our hearts that reads “defender" that gives us radar to pray for our children and call them up to see if all is well. 

Could this be one reason why Psalm 91 has risen to such popularity during our present storm? Read with me:

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely.]” For He will save you from the trap of the fowler, And for the deadly pestilence. He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness is a shield and a wall. You will not be afraid of the terror of night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day. Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness. Nor of the destruction [sudden death] that lays waste at noon. A thousand may fall at your right side and ten thousand at your right hand, But danger will not come to you. You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes. And witness the [divine] repayment of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High]. Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge. Even the Most High, your dwelling place. [Ps 91:1, 14]
No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will command His angels in regard to you, to protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. They will lift you up in their hands. So that you do not [even strike your foot against a stone. [Lu.4:10, 11  He. 1:15]    You will tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. [Lu.10:19]
Because He set his love on Me, therefore I will save him: I will set him [securely] on high because He knows my name [He confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him. no never! He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him, with a long life I will satisfy him and I will let him see my salvation.”  Psalm 91 amplified. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, We give you our hearts, our minds, our reasons, our own wisdom and everything you have made us up to be; we offer it up to you Lord. You are our defender, our protector, our shelter and we depend upon you to bring us through these storms. We love you Father and ask that you would examine our hearts and continue to dig out whatever we are holding onto that would hinder our priorities, faith, our walk, study or prayers. Thank you for making us sensitive to your voice. Thank you for giving us discernment for these times. Thank you for making us stronger, for purging us where we need it and for giving us your eye view on the important things in this present time. We lift up the Body of Christ and ask that you would refill our Pastor with an immoveable and sound faith, give him and his wife a new joy in their hearts, ones that are able to see your strong hand in the middle of this storm and able to believe that your Son is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We ask that you would keep them safe and secure in every work they begin and we ask you would encourage them early in their day. We ask that you would keep your hand upon all of the assembly, encourage their hearts and increase their faith. Help them get through this time with a full dependance upon your word, your will and way. Help them take off any limits in your Word through your Spirit. Draw us all closer Father and we ask in Jesus name, amen.

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