Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Yes! There are Angels watching over us!

My cellphone disappeared and it was turned off! The remote is missing. Misplaced keys again!  Where did that receipt go? Ever lock yourself out of your car? Got a speeding ticket? Flat tire? Slide circles on ice? Had a leaky pipe? Got stung by an angry hornet?  Throw your back out because you shouldn’t have lifted the rock in the first place!  Check! 

Stress triggers. They can begin like a green lazy river that peacefully rolls along without a splash, then the canoe hits a rock and capsizes.  Our brave old guard dog can’t see or hear much anymore and he ends up barking over everything!  Sometimes our parrot starts to bark! A type A crow that lives with his friends in the glade copies our Parrot. Life rocks! How can two people have so much fun in their “quiet lives.” 

No matter how long ago, there are some things, you never forget. After grocery shopping, I began to take the bags out of the trunk when I noticed my purse was missing. Missiles could have exploded next door and I would not have paid any attention as I prayed my way back to the store. God’s mercy was faithful again, when I looked at the cart I had used, with my purse still in the seat. 

You do not know boonies until you’ve lived deep in the Blue Ridge mountains. I was washing dishes and looking out over the pasture the goats were eating. Such a pleasant and peaceful sight, I mused. I drew my hands out of the water and noticed my diamond missing from its socket. Fearfully, I looked in the water and ran to the garden where I had been working, but no diamond. My diamond was special, we had picked the rings out together while we were visiting Toronto. The diamond was part of our life. One in Christ!  I was devastated. Without sleep, I tearfully prayed and then, one day, I released it from my heart. “Ok Lord, I’ll accept it if it is gone forever; your will, not mine.” 

Four months passed, no ring. Until early one morning I was in the bathroom and the sun shone brightly through the window hitting upon something that sparkled on the floor by the sink. It was my diamond! But, how could that be? I had swept and mopped the bathroom many times! How did the ring get in the bathroom?  I believe it was an angel.

Another time, I was driving my beloved 1965 ford truck beater and perfect for the rough place I lived. The stick shift broke off in the middle of the highway! “Lord help me!” I stuck the stick back down into where it broke off, believing I would get home. Sure enough, it got me home. Coincidence? Not in my life! 

Another time, I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere and immediately a truck came and pulled over [smiles] and poured gas into my empty tank. No cellphones back then to call for help. Only prayers.

Again, we were lost in the middle of the night driving through a strange town. I pulled over into a gas station and a young lady told us to follow her and she would put us back on our way. She drove many miles to show us the road to take in the pitch dark. The kindness of God can overwhelm you and fill you with joy.

Not convinced yet?  Let’s open another door in my memory bank.

I was taking a load of kids to The Christian School when the old car broke down just as I went over the bridge and it coasted to the side. I jumped out and opened the lid and looked up and saw a man running towards me with a dog tag bouncing upon his chest. Smiling, he asked me if I believed in the power of prayer? Oh yes! I replied. We both laid hands upon the engine and it started. I believe he was an angel sent by God, who later became good friends with us. 

Foolishness you think? How much faith do you really have?

Without fail, his angels show me where my keys, cellphone and remote are! He saved my purse from thieves! He gave my diamond back! He healed a goat and a dog from sickness. He brought a dog back home after being gone for one year and 3 months because my son prayed. He brought my parrot back who flew away for 11 days and returned one day before hurricane Dennis came to our shores. He literally gave me a car when I needed one and a washing machine! I have never lacked for a thing. We have always had good shelter, clothes to wear and food on our table. There are so many rescues I have lost count.

We cannot measure our tiny bits of reasonings or logic with God’s ways. He doesn’t work our way. He works in ways far above our thoughts and He uses our faith to answer our prayers and He uses His people and His angels!  

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14

Some of us have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2
[They are spirit beings but can also take on the appearance of man.] 

“For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” 
Proverbs 16:9

God instructs us in the way we should go, He counsels us and keeps His eye upon us. Psalm 32:8

We walk by faith, not by sight. We pray in faith and know without a doubt, He will answer. We know we are guided by His hand; sometimes by angels. 

Nothing is too big or too small in God’s eyes. He cares for you. But you must humble yourself and believe that God can and will help you.

If you believe in the power of God, you can receive it. If you believe that Jesus is Lord, He will be Lord in your life. If you believe that He gave His life, so you could have yours, then it is time to make a decision. You will have what you believe in your heart. How big is your God? If you limit God in your life, that is what you will have. Limitations. 

Yes, there will be trials, but we are taken through them one by one, by His Holy Spirit and all the while His angels are watching over us. 

Precious Father,

We are so thankful in how you work in our lives. We know, you use what we need to strengthen our faith. You teach us how to overcome our worldly hangups. Thank you Father for holding our hand and opening our eyes. Father, we choose to fear you over man. Right now, we choose to trust in your ways, your words and your wisdom. We believe that Jesus Chris is the Son of God. Father, we ask that you would continue to guide us and direct us in that narrow path. Take our hearts, our minds, our soul and our body and we ask in Jesus name, amen.   

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