Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Read Frank Sonnenberg's advice about raising kids

The Greatest Gift Parents Can Give Kids

kids, children, parenting, parenthood, how to raise your kids, values, values to pass on to your child, things to teach your child, parenting tips, what is good parenting, Frank Sonnenberg
Your family is the most precious treasure in your life. The greatest gift you can give your children is a solid set of values. Take a moment to determine how your actions may be affecting them. Remember, if you don’t pass your values on to your kids, someone else will.
If you:
  1. Teach your kids that money is everything, they’ll stop at nothing to get it.
  2. Do everything for your children, you’ll make them feel good for nothing.
  3. Teach your kids that dishonesty pays, they’ll pay for it for the rest of their life.
  4. Reward your children, without their earning it, they’ll work hard not to work.
  5. Close your eyes to bad behavior, your kids will always live with a blind spot.
  6. Shield your children from adversity, you’ll make them weak. (Heaven protect them.)
  7. Teach your kids to envy, they’ll never be satisfied with what they have.
  8. Shelter your children from reality, they’ll always live a fantasy.
  9. Fight your kids’ battles, you’ll make them frail. (That’s a losing battle.)
  10. Tackle every problem for your children, you’ll make them helpless.
  11. Teach your children to be a victim, you’ll rob them of hope.
  12. Protect your children from hard knocks, you’ll make them soft.
  13. Gift your kids everything, you’ll make them dependent. (Thanks for nothing!)
  14. Teach your children to hate, they’ll show you how ugly some folks can be.
  15. Protect your kids from opposing viewpoints, you’ll make them close-minded and shallow.
  16. Teach your children to give up, they’ll always fall short of their dreams.
  17. Give your kids everything, you’ll deprive them of aspirations.
  18. Lower your expectations of your kids, you’ll get what you expect.
  19. Teach your children to cheat, you’ll cheat them out of living an honorable life.
  20. Set a poor example for your children, you’ll teach them to be just like you.
Our world may have changed, but the importance of integrity has not. As leaders, role models, and parents, we must strive to utilize every opportunity available to us to reinforce the values and beliefs that we hold dear. If you instill good values in your children, you give them everything! Set high standards, remain true to your values, listen to your conscience, and do yourself proud. Watch your children grow, and they will teach you what you’ve taught them.

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