Friday, May 1, 2020

Small morning prayer

Did you know, that hatred and bitterness create chemicals that have a destructive effect upon your physical body? Love produces chemicals that cause you to glow? Yes, the chemicals that are produced when you love brings a glow to you and your life. Love is light and there is no reason for us to hate or be bitter when we walk in His love. His light exposes a lot of things to us, but most of all it exposes His love.

Small prayer:
Heavenly Father,

Today, we choose to think on those things that build up, rather than destroy. We choose to see your goodness instead of man's evil ways. We choose to magnify your holiness and not the depravity that we hear all of the time. We know you have made us more than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus and we will not be moved, or budged one inch in our stance. Thank you Father, for giving us another day in your light! Walking down that narrow path and being continually reassured of the depth, height, width, strength and overcoming power of your love in us, through us, upon our lives, in our words and towards each other. Thank you Father in your Son we rejoice this morning! Amen. 

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