Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wednesday, Small Morning Prayer

                                           Small Morning Prayer

We praise you Father, first thing this morning. We love you with all of our heart, our mind, our soul and our strength. We give you thanks for the blessing and privilege to call you Abba our Father. We thank you for your goodness, your never ending mercies, your guidance, the great love of your Son Jesus and all the teachings in your word. We thank you for your Precious Holy Spirit, who never leaves us. We thank you for the angels you send to us who minister to those of us who inherit salvation. You are great O Lord! And, greatly to be praised! We thank you for revealing to us your mysteries and deep truths. We thank you for bringing us through our testings and trials. It is you and none else! We thank you for healing us in so many ways, especially our souls. We thank you for not allowing us to get away with anything and for always holding us accountable in your gentle ways of telling us to forgive. Forgive us Father, for the times we move in the flesh instead of the spirit, for the times we are not even aware of it.  We praise you for correcting us when we need it. We thank you for giving us that place of rest when you know we need it. You are always here. We thank you for the blessings of the Body of Christ and the great love they give to each other. O Father, your Body is incredible! We are complete together. Truly, we are your living organism. We thank you how their love reflects who you are and your son Jesus. It is you who have given us such a gift, through each other.  We give you all honor and praise this morning. From our hearts, we thank you Father. 

Father, We thank you for giving us your eyes that we can see in the spirit of where we are in these days. We see through your lens, the prophecies coming to pass. Thank you for your ears that we can listen and hear your truth through your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father. We will not fear because we know you have given us a sound mind. We will not waver because we put all of our trust in you and walk by faith, not by sight. We are filled with the fruit of your joy and this has made us strong. We will not look back in sorrow because all of our past is under your son’s blood, rather we will rejoice over the scars and limps we have that taught us, You are Lord.  We look ahead and prepare to fight this fight of faith. Your word says we are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus and we believe this. We believe and know there are times you answer our prayers before we even ask. We rejoice because you call us “Children of Light!” We belong to you! We are walking mercies! We give you all glory! 

Father, you have given us everything thing we need to be victorious in you. You give us a new strength every single morning, you energize us by the very breath of your Holy Spirit. We embrace you O Father! 

Father, We ask that you would heal and warm the hearts that pray to you this morning. Bring them through their temptations, trials, sufferings and show them, the work is already done in your Son. Fill them up with your word and lift up their hearts, souls, spirits and countenance.  Strengthen them to remove all worry, frets and doubts with your love and your promises.  Help them renew their lives in you. Even teach them the value of a smile. The value of investing in another soul. 

We ask that you would send your Comforter to the families who are struggling with their faith, those who have lost jobs, lost their loved ones and have gotten a negative report and are full of confusion, depression and doubt. We ask that you would fully restore the things they have lost. Give them the peace they need and restore their hope. In your Son Jesus we ask.  amen. 

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