Friday, June 26, 2020

We can have PEACE!

I woke up singing: “He gives me peace in the midst of the storm!” So, after a good nights sleep I went downstairs, fed my two felines, retrieved my coffee and then, praised along with Alvin’s strong voice. I urge you to listen to the words of that song and let them sink into your soul and spirit. When we give our Father God praise, our problems begin to shrink and a deep thankfulness enters into our hearts. 

Everyday we become more shocked and appalled over the violence in our land and if you have been given more of your share of empathy, you can feel the pain of those whose lives have been wounded. Killing and destroying has become our “new normal” just like our enemies have planned. More stress is generated over the plague and the powers that be, urge us to stay home!  Our once free nation has been turned upside down without law and order how can anyone not be fearful or have peace?

Slow down. Take a deep breath. Take time to think on these 8 thoughts:

Think about everything God has brought you through. 
Think about how He has never left you.
Think about His faithfulness.
Think about how He is in the process of changing our earth for the good.
Think about how He does not lie, ever! 
Think about how His word is true.
Most important, think of His great love for you. 

What did Jesus say? 

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.” Jn. 14:1

The words “LET NOT” tells us we have a choice. 

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Jn. 14:27

JESUS has left HIS PEACE for us. This has nothing to do with the secular wisdom. 

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusts in thee.” Is. 26:3

WHOSE MIND is stayed on God and His ways.

We can be caught up in fear or caught up in God’s love. His strength does not come overnight but through experiencing many trials, through humility and the determination to stand upon His word in faith. His strength comes through talking to our Father on a regular basis. 


Precious Father,

Thank you for your perfect words at this perfect time in our lives. Thank you for reminding us that we can have your peace, if our minds are stayed upon you. Thank you for reminding us to trust in you with everything we have, we see and do. Thank you for reminding us that it is you O Father who is getting things in order for the soon return of your Son Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness. Yes we believe this in our hearts. Help us to continue to get our lives in order, so Jesus will be able to say “he found faith upon the earth” when he returns. We welcome your precious Holy Spirit to teach us, direct us and take perfect control of our lives. Our desire is to glorify you in all that we do and we ask in your son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen.   


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Confessions of a Believer #3

Confessions of a Believer #3

Our walk all started at the cross. Some of us leaped and jumped over the Sheepgate. Like the toddler who discovers he can walk then tries to run and he trips and falls. His knees are skinned, his head was bruised, his heart is broken and he cries, but he always gets up again!  He didn’t know, this was his first trip toward the finish line.

A believers passage does not come easy. This narrow road is filled with many trials, tests and blinking signs that flash incredible “customized” temptations at times. Small reflectors of yesterdays “fun in the flesh” can flash before us in an instant. One simple song of a bygone era can have our soul weeping. We walk, we fumble, we tumble and we grow. We now carry a sword and begin to guard our hearts like that of a Centurion, that holds up a shield of faith. Time moves on and a good soldier begins to be sensitive to his surroundings. He spends time in prayer, studying, meditating and begins to see clearer. Then, one day while walking down that narrow road, he sensed danger. He did not see them, hear them nor smell them; but when his mentor threw a rock in his path, the bomb blew the rock into a thousand pieces. He was in the middle of a battlefield! He began to see the strategies of the enemy and was given discernment. As he drew closer to God, he also drew closer to the Body of Christ. For, just as circulation in the physical body brings health, he saw how circulation in the Body of Christ also brought health. The blood pumps vibrantly in both places. The Holy Spirit would send different people to be in his life, to teach him how to be that godly reflection of Christ’s love. Different servants began to tweak his weaknesses and he became sensitive to deal with each fault. Iron sharpens iron. The pruning would produce good fruit.

Each select individual in the Body of Believers gravitated toward their own specialization to be trained, equipped and directed by the Holy Spirit to move in the anointing given to them and be producers of His love.  When they give, they give in love. When they teach, they teach in love. Love is their hope and the foundation for everything they do.  Do believers mess up? Yes!  Most of us are tripped up by our mouth! Sometimes the selfishness of our soul waves a big flag that says, “ME.” We get in trouble when our soul stops listening and depending upon The Holy Spirit. We humbly go back 10 steps and ask God to forgive us and keep walking.     We strive to shed any self importance and pride. Pride anchors a soul and cannot bear any good lasting fruit. There is only one you. We could plant a thousand seeds of watermelons but never get the one single tomato we desired, because some of us are watermelons and not tomatoes. Two people can look at the same tree and one will talk about how big and beautiful it is, while the other will see it as dangerous and needs to come down. Not one of us will ever be the same, because that is how we were created. One of the greatest blessings on this highway is that we are unified in God’s love and when our hearts obediently follow His word, He continues to give us the grace, faith, peace and understanding to walk those extra miles and be exactly who He wants us to be, even ourselves. 

“The secret [of the wise counsel] of the Lord is for those who fear Him, And He will let them know His covenant and reveal to them [through His word] it’s [deep inner] meaning.” Psalm 25:14  John 7:16,17 15:12-17

 Heavenly Father,

It is a great privilege, honor and joy to be called “Your Friend.” Truly, You bless us upon waking and retiring. Everywhere we go, You bless us, You comfort us and teach us. We are never alone Father. Your love encompasses our hearts beyond words. Open up the doors we need to walk through, that we can be a share cropper of blessings and bless others on behalf of your faithfulness and great patience. We cherish your ways O Father, keep your hand upon all those who love You. In Jesus we pray, amen.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Confessions of a Believer #2

 Confessions of a Believer #2

We believers are a strange lot. Peculiar. We talk in different languages, yet all understand the language of the love that was given to us. We come from all races, genders, tribes and all ages. Many of our lives were once shattered, like that of a broken pot that laid into many fine pieces; we yielded to the voice of the Potter who took us into His hands and began to slowly heal the wounds in our broken lives. Countless hearts once had chains wrapped so tightly around their souls, we felt hopeless, helpless and hungry for love. Some had eyes but could not see the truth. Some knew about God, but did not know Him as our Father. We knew about Jesus, but did not know Him as our Savior.  We knew about the Holy Spirit, but not as the Comforter, the Revealer and Baptizer into all truths.  Twisted thoughts would say “I am not good enough” or “I have to clean up myself first” to come to God. Wrong! That is not the way He works. He rescued many of us while in the deepest sorrows of our sin and opened up our eyes! We are a people who have been set free! We are walking miracles! We were once a people who did not have a name, some without an identity. We believed Jesus Christ was, is and always will be the Son of God. We knew we sinned against God and other people. Sin blinds, then destroys. Humbly, we confessed all our sins and all the old things were passed away and everything became new in our lives.  We inherited a new family, one of love and we were given new names. Today we are called: The Forgiven, the Bride of Christ, The Church, The Body of Christ, The Children of God, The Flock, Christians, The Redeemed, Believers, Children of Light, Transformed and even “A city on a hill that cannot be hid!” and so much more. Only God can take a fractured life seeped in the ways of the world and wash it clean as snow! Once rebel rousers in the world, soon we became rebel  rousers for Christ! Just as hard as we once partied in the world, we now ride a horse to victory, shouting the good news in Christ! Yes! It is that real! Our Father uses the invisible in our lives to shake up the visible.  He uses our personality for all the good in Christ and to bear fruit for His glory. The confessions of a believer are made up with ex-adulterers, divorced, ex-prostitutes, ex-addicts, ex-liars, ex-cheaters, ex-alcoholics, ex-druggies, ex-scammers, professionals, the prideful, even those who once thought they did not need God, because they considered themselves good. Humility has a way of knocking on your door.  The Body of Christ walks humbly and we are full of thankfulness! We still have the pain of our memories and if we could change the past, we would, yet we also understand [for our benefit], some of us had to fall into the pit before we looked up and cried for help. Our biggest calling is to love you, in spite of your faults, like we are loved. Remember, we were once where you stand. Our Creator knows us so much better than we know ourselves and we are confident that God never starts something He doesn’t finish. 
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6

“He will sustain you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:8

Like a friend of mine once said to me: “We are in this together.” 
We are on a journey with our own specialized assignment! 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Confessions of a Believer

Confession of a Believer

We are a people who are continually blessed in the midst of a time of chaos, a time of violence, a time of troubles, a time like the days of Noah, a time when our nation is filled with upheaval and anger. We live among a time of excessive permissiveness, deep rebellion [witchcraft], a time when the media spews lies that bring about a strong delusion to those who do not believe. We are a people who refuse to be masked, waver, refuse to relent, refuse to allow any false word or false god, demons, harassments, nor any scheme to hinder us, nor separate us from the gift of the love of God who has been given to us through Christ.  We are not swayed by the spirit of fear, for we have a sound mind or the spirit of error that moves across our land, but we trust in the Spirit of Truth whom few can see or understand the very power of the faith that has been given to us. We understand this precious faith is the same faith the Apostles had in and through the will of our Holy God! We humbly rejoice!  We lean on the Grace and Peace that has nurtured our growth and has been multiplied many times, in a true intimate knowledge of our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been given everything we need and live a dynamic life of a true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. By these, we know our Father has given us His precious and magnificent promises of inexpressible value. We boldy rejoice! Our Father has given us everything we need to be more than Conquerors! Because of His promises, we are able to escape from the immoral freedom that is in the world because of disreputable desire, and become sharers of the divine nature that has been given to us. We stand upon His promises and are filled with His word, we choose to exercise our faith through the high standards and moral excellence by the insight and knowledge that has been given to us. We can leap for joy! We are determined to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to develop us into a deeper brotherly love and affection for one another and learn how to be continually unselfish and always seek the best for one another and to do things for their benefit. We confess our desire to always be Your will.  Our Father has taught us how to love and how to give and through the power of His Grace we will be holy producers in all we do, in what we think, speak and give God all the glory.  We confess, we are Overcomers through the blood of Christ and wave His banner freely, boldly, unashamed and unabashed for we are a people who have been set entirely free from the sins of our past and walk in His light. We walk in thankfulness, giving all honor and praise to our Father. We are on a journey. We walk in Christ. We each have an assignment. We confess to be a child of the King! Rejoice!  We are a child of The Righteousness of Christ. Your Son said, “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will bring all men unto me.” John 12:32  And, Your son was lifted up! We continue to lift Him up in our confessions and in our lives; for He is Lord!