Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Confessions of a Believer #3

Confessions of a Believer #3

Our walk all started at the cross. Some of us leaped and jumped over the Sheepgate. Like the toddler who discovers he can walk then tries to run and he trips and falls. His knees are skinned, his head was bruised, his heart is broken and he cries, but he always gets up again!  He didn’t know, this was his first trip toward the finish line.

A believers passage does not come easy. This narrow road is filled with many trials, tests and blinking signs that flash incredible “customized” temptations at times. Small reflectors of yesterdays “fun in the flesh” can flash before us in an instant. One simple song of a bygone era can have our soul weeping. We walk, we fumble, we tumble and we grow. We now carry a sword and begin to guard our hearts like that of a Centurion, that holds up a shield of faith. Time moves on and a good soldier begins to be sensitive to his surroundings. He spends time in prayer, studying, meditating and begins to see clearer. Then, one day while walking down that narrow road, he sensed danger. He did not see them, hear them nor smell them; but when his mentor threw a rock in his path, the bomb blew the rock into a thousand pieces. He was in the middle of a battlefield! He began to see the strategies of the enemy and was given discernment. As he drew closer to God, he also drew closer to the Body of Christ. For, just as circulation in the physical body brings health, he saw how circulation in the Body of Christ also brought health. The blood pumps vibrantly in both places. The Holy Spirit would send different people to be in his life, to teach him how to be that godly reflection of Christ’s love. Different servants began to tweak his weaknesses and he became sensitive to deal with each fault. Iron sharpens iron. The pruning would produce good fruit.

Each select individual in the Body of Believers gravitated toward their own specialization to be trained, equipped and directed by the Holy Spirit to move in the anointing given to them and be producers of His love.  When they give, they give in love. When they teach, they teach in love. Love is their hope and the foundation for everything they do.  Do believers mess up? Yes!  Most of us are tripped up by our mouth! Sometimes the selfishness of our soul waves a big flag that says, “ME.” We get in trouble when our soul stops listening and depending upon The Holy Spirit. We humbly go back 10 steps and ask God to forgive us and keep walking.     We strive to shed any self importance and pride. Pride anchors a soul and cannot bear any good lasting fruit. There is only one you. We could plant a thousand seeds of watermelons but never get the one single tomato we desired, because some of us are watermelons and not tomatoes. Two people can look at the same tree and one will talk about how big and beautiful it is, while the other will see it as dangerous and needs to come down. Not one of us will ever be the same, because that is how we were created. One of the greatest blessings on this highway is that we are unified in God’s love and when our hearts obediently follow His word, He continues to give us the grace, faith, peace and understanding to walk those extra miles and be exactly who He wants us to be, even ourselves. 

“The secret [of the wise counsel] of the Lord is for those who fear Him, And He will let them know His covenant and reveal to them [through His word] it’s [deep inner] meaning.” Psalm 25:14  John 7:16,17 15:12-17

 Heavenly Father,

It is a great privilege, honor and joy to be called “Your Friend.” Truly, You bless us upon waking and retiring. Everywhere we go, You bless us, You comfort us and teach us. We are never alone Father. Your love encompasses our hearts beyond words. Open up the doors we need to walk through, that we can be a share cropper of blessings and bless others on behalf of your faithfulness and great patience. We cherish your ways O Father, keep your hand upon all those who love You. In Jesus we pray, amen.

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