Monday, June 15, 2020

Confessions of a Believer

Confession of a Believer

We are a people who are continually blessed in the midst of a time of chaos, a time of violence, a time of troubles, a time like the days of Noah, a time when our nation is filled with upheaval and anger. We live among a time of excessive permissiveness, deep rebellion [witchcraft], a time when the media spews lies that bring about a strong delusion to those who do not believe. We are a people who refuse to be masked, waver, refuse to relent, refuse to allow any false word or false god, demons, harassments, nor any scheme to hinder us, nor separate us from the gift of the love of God who has been given to us through Christ.  We are not swayed by the spirit of fear, for we have a sound mind or the spirit of error that moves across our land, but we trust in the Spirit of Truth whom few can see or understand the very power of the faith that has been given to us. We understand this precious faith is the same faith the Apostles had in and through the will of our Holy God! We humbly rejoice!  We lean on the Grace and Peace that has nurtured our growth and has been multiplied many times, in a true intimate knowledge of our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been given everything we need and live a dynamic life of a true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. By these, we know our Father has given us His precious and magnificent promises of inexpressible value. We boldy rejoice! Our Father has given us everything we need to be more than Conquerors! Because of His promises, we are able to escape from the immoral freedom that is in the world because of disreputable desire, and become sharers of the divine nature that has been given to us. We stand upon His promises and are filled with His word, we choose to exercise our faith through the high standards and moral excellence by the insight and knowledge that has been given to us. We can leap for joy! We are determined to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to develop us into a deeper brotherly love and affection for one another and learn how to be continually unselfish and always seek the best for one another and to do things for their benefit. We confess our desire to always be Your will.  Our Father has taught us how to love and how to give and through the power of His Grace we will be holy producers in all we do, in what we think, speak and give God all the glory.  We confess, we are Overcomers through the blood of Christ and wave His banner freely, boldly, unashamed and unabashed for we are a people who have been set entirely free from the sins of our past and walk in His light. We walk in thankfulness, giving all honor and praise to our Father. We are on a journey. We walk in Christ. We each have an assignment. We confess to be a child of the King! Rejoice!  We are a child of The Righteousness of Christ. Your Son said, “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will bring all men unto me.” John 12:32  And, Your son was lifted up! We continue to lift Him up in our confessions and in our lives; for He is Lord! 

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