Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Confessions of a Believer #2

 Confessions of a Believer #2

We believers are a strange lot. Peculiar. We talk in different languages, yet all understand the language of the love that was given to us. We come from all races, genders, tribes and all ages. Many of our lives were once shattered, like that of a broken pot that laid into many fine pieces; we yielded to the voice of the Potter who took us into His hands and began to slowly heal the wounds in our broken lives. Countless hearts once had chains wrapped so tightly around their souls, we felt hopeless, helpless and hungry for love. Some had eyes but could not see the truth. Some knew about God, but did not know Him as our Father. We knew about Jesus, but did not know Him as our Savior.  We knew about the Holy Spirit, but not as the Comforter, the Revealer and Baptizer into all truths.  Twisted thoughts would say “I am not good enough” or “I have to clean up myself first” to come to God. Wrong! That is not the way He works. He rescued many of us while in the deepest sorrows of our sin and opened up our eyes! We are a people who have been set free! We are walking miracles! We were once a people who did not have a name, some without an identity. We believed Jesus Christ was, is and always will be the Son of God. We knew we sinned against God and other people. Sin blinds, then destroys. Humbly, we confessed all our sins and all the old things were passed away and everything became new in our lives.  We inherited a new family, one of love and we were given new names. Today we are called: The Forgiven, the Bride of Christ, The Church, The Body of Christ, The Children of God, The Flock, Christians, The Redeemed, Believers, Children of Light, Transformed and even “A city on a hill that cannot be hid!” and so much more. Only God can take a fractured life seeped in the ways of the world and wash it clean as snow! Once rebel rousers in the world, soon we became rebel  rousers for Christ! Just as hard as we once partied in the world, we now ride a horse to victory, shouting the good news in Christ! Yes! It is that real! Our Father uses the invisible in our lives to shake up the visible.  He uses our personality for all the good in Christ and to bear fruit for His glory. The confessions of a believer are made up with ex-adulterers, divorced, ex-prostitutes, ex-addicts, ex-liars, ex-cheaters, ex-alcoholics, ex-druggies, ex-scammers, professionals, the prideful, even those who once thought they did not need God, because they considered themselves good. Humility has a way of knocking on your door.  The Body of Christ walks humbly and we are full of thankfulness! We still have the pain of our memories and if we could change the past, we would, yet we also understand [for our benefit], some of us had to fall into the pit before we looked up and cried for help. Our biggest calling is to love you, in spite of your faults, like we are loved. Remember, we were once where you stand. Our Creator knows us so much better than we know ourselves and we are confident that God never starts something He doesn’t finish. 
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6

“He will sustain you to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:8

Like a friend of mine once said to me: “We are in this together.” 
We are on a journey with our own specialized assignment! 

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