Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Anger is Just Like an Ole Batch of Fudge

Anger is just like an Ole Batch of Fudge

Anger is just like an old batch of fudge. But, I’m not going to get to the chocolate right away, because first we’ve got to talk about how this whole process develops inside of us.
Someone you thought cared about you comes along and either says the wrong thing or does something against you and offends you. Worst still, your feelings become injured as you are reduced to tears, your heart breaks inside. You actually feel ill and in pain. How could they see this in me? How could they even say that? How could they have done that to me? Then, before you know it, the more you think about the whole situation, the larger the problem looms. There is a little stirring that begins to happen within your mind. The more you think about the offense, the more upset you get rehashing the incident; you’ve now developed full feelings of anger. You walk around doing your daily tasks thinking about this unrighteous indignation done to you and you certainly did not deserve. By the end of the day, you have a different awareness, one of emptiness, downheartedness and gloom. You’ve become discouraged and depressed.
But it isn’t over yet, because; you feel like you’ve been betrayed and you still have this anger gnawing away inside of you. This time it is coupled with resentment and yes, you have invited everyone to your pity party; only trouble is, no one comes to dine except you. You’ve come to a decision and decided you will not allow that person to ever hurt you again and begin to put up your shield. This shield of protectiveness comes in one size fits all and calls itself by many words like: unpardonable, irremissibly or condemnable. What the shield is really saying is that the crime has become unforgivable and you’ve just set yourself up as judge and jury to pass this over to the condemned criminal who had no right to trespass on the affection of your soul. And this is true, whoever the culprit is.
You’ve gone through the tears, the anger, the resentment and the depression while holding on to your shield of unforgiveness. Only now, friends have discovered a new insensitivity about you. They notice a hardening happening and how you talk about the incident all of the time and it seems to be the main topic when you get together with them. Your face is etched with deep lines developed through a clenching and grinding your teeth, whenever you see the offender. Every once in awhile you begin to feel a tenderness towards the offender, but you stiffen and choose to ignore those feelings because you’ve hardened your heart and you’ve done this so many times it’s become habit forming. After all, you cannot let down your shield. What you do not realize is that a root of bitterness has formed within the soil of your soul and with every recollecting thought brings weed feed for it to grow that much more. “Oh the pain, you think to yourself. I would have never done that, if it had been me. I have given my best years to that person and look what they did to me anyway. “
As if things could not get any worse, they did; because now you feel as if you are in a cage and being tormented. It is like a prison without bars. You feel depleted and lack the confidence you once had and find yourself looking in the mirror to see if you really measure up with today’s society. You watch and hear about your offender laughing and having fun, yet you are miserable and cannot seem to break out of these chains.
How did you get into this mess? And what is the solution and how on earth can this be like an ole batch of fudge?
First let me extend some kind of hope to you and say you are not unique in your problem. I do not know the statistics but I would roughly guess that there are more people out there who are angry then those who aren’t. This includes even those sold out faith filled believers who declare victory through the love of the Lord. Look at the way people drive on the road these days. They aren’t just angry, they are incensed. Their blood pressure probably looms in the high risk zone as they continue to speed on into a frenzied mania trying to take control of the pavement they are driving on. They weave in and out of traffic, cutting in front of you while blowing their horn if you don’t speed quickly away when the light turns green in the timing that is perfect for them. Their anger is vented towards you, but you are not their initial problem, only their victim for the moment. They are ones who have been nurturing and fertilizing their bitterness into an almost volcanic response. We are living in a society overflowing with anger. Why are we so surprised when someone completely flips out and goes into a restaurant and shoots everyone in there? They vented their anger back into an anger filled society from whence it came in the first place. Did you know that anger is contagious? Same as enthusiasm, but one disrupts and gives through destroying and the other gives through blessing and inspiring.
How can anger be like an ole batch of fudge? Let’s think about the ingredients you put into making fudge. First mix the sugar, milk and chocolate. Sugar is sweet and good to the taste, oh so enticing yet so deceiving. Come to find out, too much sugar isn’t really that good for us at all. Sugar turns to fat. Fat adds weight on you. Milk and chocolate isn’t bad, it is what we add to it that is harmful. So, we put these ingredients into a large pot, turn the heat on and let it boil for awhile until it gets to the soft ball stage. The heat from anger makes you boil doesn’t it? Remember, we added that sugar that is going to make it harden. The fudge won’t harden without the sugar. We just boil and simmer until it all hardens and before long we have creases on our face that gives a picture to what is going on inside of us.
The fudge is ready for the butter and vanilla and is taken off of the burner and placed aside to come to room temperature. Then, when at room temperature is beaten until it thoroughly thickened, or hardened enough to slice.
The butter and vanilla is the resentment and depression and when hardening comes along, the root of bitterness has been productive because you chose to keep it. The beating is the torture you experience in this prison. The hardening is the end product of a conscience refused to listen to God’s small voice on this whole matter.
This brings me to what happens to your body when you choose this hardening (bitterness) in your life. As you choose to listen to yourself instead of what God says, there is a hardening going on all over yourself. A hardening in your face, the hard anger in your mind and even in your arteries that brings plaque that causes high cholesterol and that can be a contributing factor to high blood pressure leading to a stroke or heart attack.
All that you ask? Everything has to do with our attitude and everything we do is a choice for our soul to make. God never said our road would be a smooth one, but He did promise to be with us until the end.
Yes, you’ve had quite an offense done to you and before it is all over will no doubt have quite a few more. Isn’t it time to respond in a healthier, wiser way instead in the unforgiving selfish way? Don’t you want to be set free from your past choices that haven’t worked for you?
1. Humble yourself and admit you have a problem. Go tell your pride to take a hike. It isn’t your pride that is going to get you out of this one.
2. Begin to look around a little bit and notice just
how many people are struggling in their lives. Think about the blessings in your life and stop emphasizing all the negatives. Think about what you can do to help them out; a good word, an invite over for a dinner, babysitting or just being a listening ear. You like to be listened to when you are feeling bad. Make a do list.
3. No matter who has done the wrong, it is time for you to go to the perpetrator and make amends if possible. It is time to take that big step and approach and be approachable. It is time for you to release your anger within accordance to what Mt.18:15 says “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained they brother.” Do not accuse. Be in a spirit of love and gentleness when you speak. When you go, be as willing to recognize your faults and shortcomings when you begin to point out his. If he confesses his sin or doesn’t, forgive and forget it. It is time to “let it all go, once and for all.” Do not hold his sin against him. Anything you fail to forgive will be detrimental to your physical and spiritual well-being, not his.
4. The Christians should always be the first one to make the move. Do not wait for him to come to you. We are called to heal, not destroy. To live, not die and to love not fear.
5. You have differences and always will have. Begin to overlook faults and use self-control. Many things are so small, we need to learn to just “let things go” and leave it at that. Don’t bring it up again.
6. Problems are going to come up and should be dealt with on a day to day basis, if they build up there will eventually be a venting process that could be very explosive. Any problem that comes up should be short lived.
7. Confess to God and to each other your faults. Ask Him to forgive you and to help you. And believe you have been heard.
Somewhere along the line a faulty thinking problem developed inside of you and you felt good holding onto this ploy of forgiveness. You became too self important and introspect, instead of caring for others.
But it is never too late to turn over that leaf.
If you have read this all the way to the end and thought to yourself, “I have so much bitterness inside of me. I just cannot ever imagine being able to forgive for what was done to me. No one understands my deep hurts or loneliness. I just do not think I am strong enough to follow all that through.”
Or, you may be thinking “I wasn’t raised a Christian. I do not understand them. When I see them, they all look like they are after money. My folks were against them.”
Once again you could be thinking, “How? You gave the solutions, but I don’t’ understand this Jesus thing. Besides, I’ve done so much in my life, how could anyone love me or forgive me? Especially God?
Those are just three examples of the thoughts of people who need Jesus Christ. I am sure if you have read this, yours might be unique and different. But that is the good news, as God is not partial to whom His Son’s love extends to. At the time of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion there were many put to death every day, so it was a common way to die. The difference with Jesus was that He was sinless when He died. He was the Son of God who left heaven to preach the good news to everyone who had ears to hear. He laid His life down for you and me. He had a way of escape, but chose to obey His Father God instead. The Bible calls Him “the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Jesus was a sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament the Hebrews sacrificed many animals in accordance to their many different sins on an altar to God. This was the Old Covenant of laws. There was a sacrifice with an animal for the sin. The New Testament became the New Covenant of Grace. Jesus is that Grace. He took our place, so we could have forgiveness of all our sins and receive eternal life. All those accepting Jesus as their Savior are His. And, all those who are His, are Gods. It is an act of faith when you receive Jesus. The Bible says “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ep. 2:8-9
The whole picture of God and His son Jesus is one of love. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hateth not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light,that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” Jn3:16-21
Do you feel you’ve just got too much knowledge to accept this God of Israel? Do you feel that you understand the scientific equations of the evolvement of life here on earth and this scenario is a little bit archaic and too historic for you? In other words, the knowledge you have accumulated makes so much more sense than a story about a Savior who died for our sins so we could be set free.
Did you know, the Bible talks about people like you? The Bible also talks about people like me too. When I first came to the Lord, I didn’t understand it all either; I came without total understanding; but I reached out to the love He was extending to me because that was the biggest thing I understood when I read the Bible. I discovered that He loved me and accepted me right where I was at, in spite of myself and in spite of all my sins of shame and I had so much shame. He even took that away inside of me and He will do it for you too, if you only choose to believe that Jesus died for you too and say a prayer accepting Him as your Lord and ask forgiveness. We’ve all messed up, we just need forgiveness to have peace of mind. The wonderful thing about this peace is that it comes from God and few people can understand it.
I urge you right now, to get on your knees alone and ask God to open up your eyes to understanding and bring Him into your life today and may His blessings of mercy and truth follow you from now on.

Real Life Encouragement

Real Life Encouragement

She looked into the mirror and combed her long brown hair. She was going to let it grow and grow, no matter how old she would get. All the treatments had worked and her disease was in remission and her hair returned. Five years had passed; yet; she still remembers the hopelessness she saw in other patients when she went to receive her chemo. There was a spirit of heaviness so thick in that place she knew she could cut it with a knife. As was her habit she would bring her Bible or a good book to nurture her soul and pass the time away. It warmed her heart to know that others were praying for her. The whole ordeal gave her more love and compassion for others and a mercy eye-view for those who were where she once was. Although a heartache and testing of her faith, she wouldn’t trade that God experience for anything on earth. Distressed and disheartened with many tears by the Doctor’s diagnosis led way for her to be strengthened by God’s words as she arose to the occasion and passed the trial. Unfaltering and victoriously earned and rewarded; a bright light of inspiration circled about her wherever she would go. Obedient to love’s call she would drop sincere words of kindness upon hungry hearts. Real life encouragement can come through hardships that strengthen your faith and bring you closer to God’s love.

The senior in the choir sang with all his might the song “Majesty.” As his deep baritone sound bellowed out “Kingdom Authority” his eyes began to water, not wanting to draw attention to himself he let the tears fall. The love he felt for God would become overwhelming as he thought about the words he was singing. He’d had a wife who died in his arms, he lost his favorite daughter who had been prescribed the wrong medicine and watched his mother die of a long lingering illness to name only a few of his life’s agonizing experiences. Yet, he was encouraged. Through it all, he knew God never left his side. Through times of rebellion, even before he knew God; he now realized He was always there, watching over him and whispering to him. As the tears fell, he smiled deep in his heart, encouraged by God’s intense love for him. Real life encouragement comes through seeing God’s love in everything we go through.

“A tisket a tasket, a green and yellow basket” the children sang in a circle as they sat eagerly waiting for the one that was “it” to drop the hanky in back of the next playmate. The young single mother watched her daughter pick up the hanky and run after the one who had dropped it in back of her. Squeals of healthy laughter filled the air as she tagged the girl before she could sit back down. Her daughter’s father left them before she’d even had the baby. He said he would never be able to deal with a child and urged her get an abortion. She had decided right then, that she wanted this baby even if no one else did. What a blessing little Betsy was for her. Her finances were tight at times, but their stomachs were always full. She didn’t know yet how she would explain everything to Betsy when she was older, however way it would be the truth. Real Life Encouragement comes from doing what you already know to do right.

It was the year 1940 and the submarine had orders to dive deep to try to prevent any detection from the scanners of the other submerged vessels they discovered were in their area. They were on a secret mission, still not completely known by the crew. They were there to follow orders and not grumble or be fearful. As they rested on the bottom of the sea with all lights out, the dark ink of the night waters seemed to envelope them and rest heavily upon their hearts as they waited for the other ships to pass through the area. They knew the consequences of what could happen if they were hit by a torpedo. There would be intense damage to all their radar systems and violent flooding. The percent of anyone living through a hit was extremely low. The stillness was broken, as fearful eyes turned and looked at a young sailor in the corner praying quietly. The others began to bow their heads in agreement to his prayer. Then, what seemed like forever, the Captain gave orders for lights to go back on and for the submarine to rise. A sigh of relief was felt by all. Real Life Encouragement can come through knowing that God always comes through with perseverance that is linked with faith.

Just loving life, is what they would say about the widow Darlene. She loved people and never met a stranger, as she’d always take time to talk to everyone she would meet. With a great big smile, going into the hardware store she always had a joke to tell anyone who would listen. Everyone looked forward to her coming in as they would laugh together until their sides hurt. Darlene strived to brighten up everyone’s day wherever she went. For her, “there was always hope as long as you had breath still in your body”, she’d say. Then, one day Darlene slipped in the shower in her bathroom and was laid up for many days. All the merchants began to wonder where she was. They had become used to her popping in at least once a week bringing her encouraging words filled with sunshine. Until, on crutches Darlene limped back in beaming with gladness to see her friends again. Everyone embraced her and asked what happened. Real Life Encouragement can come through learning not to take anyone for granted.


Real Life Encouragement

Real Life Encouragement

She looked into the mirror and combed her long brown hair. She was going to let it grow and grow, no matter how old she would get. All the treatments had worked and her disease was in remission and her hair returned. Five years had passed; yet; she still remembers the hopelessness she saw in other patients when she went to receive her chemo. There was a spirit of heaviness so thick in that place she knew she could cut it with a knife. As was her habit she would bring her Bible or a good book to nurture her soul and pass the time away. It warmed her heart to know that others were praying for her. The whole ordeal gave her more love and compassion for others and a mercy eye-view for those who were where she once was. Although a heartache and testing of her faith, she wouldn’t trade that God experience for anything on earth. Distressed and disheartened with many tears by the Doctor’s diagnosis led way for her to be strengthened by God’s words as she arose to the occasion and passed the trial. Unfaltering and victoriously earned and rewarded; a bright light of inspiration circled about her wherever she would go. Obedient to love’s call she would drop sincere words of kindness upon hungry hearts. Real life encouragement can come through hardships that strengthen your faith and bring you closer to God’s love.

The senior in the choir sang with all his might the song “Majesty.” As his deep baritone sound bellowed out “Kingdom Authority” his eyes began to water, not wanting to draw attention to himself he let the tears fall. The love he felt for God would become overwhelming as he thought about the words he was singing. He’d had a wife who died in his arms, he lost his favorite daughter who had been prescribed the wrong medicine and watched his mother die of a long lingering illness to name only a few of his life’s agonizing experiences. Yet, he was encouraged. Through it all, he knew God never left his side. Through times of rebellion, even before he knew God; he now realized He was always there, watching over him and whispering to him. As the tears fell, he smiled deep in his heart, encouraged by God’s intense love for him. Real life encouragement comes through seeing God’s love in everything we go through.

“A tisket a tasket, a green and yellow basket” the children sang in a circle as they sat eagerly waiting for the one that was “it” to drop the hanky in back of the next playmate. The young single mother watched her daughter pick up the hanky and run after the one who had dropped it in back of her. Squeals of healthy laughter filled the air as she tagged the girl before she could sit back down. Her daughter’s father left them before she’d even had the baby. He said he would never be able to deal with a child and urged her get an abortion. She had decided right then, that she wanted this baby even if no one else did. What a blessing little Betsy was for her. Her finances were tight at times, but their stomachs were always full. She didn’t know yet how she would explain everything to Betsy when she was older, however way it would be the truth.

Real Life Encouragement comes from doing what you already know to do right.
It was the year 1940 and the submarine had orders to dive deep to try to prevent any detection from the scanners of the other submerged vessels they discovered were in their area. They were on a secret mission, still not completely known by the crew. They were there to follow orders and not grumble or be fearful. As they rested on the bottom of the sea with all lights out, the dark ink of the night waters seemed to envelope them and rest heavily upon their hearts as they waited for the other ships to pass through the area. They knew the consequences of what could happen if they were hit by a torpedo. There would be intense damage to all their sophisticated systems and violent flooding. The percent of anyone living through a hit was extremely low. The stillness was broken, as fearful eyes turned and looked at a young sailor in the corner praying quietly. The others began to bow their heads in agreement to his prayer. Then, what seemed like forever, the Captain gave orders for lights to go back on and for the submarine to rise. A sigh of relief was felt by all.

Real Life Encouragement can come through knowing that God always comes through with perseverance that is linked with faith.

Just loving life, is what they would say about the widow Darlene. She loved people and never met a stranger, as she’d always take time to talk to everyone she would meet. With a great big smile, going into the hardware store she always had a joke to tell anyone who would listen. Everyone looked forward to her coming in as they would laugh together until their sides hurt. Darlene strived to brighten up everyone’s day wherever she went. For her, “there was always hope as long as you had breath still in your body”, she’d say. Then, one day Darlene slipped in the shower in her bathroom and was laid up for many days. All the merchants began to wonder where she was. They had become used to her popping in at least once a week bringing her encouraging words filled with sunshine. Until, on crutches Darlene limped back in beaming with gladness to see her friends again. Everyone embraced her and asked what happened. Real Life Encouragement can come through learning not to take anyone for granted.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Real Life Blessings

Real Life Blessings

The silver haired lady was thoroughly enjoying her swim in the gulf. She would jump, dip and swim under seeing all the small fish nibble at her heels. With a smile on her face she’d play like she did when she was younger. It was so much easier in the water. The numbers were there yet; she had this gift of a blithe spirit and could still see things like a child. As she turned her back and floated, her eyes would rest on the scrolled silvery clouds she knew were painted just for her to see. Although, she had not had an easy childhood or adulthood, she could see God’s hand in every place she went. She was overwhelmingly thankful for everything in her life. Listening to the waves roll upon the beach, she long lost count of the many prayers that were continually answered. She never failed to feel special of her father God, for she could hear His voice. Real life blessings can come from thankfulness and being able to have His eye-view on your journey.

The little boy kicked the can as he was walking home from school. He knew he’d done wrong today when he lost his temper towards one of the other basketball players. As he was thinking about his attitude, thoughts huddled through his mind. He knew his Mother and Father loved him. He knew this because they cared enough to say no, even when he’d beg them to have his own way. All of a sudden his heart felt lighter and better. Things weren’t that bad after all. All anger left, leaving a feeling of gratefulness as he ran up to the other boy who had given him so much trouble and started to walk with him. This would be his way of mending the fence. Real life blessings come through discipline and listening to your conscience.
The five year old blonde headed girl clutched her grandfather’s hand securely as she could as they walked down the old country path. How she loved him! On each side of the walk grew bright colored wild flowers, weeds, grass and herbs much taller then her self. She loved to go for walks with her Grandfather.

Today they were going out to the sheep pasture to see if there were any lambs. Looking up she’d see butterflies flittering about from white and orange daisies. Fury yellow and black bumble bees were humming a symphony as they collected pollen. Her grandfather pointed them out to her and said very simply but with much authority, “God is big.” She smiled at him revealing her dimples with adoration and would always remember those three words and what he said to her that day. She knew she believed that, because her Grandfather said so and whatever he said was true. She thought to herself “if God is as big as Grandfather says, then I know He will always be with me no matter where I go. Real life blessings can come through few, yet large words.

Carefully wrapped in an heirloom tatted bedspread the young teenage lass placed her most prized possessions deep into the antique trunk she had just inherited. Thoughts of how the journals of her Grandmother had been cherished and taken care of flashed pictures of yesterday when she would be coloring on the floor and watch her Gram finally able to sit down and write after she had finished her chores. Gram taught her everything she knew today. All the baking, sewing and cleaning, even how to be a lady. Sometimes they would laugh so hard together Gram would have tears in her eyes from happiness. Her mother left her the legacy of Gram’s writings and now it was up to her to continue on with this family tradition. Real life blessings come from thinking of others before you go to glory.

The turtle was tired of swimming and didn’t know if she could make it up the beach to lay her eggs. Finally on shore, she pulled herself toward her nesting place and began to dig tirelessly. Her fatigue didn’t matter at this time, only giving birth to the next set of young, safely and to be able to get back into her beloved water. Finally she laid egg after egg while carefully placing one on top of another until her motherhood duty was over. Off into the water she swam free once more, to rest and eat then repeat the cycle God’s lot had given to her. Real life blessing can come through appreciating what God has given to us and taking care of it.

Jane was a career woman who had climbed to the top of her company by beginning on the ground floor. She knew everything there was about the large corporation and felt if she had to she could run it tomorrow, alone. As she ran to catch the plane, the heel of her shoe fell off, locking her body to fall suddenly on the hard airport floor. Helplessly she looked around at the staring eyes and saw all her items from her purse strung about. More humiliating then wounded she began to pick them up when she heard one last call to board her plane. Hurriedly she stuffed her heel inside her purse along with the other items and limped to the gateway of the plane. Despairingly it was too late and another flight was not until the morning. Real life blessings is knowing that God opens doors and closes doors because He loves us.

Manning was the town fisherman. Everyone knew him. With a smile on his rugged lined face he’d greet the villagers every morning on his way to his boat, in their small maritime village. He married his childhood sweetheart and they had a whopping family of 8 children. Manning made his living catching fish for the local restaurants in the surrounding cities. Only one son joined him in his older days. The rest went on to find their gold at other shores. A couple of their daughters stayed and married local boys that gave Manning the delight to get to know his grandchildren. One day he was out on his rig fishing with his son and grandson. They began pulling their large net out of the water hoping to have a wealthy catch for that day when all eyes came upon an old wooden plank sodden with algae, hooked to the net by an old rusty nail with the words inscribed “The Merry C.” Many years ago when Manning was just a lad, the old time villagers wondered what happened to their families who were on the Merry C. Now he could take this back and tell them the ship had indeed gone down in the storm. Real life blessings come from the prize of consistence.

Real life blessings are everywhere you look. We can smell that flower and see its beauty. We can hear a loved one talk. We can walk over and clean up a mess. We can breathe fresh air. We can even slap a mosquito that some people are not able. We can drive, stuff our face with popcorn, murmur and complain if we wish in traffic and go to work. We can dance and sing and think with a clear mind and have the freedom to make friends or not to. Whether you had parents or didn’t you still have real life blessings. Inside of you is one of the greatest tools to bless, God has ever created; the tool of thankfulness. The tool of thankfulness will bring blessings upon your life well into eternity.
Be consistent in your life like the old fisherman named Manning and receive God’s Real Life Blessings today.
“Thank (God) in everything-no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks; for this is the will of God for you (who are) in Christ Jesus (the Revealer and Mediator of that will.” 1Th.18 amp.
God Bless you all!

Real Life Blessings

Real Life Rejection

Real Life Rejection

Slowly the tattered man turned around and stared at the little dog. Memories filled his heart, of a carefree young lad, running in the corn field, with his collie. Sadness overwhelmed him as he walked down the street now homeless. What events took place in his life that caused him to live on the streets? Real Life Rejection brings discouragement and hopelessness.

Despaired, the old woman looked out her apartment window and wondered if this would be the day her daughter might visit her in the nursing home. She couldn’t remember the last time she visited her as she knew her memory was fading, but it seemed like years. Oh how she’d love to hug her baby. Real Life Rejection comes in loneliness.

The little girl stood at the blackboard unable to do the numerical problem the teacher asked her to do. Not only could she not understand the concept but she was so embarrassed she was unable to think of the math and the teacher knew this, but instead of patiently explaining to her, after school hours, he chose to humiliate her by asking “who out there can help Sarah?” With many hands up, a boy came running down the aisle and quickly did the problem on the board. Real Life Rejection can come through humiliation.

It seemed, no matter what Mary or Sue would do, they couldn’t please their parents. Eager to find approval, they surprised them by fixing dinner one night. Then, they took special pains cleaning the whole house. They even washed the windows. Their parents complained that the food tasted funny and nothing was clean enough. Real Life Rejection can come through disappointment and hurt.

Tom was a good husband and father. Working extra hard at the factory he hoped to get a promotion and raise. Unexpectedly, the big day came when he was overlooked for a younger and more educated man, hired from the outside. No one could understand why daddy was in such a bad mood when he came home from work. Real Life Rejection can come from inconsiderateness and rudeness.

Grandpa was getting up in years now and his children still wouldn’t call him except, maybe on his birthday, Father’s Day and Christmas. They never visited him. He realized he made a lot of mistakes with his kids, but thought by now perhaps they would have forgiven him since he was getting so old. Real Life Rejection comes from a broken heart crying in silence.

Emma had gaps in the early parts of her childhood memory. She knew she’d been mistreated by her Uncle, but couldn’t understand what happened. Her father was never at home, and she couldn’t remember her mother ever hugging her or telling her that she loved her. Real life rejection can come through abuse and abandonment.

Paul hated going home from school. His parents were always drunk. He never invited anyone to his home fearing the shame of them. Rejection comes through fear of intimacy.

She was a strange type of artsy girl who wore hoop earrings, hot pink lipstick and had blue nails. To the elite around her, she was strange, because she dared to paint her walls a brilliant violet blue and live in a world of beautiful colors that would make her smile and put a dance in her step. Rejection can come just from being different.

Connie never knew her father and often yearned to know how it would feel to have a father’s arms around her and the love she missed. Yet, mother was indifferent and seemed uncaring because she was unable to talk to her about her the babysitter who kept putting his hands on her. Her mind was very mixed up and couldn’t understand anything at such a young age. Rejection comes through indifference, apathy and denial.

Lana grew up before her time. She was the oldest of her three brothers and had to take care of them all of the time. Her mother worked, but didn’t seem to understand Lana’s need to talk and ask questions about why there were so many men coming in and out of the house. Real Life Rejection makes you feel isolated and unwanted.

The parrot sat in his cage very still with a broken heart. He remembered the good times, dancing with his mistress, singing and acting silly together. Now she had to give him away. He trusted her with his life, and couldn’t understand why he was in this strange new home. He didn’t know and would never understand that she was unable to care for him anymore. He felt abandoned. Things just weren’t the same and never would be again. He may die from a broken heart. Real Life Rejection is felt in animals too.

Real life rejection is felt in everyone on earth no matter their race, gender, social status or age. This demon of fear attacks all. People begin to alter their lives because of the lies they believe spread through rejection. Unless they receive godly counseling and become aware of the error of their thinking processes they will carry their lies throughout their whole life.

David was rejected by King Saul when he learned he would be King, to the point of sending his troops out to kill him. There were times when David lived in total fear.

Saul feared rejection by the people and selected their will over God’s.

Moses was rejected when they discovered he was a Hebrew.

The Israelites were rejected by God through their mumbling and grumbling. What could have taken two weeks to accomplish, took forty years to their promise land.

Anointed one Samson, could not handle the rejection of a woman and chose her will over God’s. This decision destroyed him and the mission God wanted him to accomplish.

Joseph was rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave to Egypt by them.

Rahab was a former prostitute, rejected by others, yet chosen to be used by God to shelter His anointed.

Noah was fully rejected by those around him for having “heard from God” and building an ark for the upcoming flood. They scoffed and reviled him. Yet, the flood came and he and his family were saved.

Jesus was rejected continually over and over from the religious people in his day. Jealous, they just couldn’t handle the truth he was giving them. They feared, they themselves would be rejected and that the people would make him king. Until finally, they schemed and planned his crucifixion

Moving to the present, there are cancer victims who are rejected out of the fear of catching what they have and become ostracized simply for suffering and being innocent.

Some shy away and yes, reject, any handicapped individual from the fear of the reality of “this could happen to you.”

There are those who will not attend loved one’s funerals because they would like to remember her “the way he remembered her.” And, not the way she/he died.

Face your fears head on. Like a freight train if you can. Fear is a coward and will always back down. We as believers have total victory in whatever course we are called to walk down. We absolutely, cannot lose. Can you grasp this miracle we have inside of us? Can you believe this? If you can believe this, there isn’t anything on this earth you cannot deal with, because we have the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, our Guide, our Instructor and our Confidant.

Think for a moment exactly what fear is. Fear is the dreaded expectation of losing something that hasn’t yet happened. Just a few examples of this is: fear of losing your job, your pet, your husband, your health and of course the fear of rejection.

Yes, we all have had experiences of this Real Life Rejection, since the fall of man. Now we have Christ’s Spirit to see us through our lives and teach us the way to go while we are here.

Are you listening to His voice today? Can you hear the wind blow? Can you see His hand on the earth today? Lastly, are you fearful or excited when you see these prophecies fulfilled?

God Bless You All


Friday, July 20, 2007

It's all about hair

Her long brown hair is captured into the salty air, as she walks slowly on the beach. How striking! The palm trees nod in the breeze, at the beautiful scene of brilliant tritones of turquoise waters. She lifts up her hair from her neck and quickly positions it in her crown, with a clasp, one can see the warm red tones brought out by the hot sun. She keeps walking, feeling alive and very feminine. She walks past a woman who shakes her short hair that has blond tips on her curly ends. She looks carefree, slim and energetic.

What can be the best and most attractive look, for a woman in this busy age we are living in, to take? Short hair or long hair?

When I think of long hair, I think of heavy maintenance, as left to fend for itself can look quite unkempt, dry and frizzy. A positive aspect with having long hair is being able to have those glorious sophisticated up dos, that have been attention getters, ever since Hollywood produced their first film. One of the dire consequences can be the possibility of adding a bit of weight on you, when you are walking on that beach and wearing your hair down. Unfortunately, no matter how lovely it may be, long hair drags your face down and your body down, especially if you aren't as young as you used to be. As more mature women will attest, they desire a hairstyle that will do something for them, not take away, unless it is pounds!

Short hair does exactly this very thing. The perfect hairstyle can take at least five to ten pounds off in your most unwanted areas. If your face is sagging, you want your hair turning up on the ends, and when you have that short smart style, not only are you going to look differently, but feel better as well. Short hair takes it off and lifts it all up. Long hair drags it all down, unless of course you decide to wear it all up.

Most important is to seek out a reputable hairstylist that will understand the amount that needs to be cut. For example, if you happen to have a extra long neck, you may want a few fringes to be laced about. A shorter crop would be given to those with stouter necklines. Every hairstyle, has to do with the facial structure, body type, personality and lifestyle.

Why not try something new today? Not only will this give you a new spring in your step, but you'll feel and look younger too!