Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Real Life Rejection

Real Life Rejection

Slowly the tattered man turned around and stared at the little dog. Memories filled his heart, of a carefree young lad, running in the corn field, with his collie. Sadness overwhelmed him as he walked down the street now homeless. What events took place in his life that caused him to live on the streets? Real Life Rejection brings discouragement and hopelessness.

Despaired, the old woman looked out her apartment window and wondered if this would be the day her daughter might visit her in the nursing home. She couldn’t remember the last time she visited her as she knew her memory was fading, but it seemed like years. Oh how she’d love to hug her baby. Real Life Rejection comes in loneliness.

The little girl stood at the blackboard unable to do the numerical problem the teacher asked her to do. Not only could she not understand the concept but she was so embarrassed she was unable to think of the math and the teacher knew this, but instead of patiently explaining to her, after school hours, he chose to humiliate her by asking “who out there can help Sarah?” With many hands up, a boy came running down the aisle and quickly did the problem on the board. Real Life Rejection can come through humiliation.

It seemed, no matter what Mary or Sue would do, they couldn’t please their parents. Eager to find approval, they surprised them by fixing dinner one night. Then, they took special pains cleaning the whole house. They even washed the windows. Their parents complained that the food tasted funny and nothing was clean enough. Real Life Rejection can come through disappointment and hurt.

Tom was a good husband and father. Working extra hard at the factory he hoped to get a promotion and raise. Unexpectedly, the big day came when he was overlooked for a younger and more educated man, hired from the outside. No one could understand why daddy was in such a bad mood when he came home from work. Real Life Rejection can come from inconsiderateness and rudeness.

Grandpa was getting up in years now and his children still wouldn’t call him except, maybe on his birthday, Father’s Day and Christmas. They never visited him. He realized he made a lot of mistakes with his kids, but thought by now perhaps they would have forgiven him since he was getting so old. Real Life Rejection comes from a broken heart crying in silence.

Emma had gaps in the early parts of her childhood memory. She knew she’d been mistreated by her Uncle, but couldn’t understand what happened. Her father was never at home, and she couldn’t remember her mother ever hugging her or telling her that she loved her. Real life rejection can come through abuse and abandonment.

Paul hated going home from school. His parents were always drunk. He never invited anyone to his home fearing the shame of them. Rejection comes through fear of intimacy.

She was a strange type of artsy girl who wore hoop earrings, hot pink lipstick and had blue nails. To the elite around her, she was strange, because she dared to paint her walls a brilliant violet blue and live in a world of beautiful colors that would make her smile and put a dance in her step. Rejection can come just from being different.

Connie never knew her father and often yearned to know how it would feel to have a father’s arms around her and the love she missed. Yet, mother was indifferent and seemed uncaring because she was unable to talk to her about her the babysitter who kept putting his hands on her. Her mind was very mixed up and couldn’t understand anything at such a young age. Rejection comes through indifference, apathy and denial.

Lana grew up before her time. She was the oldest of her three brothers and had to take care of them all of the time. Her mother worked, but didn’t seem to understand Lana’s need to talk and ask questions about why there were so many men coming in and out of the house. Real Life Rejection makes you feel isolated and unwanted.

The parrot sat in his cage very still with a broken heart. He remembered the good times, dancing with his mistress, singing and acting silly together. Now she had to give him away. He trusted her with his life, and couldn’t understand why he was in this strange new home. He didn’t know and would never understand that she was unable to care for him anymore. He felt abandoned. Things just weren’t the same and never would be again. He may die from a broken heart. Real Life Rejection is felt in animals too.

Real life rejection is felt in everyone on earth no matter their race, gender, social status or age. This demon of fear attacks all. People begin to alter their lives because of the lies they believe spread through rejection. Unless they receive godly counseling and become aware of the error of their thinking processes they will carry their lies throughout their whole life.

David was rejected by King Saul when he learned he would be King, to the point of sending his troops out to kill him. There were times when David lived in total fear.

Saul feared rejection by the people and selected their will over God’s.

Moses was rejected when they discovered he was a Hebrew.

The Israelites were rejected by God through their mumbling and grumbling. What could have taken two weeks to accomplish, took forty years to their promise land.

Anointed one Samson, could not handle the rejection of a woman and chose her will over God’s. This decision destroyed him and the mission God wanted him to accomplish.

Joseph was rejected by his brothers and sold as a slave to Egypt by them.

Rahab was a former prostitute, rejected by others, yet chosen to be used by God to shelter His anointed.

Noah was fully rejected by those around him for having “heard from God” and building an ark for the upcoming flood. They scoffed and reviled him. Yet, the flood came and he and his family were saved.

Jesus was rejected continually over and over from the religious people in his day. Jealous, they just couldn’t handle the truth he was giving them. They feared, they themselves would be rejected and that the people would make him king. Until finally, they schemed and planned his crucifixion

Moving to the present, there are cancer victims who are rejected out of the fear of catching what they have and become ostracized simply for suffering and being innocent.

Some shy away and yes, reject, any handicapped individual from the fear of the reality of “this could happen to you.”

There are those who will not attend loved one’s funerals because they would like to remember her “the way he remembered her.” And, not the way she/he died.

Face your fears head on. Like a freight train if you can. Fear is a coward and will always back down. We as believers have total victory in whatever course we are called to walk down. We absolutely, cannot lose. Can you grasp this miracle we have inside of us? Can you believe this? If you can believe this, there isn’t anything on this earth you cannot deal with, because we have the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, our Guide, our Instructor and our Confidant.

Think for a moment exactly what fear is. Fear is the dreaded expectation of losing something that hasn’t yet happened. Just a few examples of this is: fear of losing your job, your pet, your husband, your health and of course the fear of rejection.

Yes, we all have had experiences of this Real Life Rejection, since the fall of man. Now we have Christ’s Spirit to see us through our lives and teach us the way to go while we are here.

Are you listening to His voice today? Can you hear the wind blow? Can you see His hand on the earth today? Lastly, are you fearful or excited when you see these prophecies fulfilled?

God Bless You All


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