Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Real Life Blessings

Real Life Blessings

The silver haired lady was thoroughly enjoying her swim in the gulf. She would jump, dip and swim under seeing all the small fish nibble at her heels. With a smile on her face she’d play like she did when she was younger. It was so much easier in the water. The numbers were there yet; she had this gift of a blithe spirit and could still see things like a child. As she turned her back and floated, her eyes would rest on the scrolled silvery clouds she knew were painted just for her to see. Although, she had not had an easy childhood or adulthood, she could see God’s hand in every place she went. She was overwhelmingly thankful for everything in her life. Listening to the waves roll upon the beach, she long lost count of the many prayers that were continually answered. She never failed to feel special of her father God, for she could hear His voice. Real life blessings can come from thankfulness and being able to have His eye-view on your journey.

The little boy kicked the can as he was walking home from school. He knew he’d done wrong today when he lost his temper towards one of the other basketball players. As he was thinking about his attitude, thoughts huddled through his mind. He knew his Mother and Father loved him. He knew this because they cared enough to say no, even when he’d beg them to have his own way. All of a sudden his heart felt lighter and better. Things weren’t that bad after all. All anger left, leaving a feeling of gratefulness as he ran up to the other boy who had given him so much trouble and started to walk with him. This would be his way of mending the fence. Real life blessings come through discipline and listening to your conscience.
The five year old blonde headed girl clutched her grandfather’s hand securely as she could as they walked down the old country path. How she loved him! On each side of the walk grew bright colored wild flowers, weeds, grass and herbs much taller then her self. She loved to go for walks with her Grandfather.

Today they were going out to the sheep pasture to see if there were any lambs. Looking up she’d see butterflies flittering about from white and orange daisies. Fury yellow and black bumble bees were humming a symphony as they collected pollen. Her grandfather pointed them out to her and said very simply but with much authority, “God is big.” She smiled at him revealing her dimples with adoration and would always remember those three words and what he said to her that day. She knew she believed that, because her Grandfather said so and whatever he said was true. She thought to herself “if God is as big as Grandfather says, then I know He will always be with me no matter where I go. Real life blessings can come through few, yet large words.

Carefully wrapped in an heirloom tatted bedspread the young teenage lass placed her most prized possessions deep into the antique trunk she had just inherited. Thoughts of how the journals of her Grandmother had been cherished and taken care of flashed pictures of yesterday when she would be coloring on the floor and watch her Gram finally able to sit down and write after she had finished her chores. Gram taught her everything she knew today. All the baking, sewing and cleaning, even how to be a lady. Sometimes they would laugh so hard together Gram would have tears in her eyes from happiness. Her mother left her the legacy of Gram’s writings and now it was up to her to continue on with this family tradition. Real life blessings come from thinking of others before you go to glory.

The turtle was tired of swimming and didn’t know if she could make it up the beach to lay her eggs. Finally on shore, she pulled herself toward her nesting place and began to dig tirelessly. Her fatigue didn’t matter at this time, only giving birth to the next set of young, safely and to be able to get back into her beloved water. Finally she laid egg after egg while carefully placing one on top of another until her motherhood duty was over. Off into the water she swam free once more, to rest and eat then repeat the cycle God’s lot had given to her. Real life blessing can come through appreciating what God has given to us and taking care of it.

Jane was a career woman who had climbed to the top of her company by beginning on the ground floor. She knew everything there was about the large corporation and felt if she had to she could run it tomorrow, alone. As she ran to catch the plane, the heel of her shoe fell off, locking her body to fall suddenly on the hard airport floor. Helplessly she looked around at the staring eyes and saw all her items from her purse strung about. More humiliating then wounded she began to pick them up when she heard one last call to board her plane. Hurriedly she stuffed her heel inside her purse along with the other items and limped to the gateway of the plane. Despairingly it was too late and another flight was not until the morning. Real life blessings is knowing that God opens doors and closes doors because He loves us.

Manning was the town fisherman. Everyone knew him. With a smile on his rugged lined face he’d greet the villagers every morning on his way to his boat, in their small maritime village. He married his childhood sweetheart and they had a whopping family of 8 children. Manning made his living catching fish for the local restaurants in the surrounding cities. Only one son joined him in his older days. The rest went on to find their gold at other shores. A couple of their daughters stayed and married local boys that gave Manning the delight to get to know his grandchildren. One day he was out on his rig fishing with his son and grandson. They began pulling their large net out of the water hoping to have a wealthy catch for that day when all eyes came upon an old wooden plank sodden with algae, hooked to the net by an old rusty nail with the words inscribed “The Merry C.” Many years ago when Manning was just a lad, the old time villagers wondered what happened to their families who were on the Merry C. Now he could take this back and tell them the ship had indeed gone down in the storm. Real life blessings come from the prize of consistence.

Real life blessings are everywhere you look. We can smell that flower and see its beauty. We can hear a loved one talk. We can walk over and clean up a mess. We can breathe fresh air. We can even slap a mosquito that some people are not able. We can drive, stuff our face with popcorn, murmur and complain if we wish in traffic and go to work. We can dance and sing and think with a clear mind and have the freedom to make friends or not to. Whether you had parents or didn’t you still have real life blessings. Inside of you is one of the greatest tools to bless, God has ever created; the tool of thankfulness. The tool of thankfulness will bring blessings upon your life well into eternity.
Be consistent in your life like the old fisherman named Manning and receive God’s Real Life Blessings today.
“Thank (God) in everything-no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks; for this is the will of God for you (who are) in Christ Jesus (the Revealer and Mediator of that will.” 1Th.18 amp.
God Bless you all!

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