Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Real Life Encouragement

Real Life Encouragement

She looked into the mirror and combed her long brown hair. She was going to let it grow and grow, no matter how old she would get. All the treatments had worked and her disease was in remission and her hair returned. Five years had passed; yet; she still remembers the hopelessness she saw in other patients when she went to receive her chemo. There was a spirit of heaviness so thick in that place she knew she could cut it with a knife. As was her habit she would bring her Bible or a good book to nurture her soul and pass the time away. It warmed her heart to know that others were praying for her. The whole ordeal gave her more love and compassion for others and a mercy eye-view for those who were where she once was. Although a heartache and testing of her faith, she wouldn’t trade that God experience for anything on earth. Distressed and disheartened with many tears by the Doctor’s diagnosis led way for her to be strengthened by God’s words as she arose to the occasion and passed the trial. Unfaltering and victoriously earned and rewarded; a bright light of inspiration circled about her wherever she would go. Obedient to love’s call she would drop sincere words of kindness upon hungry hearts. Real life encouragement can come through hardships that strengthen your faith and bring you closer to God’s love.

The senior in the choir sang with all his might the song “Majesty.” As his deep baritone sound bellowed out “Kingdom Authority” his eyes began to water, not wanting to draw attention to himself he let the tears fall. The love he felt for God would become overwhelming as he thought about the words he was singing. He’d had a wife who died in his arms, he lost his favorite daughter who had been prescribed the wrong medicine and watched his mother die of a long lingering illness to name only a few of his life’s agonizing experiences. Yet, he was encouraged. Through it all, he knew God never left his side. Through times of rebellion, even before he knew God; he now realized He was always there, watching over him and whispering to him. As the tears fell, he smiled deep in his heart, encouraged by God’s intense love for him. Real life encouragement comes through seeing God’s love in everything we go through.

“A tisket a tasket, a green and yellow basket” the children sang in a circle as they sat eagerly waiting for the one that was “it” to drop the hanky in back of the next playmate. The young single mother watched her daughter pick up the hanky and run after the one who had dropped it in back of her. Squeals of healthy laughter filled the air as she tagged the girl before she could sit back down. Her daughter’s father left them before she’d even had the baby. He said he would never be able to deal with a child and urged her get an abortion. She had decided right then, that she wanted this baby even if no one else did. What a blessing little Betsy was for her. Her finances were tight at times, but their stomachs were always full. She didn’t know yet how she would explain everything to Betsy when she was older, however way it would be the truth. Real Life Encouragement comes from doing what you already know to do right.

It was the year 1940 and the submarine had orders to dive deep to try to prevent any detection from the scanners of the other submerged vessels they discovered were in their area. They were on a secret mission, still not completely known by the crew. They were there to follow orders and not grumble or be fearful. As they rested on the bottom of the sea with all lights out, the dark ink of the night waters seemed to envelope them and rest heavily upon their hearts as they waited for the other ships to pass through the area. They knew the consequences of what could happen if they were hit by a torpedo. There would be intense damage to all their radar systems and violent flooding. The percent of anyone living through a hit was extremely low. The stillness was broken, as fearful eyes turned and looked at a young sailor in the corner praying quietly. The others began to bow their heads in agreement to his prayer. Then, what seemed like forever, the Captain gave orders for lights to go back on and for the submarine to rise. A sigh of relief was felt by all. Real Life Encouragement can come through knowing that God always comes through with perseverance that is linked with faith.

Just loving life, is what they would say about the widow Darlene. She loved people and never met a stranger, as she’d always take time to talk to everyone she would meet. With a great big smile, going into the hardware store she always had a joke to tell anyone who would listen. Everyone looked forward to her coming in as they would laugh together until their sides hurt. Darlene strived to brighten up everyone’s day wherever she went. For her, “there was always hope as long as you had breath still in your body”, she’d say. Then, one day Darlene slipped in the shower in her bathroom and was laid up for many days. All the merchants began to wonder where she was. They had become used to her popping in at least once a week bringing her encouraging words filled with sunshine. Until, on crutches Darlene limped back in beaming with gladness to see her friends again. Everyone embraced her and asked what happened. Real Life Encouragement can come through learning not to take anyone for granted.


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