Friday, January 31, 2014

This Generation by Chuck Missler [2 hours]

Discernment (Insight)


I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes. Psalm 119:125 NIV

The value of discernment is embarrassingly underrated in today’s circles. If we lack discernment how can we know if we are heading in the right direction or befriending the right person or even responding in a good way for our benefit?
The American Heritage Dictionary has this to say about the word of discernment:

 The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment.
2. Keenness of insight and judgment.

In Corinthians 12:10 The gift of discerning of spirits is named among the other gifts. There are those who know what spirit is working in a life, how and why.

Here is what Strong’s says about the word:

Strong's Concordance
epignósis: recognition, knowledge
Original Word: ἐπίγνωσις, εως, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: epignósis
Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ig'-no-sis)
Short Definition: knowledge, discernment, recognition
Definition: knowledge of a particular point (directed towards a particular object); perception, discernment, recognition, intuition.
HELPS Word-studies
Cognate: 1922 epígnōsis (from 1909 /epí, "on, fitting" which intensifies 1108 /gnṓsis, "knowledge gained through first-hand relationship") – properly, "contact-knowledge" that is appropriate ("apt, fitting") to first-hand, experiential knowing. This is defined by the individual context. See 1921 (epignōskō).

I believe the Part of Speech is Feminine because there are so many different kinds of discernment.

Finally, one last thing about the interpretation of this word is what the Lexicon says:
“Precise and correct knowledge.”  As in Colossians 1:9 “ For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you, and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.”

It is “KNOWING.” Discernment also comes through intuition but never assuming. Discernment is insight but has the wisdom not to judge.

Spiritually speaking, I firmly believe that God wants us to understand what He is saying in our hearts. He will use who and what He chooses to speak to us, so that we can receive what His Spirit is saying in these days. Our part is to take the time to listen to The Holy Spirit. If you are born again and have chosen to grow in your walk, you will know His voice.  

There are different kinds of discernment such as when a person has spiritual discernment they might specialize in the Biblical history of the flood as the subject may have been easy for them to understand and able to piece it all together to give to others. Other discernments may be given through insight of the prophetic times, to another counseling, teaching and so on. We can have discernment in anything.

Many sharp-sters [example: Sharktank on television] in the world who are self made millionaires are able to see and discern when a wanna-be entrepreneur is going in the wrong direction. The wanna-be lacks the experience and knowledge of those who have already gone through the trials of red-tape, taking 3 steps back, reading the fine print again and rehashing; to re-learn about the ordeal as many times as it takes. The challenge of discernment takes time, determination and patience.  Sharp-sters will not give up and do not allow themselves to stay down; in spite of their mountainous path. This is because they are developing discernment. The more mistakes they make, the more they learn and the more determination is accumulated for their next test.

The very same thing applies to a spiritual walk in Jesus Christ. In the beginning you walk like a baby toddler, sort of wobbly and the baby falls. He might cry a little bit, but he always gets back up and starts his wobbly walk again. The baby does not give up. He learns that if he tries to go too fast, he will fall. If he is given a cup before he can handle it, the liquid will be splashed all over him and his chair and ending up on the floor.  The youngster is learning discernment, even at that young age.

Farmers have discernment of good and bad soil. They know if they plant seed in bad soil, there won’t be much of a crop. They know that if they do not milk the cows twice a day, the cows will be in pain. And, they know that if they do not keep their barns clean, disease could come and harm their livestock. Everyone has different kinds of discernment according with what they have learned in their life. The real discernment in a farmer’s life would be the test of what to do when there is a drought? What to do when there is too much rain?

We understand that discernment comes through study (knowledge), experience (life’s trials of the things we have gone through) and intuition. We ask God to give us discernment for a particular area or problem in our life. He will give it to us, but we are not to sit still and wait for it to fall from the sky. We always have our part in the procedure.   The Bible talks about how after we have done all, stand. Eph. 6:13 

God honors a faith followed by action. He honors a hope that is given by love and a heart for God. When we store up His knowledge in our hearts, we meditate on what we have learned and the process becomes a discerning of the heart. When we need the answers to a problem, we are able to pull up the solutions from our storehouse.

People can receive as much from God as they desire. When we draw close to Him, He draws close to us. When we pray for wisdom, He will give it to us. As we draw closer to God, we are praying and studying and activating what we have learned. The more you study, the more God will give you. The more you use what He gives you, the more will be returned to you. And oh how the joy abounds!

Just as there are different areas of discernment there are given different portions of discernment. One may have a cup of insight and never use what has been given to him, whereas another may only have a half cup of insight and use what has been given to him; spreading his knowledge around to those who are hungry. Who of the two do you think has received more insight? The second one, because he has chosen to use what was given him and everyone knows we cannot out give Jehovah.

Are you in need of discernment? Pray and ask God for it and seek for it in the Bible. Seek out godly counselors who have impeccable reputations to give you advice and listen carefully and trust God to lead you all the way.   

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Take a Bible Quiz

This is a fun site. You can take small quizzes that will tell you how you are rating with other people.

Baby it's cold outside

Nothing like being cold... brrr.



I like the early mornings. I like the silence. There are few demands. Just when I starting thinking again of the purity of the mornings and how they are a gift from God, I  turn on the computer.

Having fed my senior cats and the litter box cleaned and everything washed and sterilized once again, I went to the gray monster. My cup of java is filled with my luscious morning jolt and I clicked on that sucker, to check the emails! As compared to some of the high tech speedy: apples, snapples, pads, ipads, pods, shomds ipods, laps, black, red or green berries, “smart phones.” My computer is considered to be a dinosaur.

Computittes, is the Christian word for those who are knee deep in Cyberland. I am convinced that these people know what they are doing because they were born that way. They must be illegal aliens from an undiscovered planet near a black hole. I have no doubt, Morgan Freeman will be talking about them on the Science Channel in the not too distant future.  They breathe in mirco answers. They speak in computa-rese, where no man can “goeth.” When they turn on a computer they know exactly what is happening in detail. They think in terms of “getting more memory” or “replacing your hard drive” for your computer. This is why I call them our modern day Computittes as compared to Hittites or Canaanites. Better known as geeks or computer guru’s in the world’s language.  

Not if, but when I have problems with my computer and talk to one of these Computittes and he/she starts to give me instructions. Such as:
 “Go to your tools and then click on options etc” I say, Hey! Hold on there a minute, I don’t have an options on my computer or I don’t have a automatic pop up blocker. What? Where do I find it? And, “it isn’t working.”   “No, it still isn’t working., “Nope, that isn’t working either” and where do I find that?”  “What is that?” “Well, I don’t think I did that!” “Why is this happening, how did this happen?” “What did I do now?” 

Then I have problems communicating on the phone with one of those Computittes because when they answer the phone, they say:

“Goo Mor-ing, ths s Amadizquieous- your –tec- hlp and I wl b hre to hp yu.”

OH REALLY NOW!!  As I try to do the Christian thing: I lift up a small prayer: “Lord please help me.”

I say; “I am sorry but I did not understand what you just said.”

“Goo Mor-ing, ths s Amadizqueous your tec hlp and I wl be hre to hp yu.”
“I am sorry, but I do not understand you.”

And, so it goes. Later on I am NOT SORRY anymore! I DO NOT CARE ANYMORE! I AM TIRED OF THE COMPUTITTES AND TIRED OF THEM RUNNING ALL THEIR WORDS TOGETHER IN A VERY POLITE WAY! Why can’t they get mad like the rest of us healthy people here in America who drink too much coffee by their computer? How can they keep running their words together like that and expect you to understand? I need a Translater! I need God!

I have come to the realization that Computeritis is when you recognize how your computer has the defiant audacity to attempt to impose its will over my want. As yet, there is no known pill or cure for Computeritis.
I guess the best advice to myself is to just enjoy my mornings and give the computer a break and say a literal “Hello” to a real person who isn’t walking with a machine in their palm.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Return of the Nephilim by Chuck Missler    This is about 2 hours long.

Below are headlines about the Nephilim

The Rapture by Chuck Missler

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where do you stand?

Good Works Vs Dead Works

Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” John 6:28, 29 ESV

“He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek.”  Romans 2:6-10

There are so many verses that talk about good works and dead works I could fill  many pages with Scripture. The most frightening for me is:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” Matthew 7:22, 23

This is an extremely serious mandate that none of us should ignore.
The first question that could be asked is: “What is God’s will?”  Do you know God’s will for your life? If a believer is doing God’s will, He is doing good works.

Read this verse:
“And, be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2 KJV

and in the Amplified Version it says:

“Do not be conformed to this world-this age, fashioned after and adapted to its external superficial customs. But be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind-by its new ideals and its new attitude-so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you.]

Right away, the verse says “do not be molded or conformed like the world.” The world gives us gigantic doses of everything that God is against on the television. To be fair, there are good things on there too, but; let’s face it, they can be hard to find. That word conform means to comply, to uphold, to agree with, observe or follow. Every time we watch something on television that is against what God stands for, we are conforming to the ways of the world instead of His way. We are in the danger zone of “dead works.”

Further, that verse says we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. When born-again, our first assignment is to grow through the Word of God. A good example could be given in this way: Through gathering faith by growing in the Word of God and accumulated trials of experience, a slow ascent begins as we leave our caterpillar type life and begin to metamorphose into the colorful and beautiful individual butterfly that God planned for us to be since before the beginning of time.

Remember, this all happens by renewing our mind, with the Word of God. This means prayerfully reading and studying the Bible.  A screening and sifting process will happen, by the Word that is stored in your heart; as daily decisions are brought to the table. It is then, that we will know the will of God, because our mind has been renewed. Therefore, again; what is the will of God? To renew our mind. When this happens everything else follows. This is a process of putting off the old man and putting on the new man in Christ.

Good works will always come from a heart that is continually checked and judged by none other than you. For, we will be held accountable for the motive of our actions. 

Most important, we are to be honest in our hearts when we pray, believing and knowing that we have a God who hears us and sees everything we do. He is aware of what we harbor in our hearts. If we are not honest, we deceive ourselves and God’s love is not working inside of us.

Good works is screening and being honest with our true intentions to see if there is any pride in our hearts. This takes time, thought and honesty. Begin to think about “the why” you are thinking or doing a particular thing. Is it for self praise or attention? The Christian walk is not about us, but about the love of God; through helping others. The Bible talks about how knowledge “puffs up.” This does not mean that we are not to study. [Rd. 2Tim. 2:15.] How are we to examine our hearts, unless it be through the Word of God?

Good works come from putting God’s love in everything we do, every motive inside of us should be founded upon His love. We “do it unto Him.” From the seemingly small things like changing a diaper, doing dishes, sweeping a floor or growing a flower to going to work, preaching to thousands or writing a book, our prime motive is suppose to be founded upon faith and love in Jesus Christ and never focused on ourselves.
Our work, whatever it may be; should not be prideful because pride is against the good works of God. Pride always = dead works. It is His love that lifts people up and warms their hearts. We are to give God all the credit for our achievements as it is He who gives us the ability to acquire our knowledge and work. If we are to have pride in anything at all, it is to be prideful over Jehovah God.

He is also a God of:
* Omniscience -   God is all-knowing
* Omnipresence - God is all-present/all-seeing
* Omnipotence -  God is all-power
     We have a God that knows all,
·        Is everywhere and sees all
·        And has unlimited power.

Absolutely, nothing is hid in His sight. He always was and forever will be.  He knows our weaknesses and knows us better than we know ourselves. This is reason enough to not deceive ourselves when we pray.  

Dead works come from a state of mind that is still holding unforgiveness. What is unforgiveness, but a pride filled heart that was wounded because of rejection, betrayal, an unthinking slight or even abuse that has been our misfortune? Everyone has gone through those things. Never think that those around you have not suffered the same consequences, but only in a different way.

The answer is to know how to respond when such things happen. The renewed mind will tell us:”judgment is up to God; not us.” We are only to judge our own hearts, not others. Unforgiveness judges, but love covers a multitude of sins. Who are we to judge others unless we ourselves have not sinned? Therefore, we are to get right with the person we are holding things against. Go to them if possible and make things right. If it is impossible to go to them, forgive them in your heart and then pray asking God to forgive you. How can God forgive us if we are holding unforgiveness in our own hearts?

Dead works also come from a heart that has not been renewed. If our motives are founded through fear, lies, greed and self grandeur, we either have not been born again or have not renewed our minds; because we are not moving in the will of God.

What is the will of God?

Rightfully well, we are instructed to:

·        Not conform to the customs of the world
·        Renew our minds by the Word of God

Only then, will you be able to know His will in your life and flourish in good works instead of dead works.

Friday, January 24, 2014

I can only Imagine

Tell Me Who I am?

Our God is an Awesome God!

We Have a Singing God

Did you know that we have a Singing God?

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 KJV

The above verse is a song I sing from time to time.

Every time I think of having a Holy Father God who sings over me, I get filled up with joy all over again. Can you just imagine having a God who not only rejoices over us with joy, but sings over us too? Since God created us for His pleasure, and we please Him by our love and faith and we sing praises to His name; is it not incredible to know we have a singing God singing right back over us? We sing together!

We lift our heartfelt praises of song up to Jehovah and when we are doing this we are blessing the Lord. We are giving Him all of our love and honor in thankful obedience. Then, He rejoices over us with joy! We have a joyful God who sees the love we offer up to Him and He sings over us with this joy!

Could our love towards Him fill His heart to burst over us with song?
We want to bless you Father!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Death of a Coffee Pot

Loving My Coffee

Each year brings new discoveries. I have become aware that I have a great deal of similarity with coffee pots. Maybe this is one reason why I am so fond of them, especially the old timey percolators. The coffee pot is a part of my yesteryear that I have simple, yet fond memories of setting the small pot on the stove and watching the coffee pot begin the rhythmic perk as the dark gold liquid got darker by the second.  Such an irresistible aroma and pleasant sound takes me back when daily activities may have been harder physically, but were more predictable. Being raised on my grandparents farm on and off during my childhood, grandfather would bring in milk and they always had real cream in their coffee or tea in the mornings. I looked forward to real milk with freshly baked cinnamon toast with real butter and brown sugar.

My Grandfather smiled a lot and used to call me pigtails. He liked his coffee and poured it in his saucer to be cooled before he literally slurped the rest up. His antics, was to be the dismay of my Victorian Grandmother who drank her tea very carefully and slowly. Grandfather was the rascal and always had a laugh over almost everything. Grandmother must have counted every chew with her food, slowly and methodically. Grandfather gobbled his food and would dunk his bread in the fresh maple syrup that was available. I first chose to imitate Grandfather because his technique seemed much more fun, but; I soon received correction quickly as “ladies do not eat that way.” Back then, you were taught old traditional values with very high standards. I even learned to curtsy in front of my elders out of respect. Yes, they did that in those days.

My first coffee pot was one of those small aluminum pots that made about 6 small cups. We drank strong, but smooth coffee along with a few escaped grounds. Who cared? We didn’t. My mother would make a pot of coffee and it would be on her stove for the rest of the day. When the electric percolator revolutionized the industry, all of America rushed out to buy one. Then mom kept her pot plugged in all day long. By the end of the day she looked like she was drinking mud.

Today, I still love the percolator the best. I fix my coffee pot before I retire and when I get up before sunrise (early riser), I plug in the workhorse. I have gone through the drippers and they have since passed over to the other side. Although the percolator sounds like it is in agony at 5:00 am coughing and grinding, I have discovered it is like a tractor in a farm, able to go through anything and do anything.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Being an Overcomer

“Put on God’s whole armor – the armor of a heavy-armed soldier, which God supplies – that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 amp.

Earthly troubles and trials have a way of entering our lives in a most unwelcoming time. Just when we seem to have gotten “it all together” and we feel we can kick back a little, we notice there is another bump in the road to go over first. For some of us, there are mountains to go over and a raging river to swim across. The steeper the mountain, the more muscles you get; and as the river rages, while you swim; the more oxygen you receive because of the determination that is set in your heart.

Is there anything too big or small for our God? We know that answer. There isn’t anything too great or small for our Father.

Christians (believers) are at war. If they are warring, what do they have to be so joyful about? All believers go from battle to overcoming and back to joy. Battle – Overcoming – Joy.

We would not have joy if we did not have the experience of overcoming the obstacles in our paths. When you see a joyful believer, you are seeing a strong believer; one who has learned how to be an overcomer through the heavy trials they have gone through. 

Just recently, dear friends of ours went on a vacation in Chattanooga, Tn. during the holidays. While they were there, Bill had a massive stroke that left him paralyzed on the right side of his body. They did not know that Chattanooga had a specialized hospital for stroke victims. The paramedics rushed him quickly to the facilities where the specialized Dr. gave him surgery and medicine immediately. Within a few days, he was walking around and talking almost as good as new. As if the incident had not even happened. Barbara needed medications herself and it “just so happened” that a friend of theirs would be passing through and was able to bring them up on her way through. As if that were not enough, “it just so happened” that another friend of theirs who was a physical therapist was in the area and stopped in to see how Bill was doing. And, “it just so happened” that they had a Doctor who prayed for them during this whole procedure. Everyone is talking about the miracle that happened at Christmas time in the hospital. Barbara went into prayer and never stopped praying for Bill. They have since returned home and the whole church is rejoicing over the miracle that God has given to them.
Was it all a chance happening? A coincidence? I think not. God had everything lined up and Bill and Barbara were assisted with angels as they walked through that trial. God has many names and one of them is: Jehovah Rapha our Healer, who showed up!

The word talks about how we are to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand up against the wiles of the enemy. Only a soldier wears armor. The minute the armor (arms) is put on, there stands a completed soldier for the Kingdom of God; completely ready for battle. In his mind, the battle has already been won. He has undergone the rigorous training of boot camp and he knows the enemy well.

Our soldier first places a belt of truth upon himself. He knows he has found the truth in Jesus the Messiah and he will not be persuaded to believe in another god. He knows that Jesus is Lord and was the sacrificial Lamb to take away our sins, for those who believe. He knows that The Bible is the Word of God. He may not understand it all, but with a firm stance, he refuses to compromise the truth.

Next, he places “The Breastplate of Righteousness” in the proper place, over his heart. He guards what he puts in his heart because he knows it is a well-spring of life. He has learned that we have the Righteousness of Christ inside of us and that we are the Temple of Holy Spirit.

He then slips his feet into a perfectly selected pair of boots that gives him firm support to go out and give the Good News of the Gospel of Peace. For he knows, although we are at war with invisible forces, our soldier fights the enemy promoting The Peace of God. Therefore, he refuses to argue and overcomes evil with good.

He picks up his Shield. Shields were made of many things in those days: wood, wicker and later on metal. The Christian soldier’s shield is made up with faith. The Shield of faith stops any weapon that is formed against him. He knows that it is impossible to please God without faith.

He puts on The Helmet of Salvation which is the Sword of the Spirit. In Bible days times, helmets were made out of wood, leather, brass, bronze, linen and even rushes. Swords were made of iron and kept in a sheath. To draw a sword meant imminent war. The believer fights the unseen enemy knowing he is a child of God. His Father God is Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, his Protector. He can use the word of God like a double edge sword.

For example, the enemy could come to you in a perverse example of twisting the Word of God around for pleasure or justification of sin.

Example: I once listened to a well intended lady telling me how she was going to divorce her husband because she KNEW “God” had someone out there for her. Hold on here, didn't she already have a spouse? Doesn't the word say that we are to have one mate? She was saying that God wanted her to leave her husband because there was someone else out there. Doesn't the word say that we are not to commit adultery?  What god was she listening to? Can you recognize the spirit of error in her life? She was believing a lie and twisting the truth for her own wants and desires. God hates divorce. There was no abuse or infidelity happening in her marriage to justify her thinking processes.
Her solution was to accept Biblical counseling to restore God’s love in the marriage. As far as I know, she has been a divorced woman for many years now and still looking for the one “who God has for her.”

We can easily get off the wrong track, by not taking the time to discern whether a situation is of God. If we were to begin to think the same way as the lady mentioned above, our first reaction should be is to screen it with the Word of God. Would God really say that He wants you to leave your mate? No. 
Only if your mate is abusing you and it is a life threatening situation or in infidelity can this be justified. Just because a spouse get bored, falls out of love or “begins to think” about what life would be like single, does not make it right. Remember, we are fighting powers and principalities in high places that lie and try to seduce us. In the beginning the tempter makes it appear good, exciting and right, but the end is a heart filled with remorse and tears.   
We all make mistakes and there are many temptations at work, around the corner and sometimes, they seem to be right in our face!

The Bible says:
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1Co. 10:12 & 13. NIV

This is why we must get in the habit of praying. Ask God to intervene every day, especially during temptations. Expect His intervention. When you pray asking, believe that it is done! God said that He will always provide a way of escape. Start looking for that place of escape, sometimes all we have to do is say no or walk away.
Most important, before you leave the house; Put on the Whole Armor of God.

God Bless You All!  


Monday, January 13, 2014

A Shot of Encouragement for You

A Small Morning Poem for You

"A heart that touches and links with God,
must be gold.

99.9% pure, filled with Jesus I am told.

Serving and loving the flock every day.  As much as you can in every way.

                                          So, do not get discouraged, be glad in your heart,

                                          Jesus is with us right from the start."

 God Bless You All !

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Resolution

              The Resolution

“I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9
“And other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”John 10:16
“My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:29

Our journey is not easy, but the Battle is the Lords. In order for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in your life, the very first step is to believe that His Word (Bible) is the true word of God.
Just as there is a salve for every hurting wound, God’s word has the answer to today’s problems.  I give Biblical remedies and solutions. 

Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but His words shall not pass away.  

After you have agreed that the Bible is the true word of God, the second step is to accept that Jesus is the son of God and was sent to be a living sacrifice on the cross. His blood was shed so everyone who believes could have forgiveness of their sins. Without the shedding of His blood, there would be no remission of sins.

The Bible says that everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of God. The best person you can think of has sinned. No one can make it to glory on their own, or in their own way or own belief system; that is, If you believe in what the Bible says about it. We have all made wrong decisions and suffered the consequences in one way or another. All born-again believers walk through this same door that you are walking through today. No matter what nationality, gender, religious background, Jesus paid the price on the cross for you to be set free.

At this time, picture His outstretched arm offering the free gift of grace to you. Grace is undeserved favor or pardon. We are saved by this grace, through faith. We cannot work for it, because the debt is already paid. Look at it this way: Jesus took our place on the cross. Today, as you read this:  He asks that you would confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness through His Son Jesus. Before we go any further, please repeat this prayer in your heart:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that your Word is the Word of God. I believe that Jesus is His Son and died for me so that I will be saved from the second death the Word talks about in judgement. I know I have sinned against you and many others. (name your sins) and I ask that you would forgive those sins and take them away. Give me a new heart Lord. Give me a new life. I repent Father. Give me strength and I ask that Your Holy Spirit would teach me Your truth so I can grow in your knowledge. Help me connect with other born-again believers and lead me to the Church that is filled with your Word.  Thank You Father, in Jesus amen.

That was your second step. Congratulations! If you prayed that prayer with a humble repentent heart, you are now a member of the Kingdom of God, The Church, Believers, The Family or Body of Christ. There are many names and you will eventually learn them.

Your third step is to forgive others for their offenses toward you. Those who have betrayed you. We have all been betrayed and hurt. The Bible talks about how we must forgive everyone, because if we do not forgive others our Father in heaven will not forgive us. Sometimes it helps to write these people down on a piece of paper and go over each one, deliberately forgiving them.  

There are people who get deliverance suddenly when they come into the family of Christ. All of a sudden, they don’t have the craving to smoke or do drugs anymore. They do not have the desire to run around anymore and as they pray and grow in the Bible they discover the craving for the old life eventually disappears. It is a little by little process. You really do become a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit begins to do a deep work inside of you and will talk personally to you in ways you will understand. That simple heart felt prayer that you prayed, caused your name to be written in the Lamb’s (Jesus) Book of Life. There is now a record of your humbleness when you prayed. God read your heart.

It is vital that you begin to prayerfully read your Bible. This is how you will fight your temptations and old worldly habits. We fight the Prince of the Power of the Air and the rest of the fallen spirits BY THE WORD OF GOD. The Bible talks about how the Word is a double edged sword. The Word is your weapon!

For example, knowing you are a child of the King now; should you feel fearful and confused over an incident, you can speak to that problem and say: For God hath not given “me”  the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7    And “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” 1John 4:18
Your perfect love is the one you accepted in your life “Jesus.”

This is how you fight the enemy, by the Word of God.
When Jesus was taken into the wilderness and tempted by satan, He quoted the Word. He said It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” Deuteronomy 8:3 
Jesus taught us how to fight the enemy. Use the Word to fight your fears.

And, there is more; but that is for next time.
God Bless you all.