Thursday, January 16, 2014


Being an Overcomer

“Put on God’s whole armor – the armor of a heavy-armed soldier, which God supplies – that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 amp.

Earthly troubles and trials have a way of entering our lives in a most unwelcoming time. Just when we seem to have gotten “it all together” and we feel we can kick back a little, we notice there is another bump in the road to go over first. For some of us, there are mountains to go over and a raging river to swim across. The steeper the mountain, the more muscles you get; and as the river rages, while you swim; the more oxygen you receive because of the determination that is set in your heart.

Is there anything too big or small for our God? We know that answer. There isn’t anything too great or small for our Father.

Christians (believers) are at war. If they are warring, what do they have to be so joyful about? All believers go from battle to overcoming and back to joy. Battle – Overcoming – Joy.

We would not have joy if we did not have the experience of overcoming the obstacles in our paths. When you see a joyful believer, you are seeing a strong believer; one who has learned how to be an overcomer through the heavy trials they have gone through. 

Just recently, dear friends of ours went on a vacation in Chattanooga, Tn. during the holidays. While they were there, Bill had a massive stroke that left him paralyzed on the right side of his body. They did not know that Chattanooga had a specialized hospital for stroke victims. The paramedics rushed him quickly to the facilities where the specialized Dr. gave him surgery and medicine immediately. Within a few days, he was walking around and talking almost as good as new. As if the incident had not even happened. Barbara needed medications herself and it “just so happened” that a friend of theirs would be passing through and was able to bring them up on her way through. As if that were not enough, “it just so happened” that another friend of theirs who was a physical therapist was in the area and stopped in to see how Bill was doing. And, “it just so happened” that they had a Doctor who prayed for them during this whole procedure. Everyone is talking about the miracle that happened at Christmas time in the hospital. Barbara went into prayer and never stopped praying for Bill. They have since returned home and the whole church is rejoicing over the miracle that God has given to them.
Was it all a chance happening? A coincidence? I think not. God had everything lined up and Bill and Barbara were assisted with angels as they walked through that trial. God has many names and one of them is: Jehovah Rapha our Healer, who showed up!

The word talks about how we are to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand up against the wiles of the enemy. Only a soldier wears armor. The minute the armor (arms) is put on, there stands a completed soldier for the Kingdom of God; completely ready for battle. In his mind, the battle has already been won. He has undergone the rigorous training of boot camp and he knows the enemy well.

Our soldier first places a belt of truth upon himself. He knows he has found the truth in Jesus the Messiah and he will not be persuaded to believe in another god. He knows that Jesus is Lord and was the sacrificial Lamb to take away our sins, for those who believe. He knows that The Bible is the Word of God. He may not understand it all, but with a firm stance, he refuses to compromise the truth.

Next, he places “The Breastplate of Righteousness” in the proper place, over his heart. He guards what he puts in his heart because he knows it is a well-spring of life. He has learned that we have the Righteousness of Christ inside of us and that we are the Temple of Holy Spirit.

He then slips his feet into a perfectly selected pair of boots that gives him firm support to go out and give the Good News of the Gospel of Peace. For he knows, although we are at war with invisible forces, our soldier fights the enemy promoting The Peace of God. Therefore, he refuses to argue and overcomes evil with good.

He picks up his Shield. Shields were made of many things in those days: wood, wicker and later on metal. The Christian soldier’s shield is made up with faith. The Shield of faith stops any weapon that is formed against him. He knows that it is impossible to please God without faith.

He puts on The Helmet of Salvation which is the Sword of the Spirit. In Bible days times, helmets were made out of wood, leather, brass, bronze, linen and even rushes. Swords were made of iron and kept in a sheath. To draw a sword meant imminent war. The believer fights the unseen enemy knowing he is a child of God. His Father God is Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, his Protector. He can use the word of God like a double edge sword.

For example, the enemy could come to you in a perverse example of twisting the Word of God around for pleasure or justification of sin.

Example: I once listened to a well intended lady telling me how she was going to divorce her husband because she KNEW “God” had someone out there for her. Hold on here, didn't she already have a spouse? Doesn't the word say that we are to have one mate? She was saying that God wanted her to leave her husband because there was someone else out there. Doesn't the word say that we are not to commit adultery?  What god was she listening to? Can you recognize the spirit of error in her life? She was believing a lie and twisting the truth for her own wants and desires. God hates divorce. There was no abuse or infidelity happening in her marriage to justify her thinking processes.
Her solution was to accept Biblical counseling to restore God’s love in the marriage. As far as I know, she has been a divorced woman for many years now and still looking for the one “who God has for her.”

We can easily get off the wrong track, by not taking the time to discern whether a situation is of God. If we were to begin to think the same way as the lady mentioned above, our first reaction should be is to screen it with the Word of God. Would God really say that He wants you to leave your mate? No. 
Only if your mate is abusing you and it is a life threatening situation or in infidelity can this be justified. Just because a spouse get bored, falls out of love or “begins to think” about what life would be like single, does not make it right. Remember, we are fighting powers and principalities in high places that lie and try to seduce us. In the beginning the tempter makes it appear good, exciting and right, but the end is a heart filled with remorse and tears.   
We all make mistakes and there are many temptations at work, around the corner and sometimes, they seem to be right in our face!

The Bible says:
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1Co. 10:12 & 13. NIV

This is why we must get in the habit of praying. Ask God to intervene every day, especially during temptations. Expect His intervention. When you pray asking, believe that it is done! God said that He will always provide a way of escape. Start looking for that place of escape, sometimes all we have to do is say no or walk away.
Most important, before you leave the house; Put on the Whole Armor of God.

God Bless You All!  


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