Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Resolution

              The Resolution

“I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” John 10:9
“And other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”John 10:16
“My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:29

Our journey is not easy, but the Battle is the Lords. In order for the Holy Spirit to begin to work in your life, the very first step is to believe that His Word (Bible) is the true word of God.
Just as there is a salve for every hurting wound, God’s word has the answer to today’s problems.  I give Biblical remedies and solutions. 

Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but His words shall not pass away.  

After you have agreed that the Bible is the true word of God, the second step is to accept that Jesus is the son of God and was sent to be a living sacrifice on the cross. His blood was shed so everyone who believes could have forgiveness of their sins. Without the shedding of His blood, there would be no remission of sins.

The Bible says that everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of God. The best person you can think of has sinned. No one can make it to glory on their own, or in their own way or own belief system; that is, If you believe in what the Bible says about it. We have all made wrong decisions and suffered the consequences in one way or another. All born-again believers walk through this same door that you are walking through today. No matter what nationality, gender, religious background, Jesus paid the price on the cross for you to be set free.

At this time, picture His outstretched arm offering the free gift of grace to you. Grace is undeserved favor or pardon. We are saved by this grace, through faith. We cannot work for it, because the debt is already paid. Look at it this way: Jesus took our place on the cross. Today, as you read this:  He asks that you would confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness through His Son Jesus. Before we go any further, please repeat this prayer in your heart:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that your Word is the Word of God. I believe that Jesus is His Son and died for me so that I will be saved from the second death the Word talks about in judgement. I know I have sinned against you and many others. (name your sins) and I ask that you would forgive those sins and take them away. Give me a new heart Lord. Give me a new life. I repent Father. Give me strength and I ask that Your Holy Spirit would teach me Your truth so I can grow in your knowledge. Help me connect with other born-again believers and lead me to the Church that is filled with your Word.  Thank You Father, in Jesus amen.

That was your second step. Congratulations! If you prayed that prayer with a humble repentent heart, you are now a member of the Kingdom of God, The Church, Believers, The Family or Body of Christ. There are many names and you will eventually learn them.

Your third step is to forgive others for their offenses toward you. Those who have betrayed you. We have all been betrayed and hurt. The Bible talks about how we must forgive everyone, because if we do not forgive others our Father in heaven will not forgive us. Sometimes it helps to write these people down on a piece of paper and go over each one, deliberately forgiving them.  

There are people who get deliverance suddenly when they come into the family of Christ. All of a sudden, they don’t have the craving to smoke or do drugs anymore. They do not have the desire to run around anymore and as they pray and grow in the Bible they discover the craving for the old life eventually disappears. It is a little by little process. You really do become a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit begins to do a deep work inside of you and will talk personally to you in ways you will understand. That simple heart felt prayer that you prayed, caused your name to be written in the Lamb’s (Jesus) Book of Life. There is now a record of your humbleness when you prayed. God read your heart.

It is vital that you begin to prayerfully read your Bible. This is how you will fight your temptations and old worldly habits. We fight the Prince of the Power of the Air and the rest of the fallen spirits BY THE WORD OF GOD. The Bible talks about how the Word is a double edged sword. The Word is your weapon!

For example, knowing you are a child of the King now; should you feel fearful and confused over an incident, you can speak to that problem and say: For God hath not given “me”  the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7    And “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” 1John 4:18
Your perfect love is the one you accepted in your life “Jesus.”

This is how you fight the enemy, by the Word of God.
When Jesus was taken into the wilderness and tempted by satan, He quoted the Word. He said It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” Deuteronomy 8:3 
Jesus taught us how to fight the enemy. Use the Word to fight your fears.

And, there is more; but that is for next time.
God Bless you all.

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