Saturday, April 19, 2014

Do Not Buy the Lie

What is the main lie that the spirit of darkness says to those who have fallen away from God because of giving into the ways of the world?

Please remember first, these lies speak through your conscience and your memories.  The biggest lie they say to you is:

“I cannot return to God until I clean up my life. I cannot return to God until I get my act together. I have gone too far and He will never accept me the way I am now; the way I have gone. The things I have done and still do. I could never walk into any church, I would be a hypocrite. I must clean up myself first.

Those are his Biggest LIES !

For a very long time I thought those very words. In my heart I knew I was going to come back to God the Father of my childhood someday, but how could He accept me now? According to the church I’d been raised, I was a fallen woman (divorced at the time) and they would never accept me. And, that is when I got into the Bible and sought the truth for myself and was born-again. That was many many years ago.

Long ago when we were living in Canada I knew a single young man who went up to the altar on every occasion. I knew he was struggling with something because he stayed at the altar for a lengthy time and he was determined to overcome whatever he was dealing with. He cried while he prayed. 

 Eventually, he did overcome his obstacles and continues to stay in church today, along with his wife and children.

This is the truth! You are going to have temptations; you will fall at times and again. You may even stay in the demise of your thirst, but let me tell you; we cannot clean up our own act. We can make the decision to do it, but do not have that power, until we come back to God. The whole situation is a heart thing. You may be struggling with all sorts of addictions and thinking to yourself  “Who do I think that I am? What in the world am I thinking? I cannot go to church.”

Did you ever think that it is these very people that the Body of Christ is made up with? Ex prostitutes, ex addicts, ex thieves, ex abusers, ex adulterers, ex murderers, ex ex ex’s!! And, not one of us are perfect; just on a journey in that direction. Do we mess up? Definitely! The Bible says that when you break one commandment, you’ve broke them all. If we think of murder, we have done it. If we look upon another in lust, we have done it. It still goes back to a heart thing. This is why we need a Savior and need His forgiveness. 

That means humbling ourselves and admitting that we cannot straighten things out ourselves. It means admitting that we need a higher power, we need God.

No matter what knee deep thing you’ve gotten yourself into, return to Jesus Christ. Let the Holy Spirit soften your heart.  Give Him a chance by trusting His Word, give Him a chance by allowing Him to love you.  
I urge you not to believe the lie anymore and come back home to the God of your childhood. He will take your hand and little by little begin to deliver you of your worst fears and addictions. Trust Him today, this Easter and allow His Spirit to love you. Become resurrected into a new you by coming back home and let the Holy Spirit do the work inside of you that needs to be done.

Not one of us have arrived, this is why we will always need Jesus.

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